OATdb Archive

2009 - 2010

Human Resource Management BBA

Human Resource Management-A Broad Base Of Knowledge
The goal of the BBA program in Human Resource Management is to provide students with a broad base of knowledge in the Human Resource Management discipline. 380, 381, 374, 472, 478, 479, 480, 363

Management Core Concepts And Principles
Students who complete the BBA in Human Resource Management will demonstrate knowledge of the core concepts and principles of Management and the functions of Management. 380

Management Pre-Test And Post-Test
Assessment will be made using pre-test and post-test performance on concepts and principles, and on the functions of Management. 380

Management: Improvement On Post-Test Scores
Students will average at least a 50% improvement over the pre-test. The class average on individual post-test questions will be 75% correct. Post-test questions will be included on each unit examination. 380

Management Findings
One hundred and sixteen principal of management students were assessed to determine their knowledge of management concepts and principles.  The average performance on the pretest was 46% correct.  Students scored higher on terminology than on the application of concepts and principles. The post-test results showed an improved average score of 84%.  It was observed that students score higher on the basic concepts and principles than on the application of the concepts and principles.

Management Actions
The overall performance by the students appears to be very satisfactory.  However, the ability of students to apply the concepts and principles in an organizational setting can be improved.  These findings will be shared with all faculty who teach this course.  This will lead to discussions of various techniques that can be employed to enhance learning in this aspect of management.

Human Resource Management Practices
Students who complete the BBA in Human Resource Management will demonstrate knowledge of the practices of Human Resource Management that afford an organization a competitive advantage and the components and functionality of an Enterprise Resource Planning system (SAP R/3) as they pertain to Human Resource Management 374

Human Resource Management Pre-Test, Post-Test, And Rubric
Assessment will be made using pre-test and post-test performance on the practice of Human Resource Management. A rubric will be used to assess skills in the application of SAP R/3. 374

Human Resource Management: Improvement On Post-Test And Rubric Scores
Students will average at least a 50% improvement over the pre-test. The class average on individual post-test questions will be 75% correct. Post-test questions will be included on each unit examination. Seventy five percent of Management majors will receive a score of at least acceptable on the SAP R/3 rubric. 374

Human Resource Management
Two sections of the human resource management course were assessed. The combined pre-test mean was 22.5% and the combined post-test mean was 85.5% There was a significant improvement in both sections, and the target of a post-test mean of 75% was exceeded. It was determined that performance on the following topics needed improvement: affirmative action, types of selection methods, reliability and validity of selection methods, factors affecting job performance, and benefits required by US law.  Assessment of student attainment of SAP/ERP skills revealed performance at nearly 100% on each of the four units of instruction.

Human Resource MGT
During the fall of 2010, the learning objectives for human resource management will be reviewed for relevancy.  Faculty will make adjustments in the course curriculum to address areas which need improvement. Changes are likely to take the form of student exercises and enhanced examples.  This should facilitate the improvement of student learning in these areas.  Successful instruction in SAP/ERP will continue.

Compensation Of Employees
Students who complete the BBA in Human Resource Management will demonstrate knowledge of employee compensations issues and practices that afford an organization a competitive advantage and the components and functionality of an Enterprise Resource Planning system (SAP R/3) as they pertain to compensation management 472

Compensation Pre-Test, Post-Test, And Rubric
Assessment will be made using pre-test and post-test performance on employee compensation issues. A rubric will be used to assess skills in the application of SAP R/3. 472

Compensation: Improvement On Post-Test And Rubric Scores
Students will average at least a 50% improvement over the pre-test. The class average on individual post-test questions will be 75% correct. Post-test questions will be included on each unit examination. Seventy five percent of Management majors will receive a score of at least acceptable on the SAP R/3 rubric. 472

Compensation Findings
For the compensation practices content, the pre-test average was 35.71%, while the post-test average was 86.93%.  For the SAP R/3 compensation content, the pre-test average was 0%, while the post-test average was 97%.  Both results surpassed the standard of 75%.  Further, it was determined that the following content areas of compensation need instructional refinement:  job analysis, pay mix, pay-policy, compensation legislation, and controlling health care costs.

Compensation MGT
To enhance student learning, more emphasis on classroom discussions and activities will be implemented in the noted areas.  After implementation, assessment will be repeated.  Additionally, in the fall of 2010 the course curriculum and learning objectives will be reviewed by a group of faculty with a background in human resource management.  Instruction on SAP/ERP will continue.

Human Resource Development
Students who complete the BBA in Human Resource Management will demonstrate knowledge of the purpose, development, and functions of human resource development and the skills in recognizing, analyzing, and formulating strategies to solve training and development problems. 479

Human Resource Development Pre-Test, Post-Test, And Rubric
Assessment will be made using pre-test and post-test performance on the purpose, development, and functions of human resource development. A rubric will be used to assess skills in recognizing, analyzing, and formulating strategies to solve training and development problems.479

Human Resource Development: Improvement On Post-Test And Rubric Scores
Students will average at least a 50% improvement over the pre-test. The class average on individual post-test questions will be 75% correct. Post-test questions will be included on each unit examination. Seventy five percent of Human Resource Management majors will receive a score of at least acceptable on the Human Resource Development rubric.479

HR Development Findings
This objective was not assessed in 2009-2010 but is scheduled for assessment in fall of 2010

HR Development Action
This objective is scheduled to be assessed during the semester of fall 2010. All faculty scheduled to conduct assessments must meet with the assessment coordinator and department chair prior to the beginning of the semester to review objectives, criterion, and indicators.


Human Resource Law
Students who complete the BBA in Human Resource Management will demonstrate knowledge which will allow them to recognize legal problems in human resources management settings and to differentiate between legal and ethical human resource issues. 363

Human Resource Law Learning Rubric
Assessment will be made using a rubric developed by faculty which reflects  legal problems in human resource management settings. 363

Human Resource Law: Rubric

Seventy five percent of students will meet or exceed learning expectaions  on the human resource law rubric. 363

HR Law Findings
The Human Resource Law faculty established the essential learning objectives.  Based on these learning objectives a rubric was created for each of the three major writing assignments in the course.  The rubrics are used to assess student learning outcomes based on each student’s ability to meet, exceed or fall below the learning expectation on each key concept in the course.  This semester assessment data was only collected from Human Resource Management majors. 

There were several common learning gaps that were discovered through the assessment process.  Students have a knowledge gap in the area of Title VII, this key concept details the various types of discrimination and the protections afforded to workers.  The majority of students fell below expectations in their knowledge of this topic.  Another key concept that students had difficulty with was related to the whistle blower concept.  This is especially important due to the recent events at Enron and World-Com where whistle blowers were essential to the prosecution of executives at these respective companies. 

HR Law
Based on the assessment data faculty members will modify the course curriculum to spend addition time one each of these respective topics.  All majors will participate in future assessments of learning. 

Organizational Behavior
Students who complete the BBA in Human Resource Management will demonstrate knowledge of how and why people behave in organizations and how to apply the knowledge of human behavior in organizations. 381

Organizational Behavior Pre-Test And Post-Test
Assessment will be made using pre-test and post-test performance on concepts and principles of organizational behavior. 381

Organizational Behavior: Improvement On Post-Test Scores
Students will average at least a 50% improvement over the pre-test. The class average on individual post-test questions will be 75% correct. Post-test questions will be included on each unit examination. 381

Organizational Behavior Findings
Two different sections of organizational behavior were assessed. The collective pre-test average was 57.63% whereas the collective post-test average was 81.15%. A substantial improvement was observed in both  sections. In fact, both sections surpassed the improvement standard of 75%. It was further determined that the following topic areas require refinement: foundation competencies of organizational behavior, developing and leading teams, and motivation through goal setting and reward systems.

Organizational Behavior Actions
To enhance student learning a more hands on approach will be taken. Exercises will be developed that will allow the students to engage in more experiential exercises and role playing.  After implementation has occurred, assessment will be repeated.   The learning objectives will also be reviewed by the appropriate faculty.

Labor Relations
Students who complete the BBA in Human Resource Management will demonstrate knowledge of collective bargaining and industrial relation and an understanding of the legal environment in which unions and organizations operate. 478

Labor Relations Pre-Test, Post-Test, And Rubric
Assessment will be made using pre-test and post-test performance on concepts and principles, and on the functions of Management. A rubric will be used to assess skills in recognizing, analyzing, and formulating strategies to solve training and development problems. 478

Labor Relations: Improvement On Post-Test Scores And Rubric Scores
Students will average at least a 50% improvement over the pre-test. The class average on individual post-test questions will be 75% correct. Post-test questions will be included on each unit examination. Seventy five percent of Human Resource Management majors will receive a score of at least acceptable on the Labor Relations Rubric. 478

Labor Relations Findings
This objective was not assessed in 2009-2010 but is scheduled for assessment in fall of 2010

Labor Relations Actions
This objective is scheduled to be assessed during the semester of fall 2010. All faculty scheduled to conduct assessments must meet with the assessment coordinator and department chair prior to the beginning of the semester to review objectives, criterion, and indicators.

Social Responsibility
Students who complete the BBA in Human Resource Management will demonstrate knowledge of the current views concerning the social responsibility of business and of several ethical principles. 480

Social Responsibility Learning Rubric
The assessment process will use a rubric to determine the topics mastered while answering a series of essay questions matching course objectives on ethical principles and the current views of corporate social responsibility. 480

Social Responsibility: Rubric
Student performance on the rubric will average at least 70% correct. 480

Social Responsibility Findings
The average of student performance on each basic component was at least 70%. For basic component 1, the percentage of students scoring 70% or better was 73%. For basic component 2, the percentage of students scoring 70% or better was 91%. For basic component 3, the percentage of students scoring 70% or better was 79%.

Social Responsibility
Even though the performance criterion was met, areas for improvement were identified. It was determined that instruction on the following topics needed enhancement: student ability to critically analyze arguments for and against corporate social responsibility and student ability to analyze historical forces influencing ethical values in society as they relate to business transactions. The faculty will make adjustments in the course curriculum to address areas which need improvement. Changes will include enhanced student exercises and examples.  This should facilitate the improvement of student learning in these areas. Also, before the fall semester of 2010, the learning objectives for social responsibility will be reviewed for relevancy.

Human Resource Management Student Satisfaction
Human Resource Management students will be satisfied with instruction they receive.

HRM-Comparison With Aspirant Schools
Human Resource Management students will be as satisfied with the level of instructions they receive as those students who attend six aspirant schools, schools in the same Carnegie Class, and all schools who participate in the Educational Benchmarking Inc. - Undergraduate Business Exit Assessment.

HRM-Educational Benchmarking Inc.- Undergraduate Business Exit Assessment
For over a decade, Educational Benchmarking Inc. has been the premier provider of benchmarking assessments for management education. This organization measures the effectiveness of a program from the student's perspective. Therefore, the opinions of Management students as measured by the Educational Benchmarking Inc. Undergraduate Business Exit Assessment will be used to measure student satisfaction.

Human Resource Management Comparison
The mean satisfaction level of Sam Houston State University's management majors will be in the top 50% when compared to six aspirant schools, schools in the same Carnegie Class, and all participating schools.

The mean perception of satisfaction with the quality of the faculty and instruction was indeed in the top 50% when compared to six aspirant schools, schools in the same Carnegie Class, and all participating schools. In fact, Sam Houston State University ranked at least in the top 42% of all three comparison groups.


These finds support what we believe to be true about the quality of instruction provided to our human resource management majors. We will continue to maintain an environment which fosters quality instructions and an environment conducive to learning. We will also continue to monitor the perceptions of our students.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement For the AY 2010 review cycle, the Department assessed student learning of human resource management majors.  Assessments were conducted in the areas of core concepts and principles of management, human resource management practices, employee compensation, human resource law, the social responsibility of management, and the behavior of individuals in organizations.  While the findings in the assessment of these learning objectives generally met or exceeded expectations, particular shortfalls were noted.  Steps have begun to review pedagogy and the method of assessment to insure the highest quality of instruction and that our appraisal of learning is reliable. To enhance student learning a more hands on approach will be taken. Exercises will be developed that will allow the students to engage in more experiential exercises and role playing. This assessment cycle saw an improvement in our process which we will continue to refine.  In the approaching assessment cycle, additional portions of the program's curriculum will be assessed.