The biomechanical principles associated with striking, throwing, catching, running, walking, and jumping will be emphasized in the Kinesiology BS Sports Medicine Program.
Biomechanics Mastery
Students majoring in Kinesiology Sports Medicine will be able to explain the biomechanical principles associated with striking, throwing, catching, running, walking, and jumping.
Biomechanics Measurement
A common embedded portion of each section of KIN 362 includes a written exam developed by the faculty. The exam will require students to explain the biomechanical principles associated with striking, throwing, catching, running, walking, and jumping.
Biomechanics Assessment
Students must score at least 70% correct on the common embedded exam which assesses the biomechanical principles associated with striking, throwing, catching, running, walking, and jumping.
Biomechanics Principles
78% of the students scored at least 70% correct on the common embedded exam which assessed the biomechanical principles. 12% of the students scored above the target of 70% and 10% of the students scored below the 70% target.
After a review of the current performance of students on the biomechanics assessment, 10% of the students did not meet the target. The program faculty identified weaknesses in students'ability to make appropriate analysis and associations. The faculty have have decided to address these areas of need by adding at least four additional assignments/projects and exams in KIN 362.
Communication Skills
Oral and written communications skills will be emphasize in the Kinesiology BS Sports Medicine Program.
Effective Presentation Skills
Students majoring in Kinesiology Sports Medicine will be able to orally and in written form explain the athletic trainer's role in evaluating an injury in the absence of a physician.
Presentation Assessment
An oral presentation rubric and a written report rubric developed by the faculty will be used to measure student success of this objective.
Trainer's Role Presentation
Students must correctly cite or discuss 7/10 the athletic trainer's role in evaluating an injury in the absence of a physician in the common oral and written rubrics.
Communication Skills
90% of the students were able to discuss correctly all 10 of the athletic trainer's role in evaluating an injury. 8% of the students were able to discuss correctly 7/10, and 2% fell short of meeting the target of 7/10.
After a review of the current performance of students on the communication skills assignment in KIN 369, the program faculty have decided that more focus and emphasis should be placed on mechanics, grammar, sentence construction, and basic presentation skills. Kinesiology core courses will include at least two common embedded oral and written assignments/projects that will address these short-falls of the students (2%) that did not meet the target.
Content Knowledge
The Kinesiology BS Sports Medicine Program will emphasize content knowledge and skills that are needed by professionals in the field.
Muscular Strength And Endurance Mastery
Students will be able to explain, demonstrate, and prescribe exercises designed to increase muscular strength and endurance.
Muscular Strength And Endurance Exam
A common embedded portion of each section of KIN 373 is a written exam developed by the faculty. It will require students to explain, demonstrate, and prescribe exercises designed to increase muscular strength and endurance.
Muscular Strength And Endurance Standard
Students must score at least 70% correct on the common embedded exam assessment of muscular strength and endurance.
Content Knowledge
80% of the students scored correct at the 70% target on the common embedded exam assessment of muscular strength and endurance. 13% of the students scored above the 70% target and 7% of the students scored below the target.
Content Mastery
After a review of the current performance of students on the content knowledge assignment, the program faculty have decided that two additional assignments will be added to address two areas of weaknesses identified, facts and application of content knowledge skills. Kinesiology core courses will include at least two more common embedded content knowledge assignments/projects developed and designed to address these short-falls of the students (7%) that did not meet the target.