Provide services, including advisement, application assistance, field experience assignments, practice and application for TExES Exam, and areas related to NCATE, to students pursuing initial teacher certfication.
Practice Examination
Provide effective communication of representative form/practice examination information (including exam pre-requisites, exam schedule, registration direction, and exam results) to support student preparation for state certification exams.
Candidate Satisfaction With Service Area Of Practice Examination Administration
Candidate satisfaction measured in terms of 1) their level of satisfaction and 2) importance to them, expressed as mean score using a 5-point scale from the Student Teacher End-of-Program Evaluation of SHSU Services and Operations, section E.
Candidate Satisfaction With Practice Examinations
Target of a mean score of 4.2 as expressed in survey of 2009-2010 cohort of student teachers.
Satisfaction with quality of service in representative form/practice examination rated at a mean score of 3.48 in 2009-2010 on a five-point Likert scale (3.68 in 2008-2009, 3.63 in 2007-08, 3.51 in 2006-07).
Modifications To Improve Practice Examination Service
New Certification officer overseeing representative form/practice examination began Dec. 1 following a 4-month vacancy. Staff and supervisor discussed representative form to determine strategies to implement plan for improvement in 2010-2011. New/updated representative forms purchased for student use (EC-6, 4-8, music and principal). SHSU Testing Center agreed to begin administering representative forms, providing more professional and authentic testing experience. Established forms, communication, and procedures for “weekday” administrations for specific student groups. Communication improved through refined representative form website to better assist students, faculty, and staff. Continued to increase the quality and quantity of communication via email, Tk20, and the internet to students and appropriate faculty as related to representative form information. Invited and encouraged faculty to post representative form administration dates on their Blackboard. Increased communication related to TExES review software in Reading Center to facilitate students' preparation for the representative form and the TExES. Developed new exam analysis and reporting software to improve timeliness and detail of feedback to candidates and faculty. Certification officer attended Texas Education Agency and certification officer association meetings. Certification officer assessed needs to determine future professional development.
Provide supplementary academic advisement as students prepare to enter the educator preparation program.
Candidate Satisfaction With Service Area Of Advisement
Candidate satisfaction measured in terms of 1) their level of satisfaction and 2) importance to them, expressed as mean score using a 5-point scale from the Student Teacher End-of-Program Evaluation of SHSU Services and Operations, section B.
Candidate Satisfaction With Advisement
Target of a mean score of 4.2 as expressed in survey of 2009-2010 cohort of student teachers.
Advisement Evaluation Results
Satisfaction with quality of service in advisement rated at a mean score of 3.51 in 2009-2010 on a five point Likert scale (3.88 in 2008-2009, 3.58 in 2007-08, 3.51 in 2006-07).
Modifications To Improve Advisement Service
In the fall, advisement for initial undergraduate teacher certification was partially transferred from C & I and LLSP faculty to the university advisement center, providing more consistent and professional service. Transfer advisement and some individual advisement continued to be serviced by the Educator Preparation Services (EPS) advisor. The advisement transition was overseen by the EPS advisor, who was hired and moved to the university advisement center (Sam Center) on Jan. 1. The new EPS advisor began Feb. 1 following a 1-month vacancy. The advisement transition facilitated improved advisement for teacher candidates in the Sam Center, but naturally created a void of experience in EPS. Both advisors and the EPS supervisor discussed advisement-related data, determined strategies to implement plan for improvement in 2010-2011. Communication improved through refined advisement website to better assist students, faculty, and staff. Continued to increase the quality and quantity of communication via email, Tk20, and the internet to students and appropriate faculty as related to advisement information. To assure quality communication, advisement documentation continued to be comprehensive, and students were given copies of advisement. Both advisors continued to attend "Deja Vu" (program delivery coordination) meetings and continued to take proactive measures to identify potential issues affecting graduation status and processed necessary paperwork to clear student records prior to graduation day. Advisement website was refined to better assist students, faculty, and staff. Improved communication with registrar's office continued as related to timely processing and posting of audits, and a scanner was purchased for EPS to expedite audit processes. Advisor identified points that historically proved to be issues for new students (especially transfer students). Fall 2009 advisor enrolled in advising-related graduate courses. Spring 2010 advisor attended more off-campus advising sessions and other events (recruiting events) to increase visibility, and assessed needs to determine future professional development.
Educator Preparation Program
Provide effective communication of information to support student's application and admittance in the educator preparation program.
Candidate Satisfaction With Service Area Of Educator Preparation Program Admission
Candidate satisfaction measured in terms of 1) their level of satisfaction and 2) importance to them, expressed as mean score using a 5-point scale from the Student Teacher End-of-Program Evaluation of SHSU Services and Operations, section C.
Candidate Satisfaction With Educator Preparation Program Admission
Target of a mean score of 4.2 as expressed in survey of 2009-2010 cohort of student teachers.
Program Admission Evaluation Results
Satisfaction with quality of service in program admission rated at a mean score of 3.96 in 2009-2010 on a five point Likert scale (4.13 in 2008-2009, 3.79 in 2007-08, 3.77 in 2006-07).
Modifications To Improve Educator Preparation Program-admission Service
New Certification officer overseeing Educator Preparation Program admission began Dec. 1 following a 4-month vacancy. Staff and supervisor discussed Educator Preparation Program (EPP) admission-related data to determine strategies to implement plan for improvement in 2010-2011. Migration of all EPP applications and the eligibility report to Tk20 commenced in Spring 2010, with migration anticipated to be complete in 2010-2011. Candidate acknowledgement and agreement to abide by Code of Ethics for Texas Teachers was implemented in multiple points in the program. To facilitate improved communication, EPP website was refined to better assist students, faculty, and staff. Staff identified points that historically proved to be issues for students seeking admission into the program. Reformatted EPP admission criteria merged with the program transition points facilitated more consistent and improved processes and timelines related to EPP admittance. Certification officer assessed needs to determine future professional development.
Field Experiences
Provide effective communication of information to support and facilitate sequential field experiences (Levels I, II, and III) for teacher candidates in public school settings
Candidate Satisfaction With Service Area Of Field Experiences
Candidate satisfaction measured in terms of 1) their level of satisfaction and 2) importance to them, expressed as mean score using a 5-point scale from the Student Teacher End-of-Program Evaluation of SHSU Services and Operations, section D.
Candidate Satisfaction With Field Experiences
Target of a mean score of 4.2 as expressed in survey of 2009-2010 cohort of student teachers.
Field Experience Evaluation Results
Satisfaction with quality of service in field experience rated at a mean score of 4.09 in 2009-2010 on a five point Likert scale (4.09 in 2008-2009, 3.79 in 2007-08, 3.69 in 2006-07). Approximately 525 pre-service teachers were assigned field experiences in 2009-2010.
Modifications To Improve Field Experience Service
New graduate assistant joined the field experience staff in August. Staff and supervisor discussed field experience-related data to determine strategies and implement plan for improvement in 2010-2011. Communication improved through refined field experience website to better assist students, faculty, and staff. Continued to increase the quality and quantity of communication via email, Tk20, and the internet to students and appropriate faculty as related to field experience information. Improved communication through clearer, detailed, and user-friendly screen-shot instructions for guiding student teachers and supervisors through on-line programs (i.e. Blackboard/Turnitin, Tk20, etc.). Informational CDs produced for student teacher supervisors and Center Board members to facilitate communication and distribution of electronic versions of information. Refined field experience website to facilitate better communication with students, faculty, staff, mentor teachers, and school district partners. Continued to institutionalize Teacher Work Sample procedures, and “single placement” option for student teachers, and other recently implemented processes facilitated by field experience staff. Mentor Orientation Workshop program expanded to include multiple school districts. Addressed planning for new student teaching requirements and transition to Banner, Tk20. Field Experience Assistant attended various information and professional development session on campus and assessed needs to determine future professional development. Director attended various professional state and national conferences related to accreditation and teacher preparation.
TExES Examination
Support teacher candidates and other school professional candidates by providing effective communication of information (including testing pre-requisites, examination schedule, and applicable review software and practice examinations) and approval for required state educator certification examinations.
Candidate Satisfaction With Service Areas Of TExES Facilitation
Candidate satisfaction expressed as mean score using a 5-point scale from the Student Teacher End-of-Program Evaluation of SHSU Services and Operations, section G.
Candidate Satifaction With TExES Facilitation
Target of a mean score of 4.2 as expressed in survey of 2009-2010 cohort of student teachers.
TExES Examination Evalution Results
Satisfaction with quality of service in TExES examination rated at a mean score of 3.65 in 2009-2010 on a five point Likert scale (3.75 in 2008-2009, 3.73 in 2007-08, 3.38 in 2006-07).
Modifications To Improve TExES Service
New Certification officer overseeing representative form/practice examination began Dec. 1 following 4 month vacancy. Staff and supervisor discuss TExES-related data, determine strategies and implement plan for improvement in 2009-2010. Communication improved through refined SHSU/TExES website to better assist students, faculty, and staff. Continued to increase the quality and quantity of communication via email, Tk20, and the internet to students and appropriate faculty as related to certification information. Continued to review and develop procedures to expedite and streamline the test approval process for students registering for the TExES. Increased the quality and quantity of communication via email, Tk20, and the internet to students and appropriate faculty as related to TExES dates, times, and requirements. Increased communication related to TExES review software in Reading Center to facilitate students' preparation for the representative form and the TExES. Certification officer attended Texas Education Agency and certification officer association meetings. Certification officer assessed needs to determine future professional development.
Teacher Certification
Provide effective communication of information, monitor and facilitate candidates' completion of program requirements, and ultimately recommend teacher candidates and other school professional candidates for certification to the State Board for Educator Certification.
Candidate Satisfaction With Service Area Of Certification Facilitation
Candidate satisfaction measured in terms of 1) their level of satisfaction and 2) importance to them, expressed as mean score using a 5-point scale from the Student Teacher End-of-Program Evaluation of SHSU Services and Operations, section H.
Candidate Satisfaction With Certification Facilitation
Target of a mean score of 4.2 as expressed in survey of 2009-2010 cohort of student teachers.
Certification Evaluation Results
Satisfaction with quality of service in certification rated at a mean score of 3.52 in 2009-2010 on a five point Likert scale (3.61 in 2008-2009, 3.39 in 2007-08, 3.09 in 2006-07).
Modifications To Improve Certification Service
New Certification officer began Dec. 1 following 4 month vacancy. Staff and supervisor discussed certification-related data to determine strategies and implement plan for improvement in 2010-2011. Communication improved through refined certification website to better assist students, faculty, and staff. Continued to increase the quality and quantity of communication via email, Tk20, and the internet to students and appropriate faculty as related to certification information. Presence of certification officer at student teacher orientation and student teacher culmination conferences. Reviewed certification recommendation processes and procedures multiple times in 2009-2010 to identify additional areas for improvement and to establish training for support and backup staff to ensure appropriate response time to requests for certification. Certification officer attended Texas Education Agency and certification officer association meetings. Certification officer assessed needs to determine future professional development.