Maintain and promote LEMIT’s position as the Center of Excellence in the law enforcement community.
*Professional Development And Service
Meet and exceed the training, professional development and service needs of the constituency and staff within the allocated fiscal budget constraints.
*Fiscal Budget Management
The Institute will demonstrate successful fiscal budget management within the confines of a reduced, allocated revenue stream while maintaining or exceeding the same quality of training, development, service and scholarly opportunities to its constituency.
*Budget Review
On a quarterly basis, the Institute will conduct a budget review to demonstrate and ensure that the Institute is operating within the fiscal budgetary constraints. By fiscal year end, the Institute will have demonstrated that it was successful in operating within the confines of a reduced budget.
*Budget Expectations Met
In FY 2009/2010, LEMIT was subjected to a five (5%) percent budget cut resulting in an operating reduction of $270,250.00. As a result, further economies were instituted and a budget review undertaken on a monthly basis (rather than a quarterly basis) to ensure that LEMIT was operating within its fiscal budgetary restraints. The process has proved successful. The targets are on track at the end of the third quarter.
*Identify Programs To Review
The Institute will review throughout the fiscal year, one of its mandated Programs, the Texas Police Chiefs Leadership Series (TPCLS), to ensure that budgetary constraints are met while meeting or exceeding the number of quality training hours previously offered. By August 31, 2010, fiscal year end, the Program will have demonstrated that it successfully managed to operate within its budget while having maintained or exceeded the level of quality instruction and service to its constituency.
*Program Review Expectations Met
In FY 2009/2010, the Texas Police Chiefs Leadership Series (TPCLS) Program was reviewed. Following consultation with our constituents, the Texas Police Chiefs Association, focus groups were held and a new curriculum was delivered even though the operating budget had been reduced by $25,000.00, down to $375,000.00. At the end of the third quarter LEMIT is on target to deliver all courses on schedule and within budget.
*Published Planning Process
By March 1, 2010, the Institute will have in place fully devolved budgeting for each of its Programs for the next fiscal year’s operations which will solidify the budget planning process earlier than in years past and enhance the Strategic Plan. By August 31, 2010, the Institute will have instituted its new budget and strategic planning processes.
*Published Planning Process Expectations Exceeded
In FY 2009/2010, LEMIT introduced devolved budgets to individual programs. In every case, budget management has exceeded expectations through ownership bestowed on the budget holders. Similarly, a new Strategic Planning Process was introduced and is on target to publish a new Strategic Plan by the fourth quarter of the current financial year.
*Organizational Review
The Institute will maintain a sound evaluation process of its products by conducting continual Program reviews throughout the fiscal year to ensure that the needs of the constituency are met and/or exceeded and to identify areas of growth potential which will in turn enhance image and visibility, thus ensuring the functionality and success of the Institute.
The Institute and each of its Programs will maintain and/or exceed an 85% standard on participant satisfaction with program/course curriculum. Each Program Coordinator will conduct and assess course and instructor evaluations in order to enhance/improve course delivery and development of requested training. Evaluations will measure different participant satisfaction elements associated with the Instructor, the Instructor’s respective Topic in addition to an Overall Program Evaluation. Instructor/Topic Evaluations are administered at the conclusion of each Topic session while the Overall Program measurement is conducted at the conclusion of the respective training course. All survey data is subsequently analyzed by both the Program Coordinator and the Institute Director with any concerns, either with a particular Instructor, Topic, or course-specific item being addressed and solutions for improvement discussed and implemented.
*Evaluation Expectations Exceeded
The Institute, as a whole, and each Program individually, successfully achieved the criterion of 85% or greater participant satisfaction for Instructor/Topic, Overall Course and Overall Program. As the fiscal year has yet to close, the Overall Program percentage of satisfaction is currently ranging from 92.60% to 98.76% among the ten (10) Institute Programs comprising an Institute average of 95.73%. Though currently well above the criterion, the TPCLS program is ranking the lowest among the ten (10) programs in both Instructor Topic (90.75%) and Overall Course (94.44%). Having said that, however, both areas evaluated are scoring higher by 1.40% and 0.74%, respectively, over the prior fiscal year (Topic @ 89.35% and Overall Course @ 93.70%).
*Program Review
By August 31, 2010, the Institute will have commenced a Program review of the Texas Police Chiefs Leadership Series (TPCLS) Program beginning with the identification/selection of a set of pre-test indicators. The evaluation will extend over a two (2) year period in compliance with the Institute’s legislative mandate.
*Program Review Expectations Met/Ongoing
In FY 2009/2010, LEMIT introduced a set of test indicators to the Texas Police Chiefs Leadership Series (TPCLS) program to evaluate the program effectiveness. Each participant is required to write a reflection paper on how each instructor's contribution applies to the participant. The evaluation will continue throughout the next fiscal year.
*Continue To Meet And Exceed The Needs
As evidenced by the findings above, LEMIT has met and/or exceeded the expectations identified and will continue to strive to meet and exceed the needs of its constituency and staff with the allocated fiscal budget constraints as the fiscal year closes and a new one begins. As constituency/course satisfaction is of primary concern to the Institute, it has been noted that, though not significant, there is currently a decrease in satisfaction among four (4) programs. In two (2) of the programs, the decrease was noted in both Instructor Topic and Overall Course satisfaction. Focus will be placed on the affected programs so as to identify dissatisfaction with instruction/delivery, course material, facilitation, or a combination thereof. Once the areas of dissatisfaction are identified, a course of action will be put in place so as to monitor the improvement progress. The program currently reporting the lowest satisfaction in both areas of evaluation coincidentally is the program currently undergoing a program review, TPCLS. Since this review is scheduled to carryover into the next fiscal year, the specific action associated with this finding will be identified at a later date.
*Image, Visibility And Growth
To actively promote the Institute, its programs, services and success in training and service, both domestically and internationally.
*Local/National Recognition
The Institute will enhance the local and national recognition of the Institute as the Center of Excellence.
By August 31, 2010, fiscal year end, the Institute will have formed agreements with Colleges within the University (local level) and National Centers of Excellence (national level), e.g. Police Executive Research Forum in Washington, D.C.
*Agreement Expectations Met
In FY 2009/2010, LEMIT formed agreements at the local, national and international level. LEMIT has agreements at the local level with the College of Criminal Justice and the College of Education; at the national level with the Public Safety Leadership Development Consortium, and, at the international level, with the Polish National Police and the Zhejiang Police University, China. In the current fiscal year, LEMIT has become more aggressive than in past years in the pursuit of local, national and international agreements in order to enhance it's recognition across the board. With the attainment of the local, national and multiple international agreements this fiscal year, LEMIT has significantly improved its opportunity for global recognition from prior years.
While growth of the Institute is exceedingly difficult with a reduced, allocated revenue stream, the Institute will seek out new opportunities to enhance its offerings through the development of partnership and collaborative efforts with other agencies and institutions.
*New Course Offerings
By August 31, 2010, the Institute will have identified five (5) new course offerings.
*New Course Offerings Expectations Met
In FY 2009/2010, LEMIT targeted the introduction of five (5) new course offerings. This target was achieved by the third quarter. The course offerings include:
Homicide Investigation Education Program; Forensic Crime Scene Investigation; Intermediate Report Writing; Investigative Statement Analysis; and Field Training Officer Program
The Institute will continue conducting and assessing Program Evaluations in order to enhance/improve course delivery and development of requested training, thus aiding in the image, visibility and growth of the Institute. Evaluations will measure different participant satisfaction elements associated with the Instructor, the Instructor’s respective Topic in addition to an Overall Program Evaluation. Instructor/Topic Evaluations are administered at the conclusion of each Topic session while the Overall Program measurement is conducted at the conclusion of the respective training course. All survey data is subsequently analyzed by both the Program Coordinator and the Institute Director with any concerns, either with a particular Instructor, Topic, or course-specific item being addressed and solutions for improvement discussed and implemented.
*85%+ Participant Satisfaction
The Institute as a whole, along with its Programs individually, will maintain and/or exceed an 85% standard on participant satisfaction with program/course curriculum.
*Participant Satisfaction Expectations Exceeded
The Institute, as a whole, and each Program individually, successfully achieved the criterion of 85% or greater participant satisfaction for Instructor/Topic, Overall Course and Overall Program. As the fiscal year has yet to close, the Overall Program percentage of satisfaction is currently ranging from 92.60% to 98.76% among the ten (10) Institute Programs comprising an Institute average of 95.73%. Though currently well above the criterion, the TPCLS program is ranking the lowest among the ten (10) programs in both Instructor Topic (90.75%) and Overall Course (94.44%). Having said that, however, both areas evaluated are scoring higher by 1.40% and 0.74%, respectively, over the prior fiscal year (Topic @ 89.35% and Overall Course @ 93.70%).
*Continue To Promote The Institute
As evidenced by the findings above, LEMIT has met and/or exceeded the expectations identified and will continue to strive to actively promote the Institute, its programs, services and success in training and service, both domestically and internationally as the fiscal year closes and a new one begins. Though significant progress was made in the forming of agreements with other entities and increasing the number of new course offerings, the Institute has formed committees to identify and significantly improve it's global presence. These internal committees have already met and are forming strategies for such improvements over the next fiscal year.
(2) Exemplary Training And Service
Deliver exemplary leadership and management training, professional development, service and scholarly opportunities to our constituents and staff.
*Professional Development And Service
Meet and exceed the training, professional development and service needs of the constituency and staff within the allocated fiscal budget constraints.
*Fiscal Budget Management
The Institute will demonstrate successful fiscal budget management within the confines of a reduced, allocated revenue stream while maintaining or exceeding the same quality of training, development, service and scholarly opportunities to its constituency.
*Budget Review
On a quarterly basis, the Institute will conduct a budget review to demonstrate and ensure that the Institute is operating within the fiscal budgetary constraints. By fiscal year end, the Institute will have demonstrated that it was successful in operating within the confines of a reduced budget.
*Budget Expectations Met
In FY 2009/2010, LEMIT was subjected to a five (5%) percent budget cut resulting in an operating reduction of $270,250.00. As a result, further economies were instituted and a budget review undertaken on a monthly basis (rather than a quarterly basis) to ensure that LEMIT was operating within its fiscal budgetary restraints. The process has proved successful. The targets are on track at the end of the third quarter.
*Identify Programs To Review
The Institute will review throughout the fiscal year, one of its mandated Programs, the Texas Police Chiefs Leadership Series (TPCLS), to ensure that budgetary constraints are met while meeting or exceeding the number of quality training hours previously offered. By August 31, 2010, fiscal year end, the Program will have demonstrated that it successfully managed to operate within its budget while having maintained or exceeded the level of quality instruction and service to its constituency.
*Program Review Expectations Met
In FY 2009/2010, the Texas Police Chiefs Leadership Series (TPCLS) Program was reviewed. Following consultation with our constituents, the Texas Police Chiefs Association, focus groups were held and a new curriculum was delivered even though the operating budget had been reduced by $25,000.00, down to $375,000.00. At the end of the third quarter LEMIT is on target to deliver all courses on schedule and within budget.
*Published Planning Process
By March 1, 2010, the Institute will have in place fully devolved budgeting for each of its Programs for the next fiscal year’s operations which will solidify the budget planning process earlier than in years past and enhance the Strategic Plan. By August 31, 2010, the Institute will have instituted its new budget and strategic planning processes.
*Published Planning Process Expectations Exceeded
In FY 2009/2010, LEMIT introduced devolved budgets to individual programs. In every case, budget management has exceeded expectations through ownership bestowed on the budget holders. Similarly, a new Strategic Planning Process was introduced and is on target to publish a new Strategic Plan by the fourth quarter of the current financial year.
*Organizational Review
The Institute will maintain a sound evaluation process of its products by conducting continual Program reviews throughout the fiscal year to ensure that the needs of the constituency are met and/or exceeded and to identify areas of growth potential which will in turn enhance image and visibility, thus ensuring the functionality and success of the Institute.
The Institute and each of its Programs will maintain and/or exceed an 85% standard on participant satisfaction with program/course curriculum. Each Program Coordinator will conduct and assess course and instructor evaluations in order to enhance/improve course delivery and development of requested training. Evaluations will measure different participant satisfaction elements associated with the Instructor, the Instructor’s respective Topic in addition to an Overall Program Evaluation. Instructor/Topic Evaluations are administered at the conclusion of each Topic session while the Overall Program measurement is conducted at the conclusion of the respective training course. All survey data is subsequently analyzed by both the Program Coordinator and the Institute Director with any concerns, either with a particular Instructor, Topic, or course-specific item being addressed and solutions for improvement discussed and implemented.
*Evaluation Expectations Exceeded
The Institute, as a whole, and each Program individually, successfully achieved the criterion of 85% or greater participant satisfaction for Instructor/Topic, Overall Course and Overall Program. As the fiscal year has yet to close, the Overall Program percentage of satisfaction is currently ranging from 92.60% to 98.76% among the ten (10) Institute Programs comprising an Institute average of 95.73%. Though currently well above the criterion, the TPCLS program is ranking the lowest among the ten (10) programs in both Instructor Topic (90.75%) and Overall Course (94.44%). Having said that, however, both areas evaluated are scoring higher by 1.40% and 0.74%, respectively, over the prior fiscal year (Topic @ 89.35% and Overall Course @ 93.70%).
*Program Review
By August 31, 2010, the Institute will have commenced a Program review of the Texas Police Chiefs Leadership Series (TPCLS) Program beginning with the identification/selection of a set of pre-test indicators. The evaluation will extend over a two (2) year period in compliance with the Institute’s legislative mandate.
*Program Review Expectations Met/Ongoing
In FY 2009/2010, LEMIT introduced a set of test indicators to the Texas Police Chiefs Leadership Series (TPCLS) program to evaluate the program effectiveness. Each participant is required to write a reflection paper on how each instructor's contribution applies to the participant. The evaluation will continue throughout the next fiscal year.
*Continue To Meet And Exceed The Needs
As evidenced by the findings above, LEMIT has met and/or exceeded the expectations identified and will continue to strive to meet and exceed the needs of its constituency and staff with the allocated fiscal budget constraints as the fiscal year closes and a new one begins. As constituency/course satisfaction is of primary concern to the Institute, it has been noted that, though not significant, there is currently a decrease in satisfaction among four (4) programs. In two (2) of the programs, the decrease was noted in both Instructor Topic and Overall Course satisfaction. Focus will be placed on the affected programs so as to identify dissatisfaction with instruction/delivery, course material, facilitation, or a combination thereof. Once the areas of dissatisfaction are identified, a course of action will be put in place so as to monitor the improvement progress. The program currently reporting the lowest satisfaction in both areas of evaluation coincidentally is the program currently undergoing a program review, TPCLS. Since this review is scheduled to carryover into the next fiscal year, the specific action associated with this finding will be identified at a later date.
*Image, Visibility And Growth
To actively promote the Institute, its programs, services and success in training and service, both domestically and internationally.
*Local/National Recognition
The Institute will enhance the local and national recognition of the Institute as the Center of Excellence.
By August 31, 2010, fiscal year end, the Institute will have formed agreements with Colleges within the University (local level) and National Centers of Excellence (national level), e.g. Police Executive Research Forum in Washington, D.C.
*Agreement Expectations Met
In FY 2009/2010, LEMIT formed agreements at the local, national and international level. LEMIT has agreements at the local level with the College of Criminal Justice and the College of Education; at the national level with the Public Safety Leadership Development Consortium, and, at the international level, with the Polish National Police and the Zhejiang Police University, China. In the current fiscal year, LEMIT has become more aggressive than in past years in the pursuit of local, national and international agreements in order to enhance it's recognition across the board. With the attainment of the local, national and multiple international agreements this fiscal year, LEMIT has significantly improved its opportunity for global recognition from prior years.
While growth of the Institute is exceedingly difficult with a reduced, allocated revenue stream, the Institute will seek out new opportunities to enhance its offerings through the development of partnership and collaborative efforts with other agencies and institutions.
*New Course Offerings
By August 31, 2010, the Institute will have identified five (5) new course offerings.
*New Course Offerings Expectations Met
In FY 2009/2010, LEMIT targeted the introduction of five (5) new course offerings. This target was achieved by the third quarter. The course offerings include:
Homicide Investigation Education Program; Forensic Crime Scene Investigation; Intermediate Report Writing; Investigative Statement Analysis; and Field Training Officer Program
The Institute will continue conducting and assessing Program Evaluations in order to enhance/improve course delivery and development of requested training, thus aiding in the image, visibility and growth of the Institute. Evaluations will measure different participant satisfaction elements associated with the Instructor, the Instructor’s respective Topic in addition to an Overall Program Evaluation. Instructor/Topic Evaluations are administered at the conclusion of each Topic session while the Overall Program measurement is conducted at the conclusion of the respective training course. All survey data is subsequently analyzed by both the Program Coordinator and the Institute Director with any concerns, either with a particular Instructor, Topic, or course-specific item being addressed and solutions for improvement discussed and implemented.
*85%+ Participant Satisfaction
The Institute as a whole, along with its Programs individually, will maintain and/or exceed an 85% standard on participant satisfaction with program/course curriculum.
*Participant Satisfaction Expectations Exceeded
The Institute, as a whole, and each Program individually, successfully achieved the criterion of 85% or greater participant satisfaction for Instructor/Topic, Overall Course and Overall Program. As the fiscal year has yet to close, the Overall Program percentage of satisfaction is currently ranging from 92.60% to 98.76% among the ten (10) Institute Programs comprising an Institute average of 95.73%. Though currently well above the criterion, the TPCLS program is ranking the lowest among the ten (10) programs in both Instructor Topic (90.75%) and Overall Course (94.44%). Having said that, however, both areas evaluated are scoring higher by 1.40% and 0.74%, respectively, over the prior fiscal year (Topic @ 89.35% and Overall Course @ 93.70%).
*Continue To Promote The Institute
As evidenced by the findings above, LEMIT has met and/or exceeded the expectations identified and will continue to strive to actively promote the Institute, its programs, services and success in training and service, both domestically and internationally as the fiscal year closes and a new one begins. Though significant progress was made in the forming of agreements with other entities and increasing the number of new course offerings, the Institute has formed committees to identify and significantly improve it's global presence. These internal committees have already met and are forming strategies for such improvements over the next fiscal year.
(3) Advance Academic Excellence
Actively support the College’s quest to advance academic excellence both in pedagogy and research.
*Professional Development And Service
Meet and exceed the training, professional development and service needs of the constituency and staff within the allocated fiscal budget constraints.
*Fiscal Budget Management
The Institute will demonstrate successful fiscal budget management within the confines of a reduced, allocated revenue stream while maintaining or exceeding the same quality of training, development, service and scholarly opportunities to its constituency.
*Budget Review
On a quarterly basis, the Institute will conduct a budget review to demonstrate and ensure that the Institute is operating within the fiscal budgetary constraints. By fiscal year end, the Institute will have demonstrated that it was successful in operating within the confines of a reduced budget.
*Budget Expectations Met
In FY 2009/2010, LEMIT was subjected to a five (5%) percent budget cut resulting in an operating reduction of $270,250.00. As a result, further economies were instituted and a budget review undertaken on a monthly basis (rather than a quarterly basis) to ensure that LEMIT was operating within its fiscal budgetary restraints. The process has proved successful. The targets are on track at the end of the third quarter.
*Identify Programs To Review
The Institute will review throughout the fiscal year, one of its mandated Programs, the Texas Police Chiefs Leadership Series (TPCLS), to ensure that budgetary constraints are met while meeting or exceeding the number of quality training hours previously offered. By August 31, 2010, fiscal year end, the Program will have demonstrated that it successfully managed to operate within its budget while having maintained or exceeded the level of quality instruction and service to its constituency.
*Program Review Expectations Met
In FY 2009/2010, the Texas Police Chiefs Leadership Series (TPCLS) Program was reviewed. Following consultation with our constituents, the Texas Police Chiefs Association, focus groups were held and a new curriculum was delivered even though the operating budget had been reduced by $25,000.00, down to $375,000.00. At the end of the third quarter LEMIT is on target to deliver all courses on schedule and within budget.
*Published Planning Process
By March 1, 2010, the Institute will have in place fully devolved budgeting for each of its Programs for the next fiscal year’s operations which will solidify the budget planning process earlier than in years past and enhance the Strategic Plan. By August 31, 2010, the Institute will have instituted its new budget and strategic planning processes.
*Published Planning Process Expectations Exceeded
In FY 2009/2010, LEMIT introduced devolved budgets to individual programs. In every case, budget management has exceeded expectations through ownership bestowed on the budget holders. Similarly, a new Strategic Planning Process was introduced and is on target to publish a new Strategic Plan by the fourth quarter of the current financial year.
*Organizational Review
The Institute will maintain a sound evaluation process of its products by conducting continual Program reviews throughout the fiscal year to ensure that the needs of the constituency are met and/or exceeded and to identify areas of growth potential which will in turn enhance image and visibility, thus ensuring the functionality and success of the Institute.
The Institute and each of its Programs will maintain and/or exceed an 85% standard on participant satisfaction with program/course curriculum. Each Program Coordinator will conduct and assess course and instructor evaluations in order to enhance/improve course delivery and development of requested training. Evaluations will measure different participant satisfaction elements associated with the Instructor, the Instructor’s respective Topic in addition to an Overall Program Evaluation. Instructor/Topic Evaluations are administered at the conclusion of each Topic session while the Overall Program measurement is conducted at the conclusion of the respective training course. All survey data is subsequently analyzed by both the Program Coordinator and the Institute Director with any concerns, either with a particular Instructor, Topic, or course-specific item being addressed and solutions for improvement discussed and implemented.
*Evaluation Expectations Exceeded
The Institute, as a whole, and each Program individually, successfully achieved the criterion of 85% or greater participant satisfaction for Instructor/Topic, Overall Course and Overall Program. As the fiscal year has yet to close, the Overall Program percentage of satisfaction is currently ranging from 92.60% to 98.76% among the ten (10) Institute Programs comprising an Institute average of 95.73%. Though currently well above the criterion, the TPCLS program is ranking the lowest among the ten (10) programs in both Instructor Topic (90.75%) and Overall Course (94.44%). Having said that, however, both areas evaluated are scoring higher by 1.40% and 0.74%, respectively, over the prior fiscal year (Topic @ 89.35% and Overall Course @ 93.70%).
*Program Review
By August 31, 2010, the Institute will have commenced a Program review of the Texas Police Chiefs Leadership Series (TPCLS) Program beginning with the identification/selection of a set of pre-test indicators. The evaluation will extend over a two (2) year period in compliance with the Institute’s legislative mandate.
*Program Review Expectations Met/Ongoing
In FY 2009/2010, LEMIT introduced a set of test indicators to the Texas Police Chiefs Leadership Series (TPCLS) program to evaluate the program effectiveness. Each participant is required to write a reflection paper on how each instructor's contribution applies to the participant. The evaluation will continue throughout the next fiscal year.
*Continue To Meet And Exceed The Needs
As evidenced by the findings above, LEMIT has met and/or exceeded the expectations identified and will continue to strive to meet and exceed the needs of its constituency and staff with the allocated fiscal budget constraints as the fiscal year closes and a new one begins. As constituency/course satisfaction is of primary concern to the Institute, it has been noted that, though not significant, there is currently a decrease in satisfaction among four (4) programs. In two (2) of the programs, the decrease was noted in both Instructor Topic and Overall Course satisfaction. Focus will be placed on the affected programs so as to identify dissatisfaction with instruction/delivery, course material, facilitation, or a combination thereof. Once the areas of dissatisfaction are identified, a course of action will be put in place so as to monitor the improvement progress. The program currently reporting the lowest satisfaction in both areas of evaluation coincidentally is the program currently undergoing a program review, TPCLS. Since this review is scheduled to carryover into the next fiscal year, the specific action associated with this finding will be identified at a later date.
*Image, Visibility And Growth
To actively promote the Institute, its programs, services and success in training and service, both domestically and internationally.
*Local/National Recognition
The Institute will enhance the local and national recognition of the Institute as the Center of Excellence.
By August 31, 2010, fiscal year end, the Institute will have formed agreements with Colleges within the University (local level) and National Centers of Excellence (national level), e.g. Police Executive Research Forum in Washington, D.C.
*Agreement Expectations Met
In FY 2009/2010, LEMIT formed agreements at the local, national and international level. LEMIT has agreements at the local level with the College of Criminal Justice and the College of Education; at the national level with the Public Safety Leadership Development Consortium, and, at the international level, with the Polish National Police and the Zhejiang Police University, China. In the current fiscal year, LEMIT has become more aggressive than in past years in the pursuit of local, national and international agreements in order to enhance it's recognition across the board. With the attainment of the local, national and multiple international agreements this fiscal year, LEMIT has significantly improved its opportunity for global recognition from prior years.
While growth of the Institute is exceedingly difficult with a reduced, allocated revenue stream, the Institute will seek out new opportunities to enhance its offerings through the development of partnership and collaborative efforts with other agencies and institutions.
*New Course Offerings
By August 31, 2010, the Institute will have identified five (5) new course offerings.
*New Course Offerings Expectations Met
In FY 2009/2010, LEMIT targeted the introduction of five (5) new course offerings. This target was achieved by the third quarter. The course offerings include:
Homicide Investigation Education Program; Forensic Crime Scene Investigation; Intermediate Report Writing; Investigative Statement Analysis; and Field Training Officer Program
The Institute will continue conducting and assessing Program Evaluations in order to enhance/improve course delivery and development of requested training, thus aiding in the image, visibility and growth of the Institute. Evaluations will measure different participant satisfaction elements associated with the Instructor, the Instructor’s respective Topic in addition to an Overall Program Evaluation. Instructor/Topic Evaluations are administered at the conclusion of each Topic session while the Overall Program measurement is conducted at the conclusion of the respective training course. All survey data is subsequently analyzed by both the Program Coordinator and the Institute Director with any concerns, either with a particular Instructor, Topic, or course-specific item being addressed and solutions for improvement discussed and implemented.
*85%+ Participant Satisfaction
The Institute as a whole, along with its Programs individually, will maintain and/or exceed an 85% standard on participant satisfaction with program/course curriculum.
*Participant Satisfaction Expectations Exceeded
The Institute, as a whole, and each Program individually, successfully achieved the criterion of 85% or greater participant satisfaction for Instructor/Topic, Overall Course and Overall Program. As the fiscal year has yet to close, the Overall Program percentage of satisfaction is currently ranging from 92.60% to 98.76% among the ten (10) Institute Programs comprising an Institute average of 95.73%. Though currently well above the criterion, the TPCLS program is ranking the lowest among the ten (10) programs in both Instructor Topic (90.75%) and Overall Course (94.44%). Having said that, however, both areas evaluated are scoring higher by 1.40% and 0.74%, respectively, over the prior fiscal year (Topic @ 89.35% and Overall Course @ 93.70%).
*Continue To Promote The Institute
As evidenced by the findings above, LEMIT has met and/or exceeded the expectations identified and will continue to strive to actively promote the Institute, its programs, services and success in training and service, both domestically and internationally as the fiscal year closes and a new one begins. Though significant progress was made in the forming of agreements with other entities and increasing the number of new course offerings, the Institute has formed committees to identify and significantly improve it's global presence. These internal committees have already met and are forming strategies for such improvements over the next fiscal year.