Provide seamless access to a collection of high quality resources, including print, web-based resources and locally produced content, which meet the curricular and research requirements of the University.
Special Collections Resources
Improve the Library's catalog so it accurately reflects the holdings in the Thomason Room, Special Collections.
Special Collections
Access to material in Special Collections will be improved by correction, creation and recovery of records through a re-inventory project.
Re-inventory Special Collections
Establish benchmarks for the project using a shelf-list report for call numbers A to F by noting the number of corrected records and the number of new records added to the catalog. Accomplish 50% completion of re-inventory target.
Re-inventory Special Collections
The re-inventorying project for call numbers A-F was completed. Over 1000 records were changed, corrected, or created. During this project it became evident that moving items to cataloging to have records entered in the catalog removed the items from Special Collection for long periods of time. It was decided to give the Library Associate a cataloging wizard to allow her to create short records that could be identified by cataloging at a later date for complete cataloging; the item would stay in Special Collections.
Complete Re-inventory Project G-Z Call Numbers
Continue ongoing physical inventory of items and their call numbers and records in catalog, completing the project next year. Correct, update or modify as needed to provide accurate information in the online catalog. Locations noted if items belongs to a special group or collection of materials. In order to reduce the time, items needing a full catalog record are located in Cataloging, and the Library Associate will be trained to create short records for the catalog. A wizard will be created to allow the Library Associate to create short records in the catalog that could be identified by cataloging at a later date for complete cataloging; the item would stay in Special Collections until a cataloger needs to see the item for a complete description.