OATdb Archive

2009 - 2010

Kinesiology BS (All Level Teacher Certification)

Content Knowledge
The Kinesiology Teacher Certification program will emphasize the content knowledge and skills that are necessary for teacher candidates to become a professional Physical Educator. 

Application Of Content Knowledge
Kinesiology Teacher Certification candidates will be able to demonstrate the use of instructional strategies to meet the various learning styles and multiple intelligences of a diverse class of students.

Specific Activity Measurement
A common embedded portion of each section of KIN 375 and KIN 469 assignments developed by the faculty will require students to develop instructional/lesson plans that will meet the various learning styles and multiple intelligences of a diverse class of students. 

Assessing Content Knowledge
Students must score at least 80% correct on the common embedded instructional lesson plans assignments to meet the various learning styles and multiple intelligences of a diverse class of learners.

Assessing Content Knowledge
90% of the students achieved above the target score of 80% correct on the common embedded instructional lesson plans assignments. 10% of the students met the target of 80% mastery of this objective.

Content Knowledge
After a review of the current performance of students on the content knowledge assessment, the program faculty have decided to raise the target to 85% of mastery for next year and  that more focus and emphasis will be placed on content knowledge applications.  The kinesiology core courses will include at least four more common embedded assignments/projects so that the students will gain more experience and practice in content knowledge application.

Physical Fitness
The Kinesiology Teacher Certification program will emphasize the improtance of physical fitness assessment. 

Mastery Of FITNESSGRAM Software
Kinesiology Teacher Certification Candidates will be able to use the FITNESSGRAM software to enter performance data and create reports. 

A common embedded portion of each section of KIN 368 assignment developed by the faculty will require the teacher candidates to use the FITNESSGRAM software and produce the following: 1) create and print one FITNESSGRAM student report, 2) create and print one FITNESSGRAM parent report, 3) create and print one FITNESSGRAM summary report, 4) interpret performance data, 5) recommendations for fitness improvement, and 6) set three fitness goals for future.

Teacher candidates must correctly perform 5/6 tasks on the common embedded assignment on the use of the FITNESSGRAM.

95% of the students were able to perform 6/6 of the tasks required on the FITNESSGRAM assessment.  5% of the students achieved the target 5/6 mastery on the assessment.

After a review of student performance on using the FITNESSGRAM software, the program faculty have decided that more focus and emphasis will be placed on this assignment.  It is now a state law that all physical education teachers are prepared to administer correctly the FITNESSGRAM in public schools. Therefore, students will be required to do at least two assignments on the use of the FITNESSGRAM during the 2010-2011 academic year. 

Technology Use
Kinesiology Teacher Certification Candidates will use information technology to enhance learning and to enhance personal and professional productivity.

Using Technology
Kinesiology teacher candidate will demonstrate an understanding of technology by designing, developing, and implementing student learning activities that integrate information technology.

Evaluation Of Technology Use
This indicator assesses candidate understanding of technology by designing, developing, and implementing student learning activities that integrate information technology. The following assignments/projects will be used to determine if candidates have met the objective: - Lesson plans - Technology Assignments - Evidence of use of networks (www,etc) - Use of multimedia technology for instruction and/or assessment -The Teacher Work Sample (TWS) The Teacher Work Sample (TWS), adapted from the Renaissance Partnership for Improving teacher Quality Project, is a performance assessment designed to demonstrate evidence of Sam Houston State University candidates' ability to facilitate learning for all students. The TWS will be used to assess the candidates' performance on each of the specified tasks.

Technology Assessment
Teacher certification candidates must score at least 70% correct on all of the technology assignments/projects embedded in the TWS.

97% of the teacher certification candidates scored above the 70% target, and 3% of the teacher certification candidates scored below the 70% target on the technology assignments/projects embedded in the TWS.

After a review of the Kinesiology teacher candidate performance on using technology, the program faculty have decided that more focus and emphasis will be placed on this skill. 3% of the candidates did not meet the target, therefore all Kinesiology core courses will require  at least four technology assignments that will address the weaknesses identified from the candidates work (technology networks, multimedia, and power-point development). This will provide students with additional opportunities to practice and demonstrate mastery of technology skills.

Professional Competences
Teacher Certification candidates will be prepared to pass the state TExES Exam in Physical Education EC-12.

State Physical Education EC-12 EXAM
Teacher Certification candidates will demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to be certified in the state of Texas as an EC-12 Physical Education Teacher.

TEXES Content Specific Education
The TEXES Exam will be used to determine if the Teacher certification candidates have met this objective.

Assessing TEXES Competencies
Teacher certification candidates must score at least 240 on the TEXES exam (see attached April 2010 TEXES scores).

During the 2009/2010 academic year a total of 27 teacher certification candidates took the TEXES exam.  26 of the 27 teacher certification candidates scored 240 or higher on the exam.  Only one student scored less than the required score of 240.

After a review of the teacher certification candidate performance on the TEXES exam, the program faculty have decided to continue to provide embedded competencies and skills in all courses in order to provide students with opportunities to practice and apply the content knowledge needed to become effective physical education teachers. Candidates will be encouraged to attend at least one of the two review sessions prior to taking the TEXES competencies/exam.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement After reviewing all of the findings, it was noted that the teacher certification candidates met or exceeded the target in the areas of content knowledge, and physical fitness/fitnessgram. Emerging weakness from candidates' work did occur in the areas of technology and the TEXES exam.  In an effort to address these short-falls, the program faculty have decided that some candidates require and need more opportunities to practice, demonstrate, and apply competencies in the areas of technology, and preparation for the TEXES exam. Changes in the curriculum will include increasing the number of required technology assignments/projects/activities, and to encourage candidates to attend at least one official review session before taking the TEXES exam. Both of the suggested curriculum changes are developed and designed to address the identified weaknesses found in candidates work during the 2009-2010 academic year.