The Sociology BA Program provides students with advanced scientific tools so students are able to apply core concepts.
Apply Core Concepts
Students who complete the Sociology Program will be able to apply the core concepts of the discipline using appropriate methodology.Students will have adequate computer literacy to accomplish this goal
Two Sociological Papers--Methodology
Two sociological papers written by each graduating student during the Spring semester of his/her senior year are selected. They are evaluated by a three Faculty Member committee appointed by the Chair. The papers are assigned a combined score from 1 to 5 where one is inadequate knowledge of Sociology and 5 is excellent knowledge of Sociology. Employing their professional expertise in Sociology, Faculty assign a maximum of two points for the theories presented in the papers, a maximum of two points for the methodology employed in the papers, and a maximum of one point for the articulation of the papers.The selection of this indicator responds to disciplinary standards and conforms to contemporary techniques of evaluation research. It was developed in a meeting of the entire faculty in which various options were discussed and critically reviewed.
Desired Results--Methodology
At least 80% of papers should be rated 3 or better on the 5 point scale. Two points can be given for methodology.
Finding Apply Core Concepts - Methodology
93% of students writing samples earned a rating of 3 or better and satisfied the requirement. Students that did not performed well had an inadequate knowledge of methodology. It appears that they could not understand items past a very basic understanding of the subject matter
Action For Apply Core Concepts
Faculty will more closely monitor the class activities and progress of students who show deficiencies in methods. Better quality methodology-based readings will be selected and assigned in appropriate courses. More stringent supervision and higher quality texts will be employed
Understand Core Soc Concepts
The Sociology BA Program teaches students the basic theoretical or core concepts of Sociology.
Understanding Core Concepts
The Sociology BA program students will demonstrate competence in understanding of the theory or core concepts of the discipline of Sociology.Students will have adequate computer literacy to accomplish this goal
Two Sociological Papers--Theory
Two sociological papers written by each graduating student during the Spring semester of his/her senior year are selected. They are evaluated by a three Faculty Member committee appointed by the Chair. The papers are assigned a combined score from 1 to 5 where one is inadequate knowledge of Sociology and 5 is excellent knowledge of Sociology. Employing their professional expertise in Sociology, Faculty assign a maximum of two points for the theories presented in the papers, a maximum of two points for the methodology employed in the papers, and a maximum of one point for the articulation of the papers.The selection of this indicator responds to disciplinary standards and conforms to contemporary techniques of evaluation research. It was developed in a meeting of the entire faculty in which various options were discussed and critically reviewed.
Desired Results--Theory
At least 80% of papers should be rated 3 or better on the 5 point scale. Two points may be given in theory.
Finding For Understanding Core Concepts -- Theory
93% of students writing samples earned a rating of 3 or better and satisfied the requirement. Those who did not performed satisfactory did not completed most of the assigned reading. students did not study enough.
Action For Understanding Core Concepts
In the case of the goal of “understanding core concepts,” Students who did not performed satisfactory did not completed most of the assigned readings. It is felt that students should complete more assigned readings. Additionally, it is felt that Faculty should increase supervision of students in order to detect problems as they emerge. During the semester and in required theory-based courses, faculty will check that students complete reading assignments with more frequency and accuracy. These actions are carried out in order to address the fact that students who do not perform well do not read enough sociological theory.
Communication Tools
The Sociology BA Program provides students with the tools to be able to communicate scientifically
Communication Tools
The Sociology Program provides students with the scientific tools to be able to communicate the results obtained through the application of the core concepts of the discipline of Sociology.Students will have adequate computer literacy to accomplish this goal
Two Sociological Papers--Communication
Two sociological papers written by each graduating student during the Spring semester of his/her senior year are selected. They are evaluated by a three Faculty Member committee appointed by the Chair. The papers are assigned a combined score from 1 to 5 where one is inadequate knowledge of Sociology and 5 is excellent knowledge of Sociology. Employing their professional expertise in Sociology, Faculty assign a maximum of two points for the theories presented in the papers, a maximum of two points for the methodology employed in the papers, and a maximum of one point for the articulation of the papers.The selection of this indicator responds to disciplinary standards and conforms to contemporary techniques of evaluation research. It was developed in a meeting of the entire faculty in which various options were discussed and critically reviewed.
Desired Results--Communication
At least 80% of papers should be rated 3 or better on the 5 point scale. One point may be given for the articulation of the ideas.
Finding Communication Tools
93% of students writing samples earned a rating of 3 or better and satisfied the requirement. Those who did not perform satisfactorily had problems expressing sociological knowledge using technical terms and analytical definitions in a coherent way.
Communication Tools
Actions will be taken to increase the quality of written and oral communication. Students will be asked to produce more written assignments and these activities will be more closely monitored by faculty. Particular attention will be paid to students with deficiencies. Additionally, students with written communication problems will be encouraged to use available academic resources such as the Writing Center.