Candidates disply effectiveness in scholarly presentation.
Graduate Candidates Will Develop Skills To Make Scholarly Professional Presentations.
Candidates in the Curriculum and Instruction Masters of Education program presenting research at professional conferences.
Graduate Candidate Presentations
Annual number of Masters of Education graduate students presentations at professional conferences compared to 2007-2008 academic year. In our growing efforts to encourage research and thesis in our graduate programs, candidates will be supported in their efforts to complete action research and present their research at professional conferences.
Graduate Professional Presentations
Increase in the number of professional presentations by the Masters of Education graduate candidates in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Since this year was the first year where candidates made professional presentations in their program, we do not have a baseline. Candidates are assessed on presentation content and presentation style. See attached rubric.
Desired Criteria Was Met.
There were 18 professional presentations made by graduate students in this program. That is 100% of all students made a professional presentation to 3-4 faculty members and other graduate students. As a capstone assessment in the program, all Masters candidates must present their research. All candidates satisfactorily completed the research and presentation. However, it was discovered that to make the presentations stronger, more time and information must be taught about research techniques and strategies. Additionally, candidates need more instruction in maintaining logical order of presentation.
Encourage More Professional Presentations.
As a faculty, we will encourage all graduate students to present at the Graduate Research Exchange or at professional conferences. Additionally, all graduate candidates will be supported and encouraged to publish their research findings.
To improve program professional presentations, more class time will be spent on direct face-to-face instruction in research techniques and strategies as well as maintaining logical order in professional presentations.
Leaders In Curriculum Development And Instruction
Candidates will become leaders in the field of curriculum and instruction.
Candidates Will Demonstrate Knowledge Of Current Research In Curriculum Development And Instructional Strategies.
Candidates who demonstrate mastery have acquired the knowledge and skills to be leaders in curriculum development and instruction in their fields.
Comprehensive Examinations
During the last semester of the masters program, candidates are required to take their comprehensive examinations. Each candidate must answer questions from a faculty-development comprehensive examination that integrates practice and theory. Faculty score the questions for accuracy of content, use of APA style and writing fluency. Candidates are then awarded either: High Pass, Pass, or Did Not Pass.
Scores Of "Pass" Or "High Pass"
Candidates will receive "Pass" or "High Pass" on their comprehensive examination. These exams are blind scored by faculty in Curriculum and Instruction or the candidates' content area.
Desired Criteria On Comprehensive Exams Was Met.
The percentage of graduate candidates receiving pass or high pass on their comprehensive exams increased from the 2008-2009 academic year. Even though the actual number of students decreased, the percentage of those who met the criteria increased.
An area of weakness that must be addressed is APA format and style. The detail to correctly apply the APA format requires a high level of attention, which is not stressed enough in the program courses.
Continue To Increase The Pass Rate Of Graduate Students On Comprehensive Exams.
Work with graduate students to inform them of the requirements of the comprehensive exams, including using APA format for references and internal documentation.