OATdb Archive

2009 - 2010

Mathematics BA

Deliver A Curriculum With Appropriate Discipline Specific Skill Sets
The curriculum will provide students with opportunities to develop the skills typically required of professionals in the area of study.

Ability To Conduct Research In Mathematical Sciences
Students will participate in faculty directed research including the planning, literature search, and public dissemination of results.

Undergraduate Research Projects
Students will participate in faculty directed research including the planning, literature search, and public dissemination of results.

At least 10 undergraduate students participating in undergraduate research projects will give presentations at mathematics conferences.

Student Presentations
During the 2009-2010 academic year, 18 undergraduate students gave presentations at mathematics conferences.

Use Of Media
All students giving presentations at conferences will use electronic media (powerpoint, websites) to present their research.

Use Of Media - Results
All presentations were done in Powerpoint.

The Future Of Undergraduate Research At SHSU.
the department exceeded its expectations in regards to the number of student presentations at professional conferences (we expected 10 students to present at conferences, 18 students presented at conference). We will continue to increase the number of student presentations by applying for grants from the National Science Foundation to support additional students with their undergraduate research. 

Communicating Mathematical Results In Writing
In Mth364 (Mathematical Thought)  Students will apply, in the appropriate context, the following methods of proof:  direct proof, proof by contradiction, proof by contraposition, and proof by induction.  In Mth363 (Euclidean Geometry) students will complete a project requiring proofs and the use of technology.  In Mth467 (History of Mathematics), the student will write an essay outlining a major theme in the history of mathematics.

Course Assessment - Mth364
All students enrolled in the program are required to complete Mth 364. Students will be administered a final exam developed and aprroved by the department faculty. The exam will contain theorems students will need know to prove by the methods mentioned in the objective.

Direct Proof
On the final exam, 70% of the studentss will receive a score of 4 or better on a direct proof according to the attached rubric.

Results - Direct Proof
6 out of 17 (35%) received a score of 4 or 5 on a direct proof on their final exam.

Proof By Contradiction.
On the final exam, 70% of the students will receive a score of 4 or better on a proof by contradiction according to the attached rubric.

Results - Proof By Contradiction.
13 of 17 students (76%) received a score of 4 or 5 on a proof by contradiction on their final exam.

Proof By Contraposition.
On the final exam, 70% of the students will receive a score of 4 or better on a proof by contraposition according to the attached rubric.

Results - Proof By Contraposition
8 of 17 (47%) students received a score of 4 or 5 on a proof by contraposition on their final exam.

Mathematical Induction.
On the final exam, 70% of the students will receive a score of 4 or better on a proof by mathematical induction according to the attached rubric.

Results - Mathematical Induction
6 out of 17 students (35%) received a score of 4 or 5 on a proof by induction on their final exam.

Mth363 Project
Students will complete a project on the role of proof and technology in communicating mathematics.

Project Assessment
At the end of the semester, 70% of the students submitting their project will receive a grade of 8 or better according to the attached rubric.

Student Success Rate
13 of the 14 projects submitted (93%) received a grade of 8 or better according to the given rubric.

Mth467 Paper
Students will be administered a final exam in which they will be required to write two essays:  one that outlines one of the major historical themes in mathematics, the second must give biographical and mathematical details about a given mathematician.

Essay On Historical Theme In Mathematics
On the final exam, 70% of the students will receive a score of 2 or 3 on an essay that describes a historical theme in mathematics according to the rubric provided.

Results - Mathematical Themes
9 of 14 students (64%) received a score of 2 or 3 on a question related to mathematical themes on their final exam.

Biographical Essay
On the final exam, 70% of the students will receive a score of 2 or 3 on a biographical essay in mathematics according to the rubric provided.

Results - Biographical Essay
12 of 14 students (86%) received a score of 2 or 3 on their biographical essay.

Implications - Methods Of Proof
Our findings were inconsistent. We exceeded our expectations for student performance in Mth 363 and Mth 467 (biographical essay). However, we fell short of our expectations for student performance in Mth 364 and slightly short for Mth 467 (mathematical themes). Our greatest concern rest with Mth 364 as the course material addresses a fundamental aspect of mathematical knowledge, methods of proof. In fall of 2010, chair and faculty will discuss and adopt measures designed to improve student learning, such as increasing the amount of classroom attention given to methods of proof, implementing earlier testing of methods of proof prior to the final exam, providing students with more tutorial help, etc. The measures will be implemented in the beginning of the Spring 2011 semester and the corresponding data collected and analyzed at the end of the Spring 2011 semester.

Implications - Communicating Mathematical Ideas
We exceeded our expectations for Mth 363 and Mth 467 (Biographical essay). However, we fell slightly short of our expectations for Mth 467 (historical themes). Unlike the quantitative exams administered in Mth 363, Mth 467 relies on qualitative exams. We do not currently have a grading rubric for Mth 467. Such a rubric would allow us to identify themes we deem important and that may be in need of greater classroom attention. In fall 2010 chair and faculty will develop a rubric for Mth 467.

Communicating Mathematics Through Media
Students seeking teaching certification will also develop the ability to communicate mathematical ideas through visual media and a variety of technology.

Undergraduate Research Projects
Students will participate in faculty directed research including the planning, literature search, and public dissemination of results.

At least 10 undergraduate students participating in undergraduate research projects will give presentations at mathematics conferences.

Student Presentations
During the 2009-2010 academic year, 18 undergraduate students gave presentations at mathematics conferences.

Use Of Media
All students giving presentations at conferences will use electronic media (powerpoint, websites) to present their research.

Use Of Media - Results
All presentations were done in Powerpoint.

Mth363 Project
Students will complete a project on the role of proof and technology in communicating mathematics.

Project Assessment
At the end of the semester, 70% of the students submitting their project will receive a grade of 8 or better according to the attached rubric.

Student Success Rate
13 of the 14 projects submitted (93%) received a grade of 8 or better according to the given rubric.

Implications - Communicating With Media
the department exceeded its expectations in regards to the number of student presentations at professional conferences (we expected 10 students to present at conferences, 18 students presented at conference). We will continue to increase the number of student presentations by applying for grants from the National Science Foundation to support additional students with their undergraduate research. 

Foundation Areas - Calculus I
Mth142 (Calculus I):  Students will demonstrate the following knowledge and skills:  differentiation of standard mathematical functions, apply the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to evaluate integrals, and use calculus techniques to solve optimization problems.

Course Assessment - Mth142
All students enrolled in the program are required to complete Mth 142. Students will be administered a final exam developed and aprroved by the department faculty. The exam will require them to demonstrate the knowledge and skills mentioned in the objective.

Differentiation Of Mathematical Functions
On the final exam, 70% of the students will provide the correct derivative for a given mathematical function.

Results - Differentiation Of Mathematical Functions
57 of 73 students (78%) were able to correctly differentiate a given function on the final exam.

Fundamental Theorem Of Calculus
On the final exam, 70% of the students will correctly use the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to evaluate a given integral.

Results - Fundamental Theorem Of Calculus
47 of 73 students (64%)  correctly used the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to evaluate a given integral.

Optimization Using Calculus Techniques
On the final exam, 70% of the students will use appropriate calculus techniques to solve an optimization problem.

Results - Opitimization
34 of 73 students (47%) were able to set up equations to be optimized and found the appropriate critical value correctly.

It is clear from the data collected that Calculus I students are somewhat adept at symbolic manipulation, but still lack the necessary mathematical insight needed to apply these skills. In fall of 2010 chair and faculty will discuss and adopt measures designed to improve student learning in Mth 142, such as increasing the amount of classroom attention given to applied skills, implementing earlier testing of applied skills prior to the final exam, providing students with more tutorial help, etc. The measures will be implemented in the beginning of the Spring 2011 semester and the corresponding data collected and analyzed at the end of the Spring 2011 semester.

Deliver A Curriculum With Appropriate Discipline Specific Knowledge
The curriculum will address the discipline specific knowledge dictated by professional societies and/or professionals in the workforce.

Ability To Conduct Research In Mathematical Sciences
Students will participate in faculty directed research including the planning, literature search, and public dissemination of results.

Undergraduate Research Projects
Students will participate in faculty directed research including the planning, literature search, and public dissemination of results.

At least 10 undergraduate students participating in undergraduate research projects will give presentations at mathematics conferences.

Student Presentations
During the 2009-2010 academic year, 18 undergraduate students gave presentations at mathematics conferences.

Use Of Media
All students giving presentations at conferences will use electronic media (powerpoint, websites) to present their research.

Use Of Media - Results
All presentations were done in Powerpoint.

The Future Of Undergraduate Research At SHSU.
the department exceeded its expectations in regards to the number of student presentations at professional conferences (we expected 10 students to present at conferences, 18 students presented at conference). We will continue to increase the number of student presentations by applying for grants from the National Science Foundation to support additional students with their undergraduate research. 

Foundation Areas For Certification Majors
Students seeking secondary certification will acquire the same general foundation knowledge as students not seeking certification.

Course Assessment - Mth364
All students enrolled in the program are required to complete Mth 364. Students will be administered a final exam developed and aprroved by the department faculty. The exam will contain theorems students will need know to prove by the methods mentioned in the objective.

Direct Proof
On the final exam, 70% of the studentss will receive a score of 4 or better on a direct proof according to the attached rubric.

Results - Direct Proof
6 out of 17 (35%) received a score of 4 or 5 on a direct proof on their final exam.

Proof By Contradiction.
On the final exam, 70% of the students will receive a score of 4 or better on a proof by contradiction according to the attached rubric.

Results - Proof By Contradiction.
13 of 17 students (76%) received a score of 4 or 5 on a proof by contradiction on their final exam.

Proof By Contraposition.
On the final exam, 70% of the students will receive a score of 4 or better on a proof by contraposition according to the attached rubric.

Results - Proof By Contraposition
8 of 17 (47%) students received a score of 4 or 5 on a proof by contraposition on their final exam.

Mathematical Induction.
On the final exam, 70% of the students will receive a score of 4 or better on a proof by mathematical induction according to the attached rubric.

Results - Mathematical Induction
6 out of 17 students (35%) received a score of 4 or 5 on a proof by induction on their final exam.

Mth363 Project
Students will complete a project on the role of proof and technology in communicating mathematics.

Project Assessment
At the end of the semester, 70% of the students submitting their project will receive a grade of 8 or better according to the attached rubric.

Student Success Rate
13 of the 14 projects submitted (93%) received a grade of 8 or better according to the given rubric.

Mth467 Paper
Students will be administered a final exam in which they will be required to write two essays:  one that outlines one of the major historical themes in mathematics, the second must give biographical and mathematical details about a given mathematician.

Essay On Historical Theme In Mathematics
On the final exam, 70% of the students will receive a score of 2 or 3 on an essay that describes a historical theme in mathematics according to the rubric provided.

Results - Mathematical Themes
9 of 14 students (64%) received a score of 2 or 3 on a question related to mathematical themes on their final exam.

Biographical Essay
On the final exam, 70% of the students will receive a score of 2 or 3 on a biographical essay in mathematics according to the rubric provided.

Results - Biographical Essay
12 of 14 students (86%) received a score of 2 or 3 on their biographical essay.

Course Assessment - Mth142
All students enrolled in the program are required to complete Mth 142. Students will be administered a final exam developed and aprroved by the department faculty. The exam will require them to demonstrate the knowledge and skills mentioned in the objective.

Differentiation Of Mathematical Functions
On the final exam, 70% of the students will provide the correct derivative for a given mathematical function.

Results - Differentiation Of Mathematical Functions
57 of 73 students (78%) were able to correctly differentiate a given function on the final exam.

Fundamental Theorem Of Calculus
On the final exam, 70% of the students will correctly use the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to evaluate a given integral.

Results - Fundamental Theorem Of Calculus
47 of 73 students (64%)  correctly used the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to evaluate a given integral.

Optimization Using Calculus Techniques
On the final exam, 70% of the students will use appropriate calculus techniques to solve an optimization problem.

Results - Opitimization
34 of 73 students (47%) were able to set up equations to be optimized and found the appropriate critical value correctly.

Implications For Teacher Certification Candidates
Our findings were inconsistent. We exceeded our expectations for student performance in Mth 363 and Mth 467 (biographical essay). However, we fell short of our expectations for student performance in Mth 364 and slightly short for Mth 467 (mathematical themes). Our greatest concern rest with Mth 364 as the course material addresses a fundamental aspect of mathematical knowledge, methods of proof. In fall of 2010, chair and faculty will discuss and adopt measures designed to improve student learning, such as increasing the amount of classroom attention given to methods of proof, implementing earlier testing of methods of proof prior to the final exam, providing students with more tutorial help, etc. The measures will be implemented in the beginning of the Spring 2011 semester and the corresponding data collected and analyzed at the end of the Spring 2011 semester.

Implications - Communicating Mathematical Ideas
We exceeded our expectations for Mth 363 and Mth 467 (Biographical essay). However, we fell slightly short of our expectations for Mth 467 (historical themes). Unlike the quantitative exams administered in Mth 363, Mth 467 relies on qualitative exams. We do not currently have a grading rubric for Mth 467. Such a rubric would allow us to identify themes we deem important and that may be in need of greater classroom attention. In fall 2010 chair and faculty will develop a rubric for Mth 467.

Communicating Mathematical Results In Writing
In Mth364 (Mathematical Thought)  Students will apply, in the appropriate context, the following methods of proof:  direct proof, proof by contradiction, proof by contraposition, and proof by induction.  In Mth363 (Euclidean Geometry) students will complete a project requiring proofs and the use of technology.  In Mth467 (History of Mathematics), the student will write an essay outlining a major theme in the history of mathematics.

Course Assessment - Mth364
All students enrolled in the program are required to complete Mth 364. Students will be administered a final exam developed and aprroved by the department faculty. The exam will contain theorems students will need know to prove by the methods mentioned in the objective.

Direct Proof
On the final exam, 70% of the studentss will receive a score of 4 or better on a direct proof according to the attached rubric.

Results - Direct Proof
6 out of 17 (35%) received a score of 4 or 5 on a direct proof on their final exam.

Proof By Contradiction.
On the final exam, 70% of the students will receive a score of 4 or better on a proof by contradiction according to the attached rubric.

Results - Proof By Contradiction.
13 of 17 students (76%) received a score of 4 or 5 on a proof by contradiction on their final exam.

Proof By Contraposition.
On the final exam, 70% of the students will receive a score of 4 or better on a proof by contraposition according to the attached rubric.

Results - Proof By Contraposition
8 of 17 (47%) students received a score of 4 or 5 on a proof by contraposition on their final exam.

Mathematical Induction.
On the final exam, 70% of the students will receive a score of 4 or better on a proof by mathematical induction according to the attached rubric.

Results - Mathematical Induction
6 out of 17 students (35%) received a score of 4 or 5 on a proof by induction on their final exam.

Mth363 Project
Students will complete a project on the role of proof and technology in communicating mathematics.

Project Assessment
At the end of the semester, 70% of the students submitting their project will receive a grade of 8 or better according to the attached rubric.

Student Success Rate
13 of the 14 projects submitted (93%) received a grade of 8 or better according to the given rubric.

Mth467 Paper
Students will be administered a final exam in which they will be required to write two essays:  one that outlines one of the major historical themes in mathematics, the second must give biographical and mathematical details about a given mathematician.

Essay On Historical Theme In Mathematics
On the final exam, 70% of the students will receive a score of 2 or 3 on an essay that describes a historical theme in mathematics according to the rubric provided.

Results - Mathematical Themes
9 of 14 students (64%) received a score of 2 or 3 on a question related to mathematical themes on their final exam.

Biographical Essay
On the final exam, 70% of the students will receive a score of 2 or 3 on a biographical essay in mathematics according to the rubric provided.

Results - Biographical Essay
12 of 14 students (86%) received a score of 2 or 3 on their biographical essay.

Implications - Methods Of Proof
Our findings were inconsistent. We exceeded our expectations for student performance in Mth 363 and Mth 467 (biographical essay). However, we fell short of our expectations for student performance in Mth 364 and slightly short for Mth 467 (mathematical themes). Our greatest concern rest with Mth 364 as the course material addresses a fundamental aspect of mathematical knowledge, methods of proof. In fall of 2010, chair and faculty will discuss and adopt measures designed to improve student learning, such as increasing the amount of classroom attention given to methods of proof, implementing earlier testing of methods of proof prior to the final exam, providing students with more tutorial help, etc. The measures will be implemented in the beginning of the Spring 2011 semester and the corresponding data collected and analyzed at the end of the Spring 2011 semester.

Implications - Communicating Mathematical Ideas
We exceeded our expectations for Mth 363 and Mth 467 (Biographical essay). However, we fell slightly short of our expectations for Mth 467 (historical themes). Unlike the quantitative exams administered in Mth 363, Mth 467 relies on qualitative exams. We do not currently have a grading rubric for Mth 467. Such a rubric would allow us to identify themes we deem important and that may be in need of greater classroom attention. In fall 2010 chair and faculty will develop a rubric for Mth 467.

Foundation Areas - Calculus I
Mth142 (Calculus I):  Students will demonstrate the following knowledge and skills:  differentiation of standard mathematical functions, apply the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to evaluate integrals, and use calculus techniques to solve optimization problems.

Course Assessment - Mth142
All students enrolled in the program are required to complete Mth 142. Students will be administered a final exam developed and aprroved by the department faculty. The exam will require them to demonstrate the knowledge and skills mentioned in the objective.

Differentiation Of Mathematical Functions
On the final exam, 70% of the students will provide the correct derivative for a given mathematical function.

Results - Differentiation Of Mathematical Functions
57 of 73 students (78%) were able to correctly differentiate a given function on the final exam.

Fundamental Theorem Of Calculus
On the final exam, 70% of the students will correctly use the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to evaluate a given integral.

Results - Fundamental Theorem Of Calculus
47 of 73 students (64%)  correctly used the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to evaluate a given integral.

Optimization Using Calculus Techniques
On the final exam, 70% of the students will use appropriate calculus techniques to solve an optimization problem.

Results - Opitimization
34 of 73 students (47%) were able to set up equations to be optimized and found the appropriate critical value correctly.

It is clear from the data collected that Calculus I students are somewhat adept at symbolic manipulation, but still lack the necessary mathematical insight needed to apply these skills. In fall of 2010 chair and faculty will discuss and adopt measures designed to improve student learning in Mth 142, such as increasing the amount of classroom attention given to applied skills, implementing earlier testing of applied skills prior to the final exam, providing students with more tutorial help, etc. The measures will be implemented in the beginning of the Spring 2011 semester and the corresponding data collected and analyzed at the end of the Spring 2011 semester.

Deliver A Curriculum That Emphasizes Communication Skills
The curriculum will provide students with opportunities to develop the appropriate speaking and writing skills to function as a professional in the area.

Communicating Mathematical Results In Writing
In Mth364 (Mathematical Thought)  Students will apply, in the appropriate context, the following methods of proof:  direct proof, proof by contradiction, proof by contraposition, and proof by induction.  In Mth363 (Euclidean Geometry) students will complete a project requiring proofs and the use of technology.  In Mth467 (History of Mathematics), the student will write an essay outlining a major theme in the history of mathematics.

Course Assessment - Mth364
All students enrolled in the program are required to complete Mth 364. Students will be administered a final exam developed and aprroved by the department faculty. The exam will contain theorems students will need know to prove by the methods mentioned in the objective.

Direct Proof
On the final exam, 70% of the studentss will receive a score of 4 or better on a direct proof according to the attached rubric.

Results - Direct Proof
6 out of 17 (35%) received a score of 4 or 5 on a direct proof on their final exam.

Proof By Contradiction.
On the final exam, 70% of the students will receive a score of 4 or better on a proof by contradiction according to the attached rubric.

Results - Proof By Contradiction.
13 of 17 students (76%) received a score of 4 or 5 on a proof by contradiction on their final exam.

Proof By Contraposition.
On the final exam, 70% of the students will receive a score of 4 or better on a proof by contraposition according to the attached rubric.

Results - Proof By Contraposition
8 of 17 (47%) students received a score of 4 or 5 on a proof by contraposition on their final exam.

Mathematical Induction.
On the final exam, 70% of the students will receive a score of 4 or better on a proof by mathematical induction according to the attached rubric.

Results - Mathematical Induction
6 out of 17 students (35%) received a score of 4 or 5 on a proof by induction on their final exam.

Mth363 Project
Students will complete a project on the role of proof and technology in communicating mathematics.

Project Assessment
At the end of the semester, 70% of the students submitting their project will receive a grade of 8 or better according to the attached rubric.

Student Success Rate
13 of the 14 projects submitted (93%) received a grade of 8 or better according to the given rubric.

Mth467 Paper
Students will be administered a final exam in which they will be required to write two essays:  one that outlines one of the major historical themes in mathematics, the second must give biographical and mathematical details about a given mathematician.

Essay On Historical Theme In Mathematics
On the final exam, 70% of the students will receive a score of 2 or 3 on an essay that describes a historical theme in mathematics according to the rubric provided.

Results - Mathematical Themes
9 of 14 students (64%) received a score of 2 or 3 on a question related to mathematical themes on their final exam.

Biographical Essay
On the final exam, 70% of the students will receive a score of 2 or 3 on a biographical essay in mathematics according to the rubric provided.

Results - Biographical Essay
12 of 14 students (86%) received a score of 2 or 3 on their biographical essay.

Implications - Methods Of Proof
Our findings were inconsistent. We exceeded our expectations for student performance in Mth 363 and Mth 467 (biographical essay). However, we fell short of our expectations for student performance in Mth 364 and slightly short for Mth 467 (mathematical themes). Our greatest concern rest with Mth 364 as the course material addresses a fundamental aspect of mathematical knowledge, methods of proof. In fall of 2010, chair and faculty will discuss and adopt measures designed to improve student learning, such as increasing the amount of classroom attention given to methods of proof, implementing earlier testing of methods of proof prior to the final exam, providing students with more tutorial help, etc. The measures will be implemented in the beginning of the Spring 2011 semester and the corresponding data collected and analyzed at the end of the Spring 2011 semester.

Implications - Communicating Mathematical Ideas
We exceeded our expectations for Mth 363 and Mth 467 (Biographical essay). However, we fell slightly short of our expectations for Mth 467 (historical themes). Unlike the quantitative exams administered in Mth 363, Mth 467 relies on qualitative exams. We do not currently have a grading rubric for Mth 467. Such a rubric would allow us to identify themes we deem important and that may be in need of greater classroom attention. In fall 2010 chair and faculty will develop a rubric for Mth 467.

Communicating Mathematics Through Media
Students seeking teaching certification will also develop the ability to communicate mathematical ideas through visual media and a variety of technology.

Undergraduate Research Projects
Students will participate in faculty directed research including the planning, literature search, and public dissemination of results.

At least 10 undergraduate students participating in undergraduate research projects will give presentations at mathematics conferences.

Student Presentations
During the 2009-2010 academic year, 18 undergraduate students gave presentations at mathematics conferences.

Use Of Media
All students giving presentations at conferences will use electronic media (powerpoint, websites) to present their research.

Use Of Media - Results
All presentations were done in Powerpoint.

Mth363 Project
Students will complete a project on the role of proof and technology in communicating mathematics.

Project Assessment
At the end of the semester, 70% of the students submitting their project will receive a grade of 8 or better according to the attached rubric.

Student Success Rate
13 of the 14 projects submitted (93%) received a grade of 8 or better according to the given rubric.

Implications - Communicating With Media
the department exceeded its expectations in regards to the number of student presentations at professional conferences (we expected 10 students to present at conferences, 18 students presented at conference). We will continue to increase the number of student presentations by applying for grants from the National Science Foundation to support additional students with their undergraduate research. 

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement Our findings on quantitative exams were somewhat inconsistent. In some cases, student performance exceeded our expectations and in other cases student performance fell short of our expectations. In fall of 2010, chair and faculty will discuss and adopt measures designed to improve student learning, such as increasing the amount of classroom attention given to methods of proof, implementing earlier testing of methods of proof prior to the final exam, providing students with more tutorial help, etc. The measures will be implemented in the beginning of the Spring 2011 semester and the corresponding data collected and analyzed at the end of the Spring 2011 semester. Our findings for qualitative exams were also inconsistent. We exceeded our expectations for Mth 363 and Mth 467 (Biographical essay). However, we fell slightly short of our expectations for Mth 467 (historical themes). Unlike the quantitative exams administered in Mth 363, Mth 467 relies on qualitative exams. We do not currently have a grading rubric for Mth 467. Such a rubric would allow us to identify themes we deem important and that may be in need of greater classroom attention. In fall 2010 chair and faculty will develop a rubric for Mth 467. We will continue to increase the number of student presentations by applying for grants from the National Science Foundation to support additional students with their undergraduate research.