OATdb Archive

2009 - 2010

Music, School Of

Increase Major Enrollment
Increase enrollment of majors in the Music disciplines by 2% by September 2010.

Increase Enrollment
Through aggressive advertising, faculty involved in recruting activities and other methods, we will increase our enrollment by 2%.

Enrollment Increase
Compare enrollment with the baseline from 2008. the enrollment music majors for fall 2008 was 334 (graduate and undergraduate). Fall 2009 total music major enrollment was 349 music majors.

Enrollment Increase
We must increase enrollment by 7 students to a total of 341.

Enrollment Increase
We had 349 students in fall 2010...15 more than fall of 2008. That represents a 4.49% increase in students. We exceeded our goal.

We will meet as a faculty at our retreat in the fall to reevaluate the 2% enrollment target. We may want to increase our annual enrollment goal to 3% or 4%. The goal we set needs to be realistic and attainable. We will look at enrollment trends over the past 5 years and compare our enrollment with data with NASM and other pertinent data.

Executive Committee
Form an executive committee to assist with decision making processes and setting policies for the School of Music

Executive Committee Functions
The Executive committee will assist the Director, School of Music, with important projects and decisions that impact the School of Music. This includes budgets, personnel and calendar issuess. The committee may be consulted with or given specific assignments by the Director as needed.

Executive Committee Meetings
Meetings will be scheduled once a month one week prior (when possible) prior to Faculty Meetings. Additional meetings will be called as needed.

Executive Committee Members
The School of Music Director will select two members of the committee; the faculty will elect two members of the committee. Between September 2009 and May 2010 we would like to have 7 meetings.

Executive Committee
We had an executive committee meeting 7 times during the school year. This met the critera we had set. We discussed budgets, faculty hiring, and a miriad of other important issues. The Committee was VERY helpful to the Director and this committee will become a part of the School of Music leadership stategy for the foreseeable future.

Executive Committee
One of the senior members of the Executive Committee is leaving. We will replace him on the committee in Fall 2010 and keep the rest of the committee for one more year. We will schedule a committee meeting once each month one week prior to faculty meetings.

Sacred Music BM Degree
The School of Music will develop a Sacred Music Degree track to be offered under the Bachelor of Music degree designation.

Sacred Music Degree
The Curriculum Committee will develop an approriate Sacred Music degree that will meet NASM standards and the 120 credit/unit rule.

Sacred Music Degree
The degree must accommodate both vocal/choral and instrumental/organ/piano areas of training. The basic CORE requirements for the BM degree are part of this degree track so that all BM degrees have the same music CORE requirements.

Plans for the degree will be submitted to the College Curriculum Committee to review this academic year.

Sacred Music Degree
The materials need to be submitted to the College Curriculum Committee by March, 2010.

The common criteria for the BM Sacred Music track are as follows: the degree must have 120 credits/units; the degree must meet NASM standards for this type of degree; the degree must have the same music CORE course requirements as the other BM tracks.

Sacred Music Degree
The School of Music curriculum committee were unable to complete the final degree plan and appropriate documents required to be submitted.

While the documents were not completed on time, progress toward the degree content is very good. We will be able to complete the final draft and make the appropriate submissions on time next year.

Sacred Music Degree
The Curriculum Committee will continue to work on this proposal next academic year with the goal of having the documents ready for submission in the fall of 2010.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement The enrollment goals for the School of Music may be set too low. The faculty will review this goal to determine if the standard or expectation should be raised while keeping in mind the space/classroom and teacher/faculty limitations on the size and scope of the School of Music.

The executive committee will continue to function and increase its role in the management of the School of Music.

The Curriculum Commmittee must complete the work on the Sacred Music degree in Fall 2010. Four course proposals that need to be completed and the approprarite documents submitted to the College Curriculum Committee. This needs to be done early in the fall 2010 semester.

The School of Music is healthy, growing and appropriately engaged in a varity of exciting and challenging projects. We will conintue to closely monitor and evaluate our projects, curriculum and faculty to ensure that we are in fact delivering a high quality education to our students.