OATdb Archive

2009 - 2010


Service To Community
Provide environmental expertise to east Texas communities as mandated by the TRIES charter

Community Environmental Education
Provide environmental awareness to civic groups, schools, and citizens of Texas.

Community Outreach
Number of educational outreach events to educate the east Texas community about environmental issues.

Educational Outreach
TRIES staff and researchers will participate in at least three community related events.

Community Outreach
TRIES staff and researchers engaged in the following outreach projects: (1) hosted a Texas Parks and Wildlife symposium (2) gave three interviews to local and regional media outlets, and (3) have given tours labortory facilities to five educational groups. TRIES received press coverage from Houston PPS and the Huntsville Item and was the subject of discussion at four professional conferences in the biological sciences.

Community Outreach
TRIES staff and director were pleased with the findings. Our educational outreach projects totaled eight  and thus we exceeded the number of our expected projects by five. We want to increase the research content of these outreach projects. Thus we plan to continue providing professional servcies to the community. In the academic year 2010 - 2011 we will incorporate more of our research fellows into our outreach program. This will give the commuity greater access to the research being conducted a TRIES.

Faculty Research
Facilitate faculty and student research at Sam Houston State University.

Faculty Research Support
Provide access to TRIES equipment and expertise to aid SHSU faculty and students in their research.

Research Support
Number of SHSU researchers who are supported by TRIES equipment, facilities, or expertise.

Research Support
TRIES will be able to provide services and resources to all faculty and students who request assistance in their research program.

Research Support
TRIES was able to provide services and resources for all faculty and students who requested the services and resources. The TRIES director believes that the need for services and resources is growing.

Research Support
The TRIES director believes that the need for services and resources is growing and thus he will begin expanding the TRIES facilities beginning in fall 2010 through grants and unviersity support.

Clientele Service
TRIES will provide analytical services for the Huntsville and surrounding communities.

Environmental Monitoring And Analysis
Provide environmental service to evaluate environmental conditions and problems in east Texas.

Environmental Analysis
Number of clients for which TRIES provides technical environmental analysis.

Analysis Services
Provide environmental analytical services for at least 60 clients.

Environmental Analysis
TRIES provided analytical services to more than 70 farmers/ranchers, contractors, SHSU physical plant, and other environmental groups.TRIES will continue to increase the number of cleints served each year. Although TRIES serviced clients the TRIES director believes clients would benefit from having more information about advancement in research conducted at the analytical labortory.

Environmental Aanlysis
TRIES director and staff will promoting TRIES research advancements relevant to its clientele. Promotion will occur through advertising and professional publications.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement Community Service: TRIES staff and director were pleased with the findings. Our educational outreach projects totaled eight  and thus we exceeded the number of our expected projects by five. We want to increase the research content of these outreach projects. Thus we plan to continue providing professional servcies to the community. In the academic year 2010 - 2011 we will incorporate more of our research fellows into our outreach program. This will give the commuity greater access to the research being conducted a TRIES.

Research Support: The TRIES director believes that the need for services and resources is growing and thus he will begin expanding the TRIES facilities beginning in fall 2010 through grants and unviersity support.

Envrionmental Analysis: TRIES director and staff will begin promoting TRIES research advancements that are relevant to its clientele. Promotion will occur through advertising and professional publications.