OATdb Archive

2009 - 2010

Student Services, Associate Vice President

Oversight Of Administrative Support Areas
Administrative oversight of Lowman Student Center (LSC), Recreational Sports, and Students' Legal and Mediatoin Services

Lowman Student Center (LSC)
Guests who use the LSC will experience high quality facilities, equipment, and services.

Electronic Assessment Survey
The assessment surveys three areas:  communication, efficiency, and courtesy

90% Rating LSC Experience As Good Or Outstanding
Maintaining a 90% rating of good or outstanding is the goal.

Assessment Results
The move to an electronic assessment has been positive in that there are fewer responses and responses are more open and frank.  Ninety-seven percent of respondents rated the LSC experience as good or outstanding.  One weakness that emerged involved having the rooms open on time.

LSC Actions
Although 07% of the ratings were good or outstanding, an area of weakness in the LSC experience is having the doors opened on time for events.  We have addressed this issue with the following actions: (1) training checklist for office student employees who open doors during the day, and (2) electronic sensors that can be controlled to have lights come on at prescribed times and shut off at prescribed times.

Recreational Sports
Students who participate in fitness programs as part of Recreational Sports will report they have gained benefits from the programs.

StudentVoice Surveys
Surveys through StudentVoice will assess the various fitness programs.

Over 70% Of Participants Will Report Benefits
Over 70% will be able to identify at least one benefit from participating in fitness programs provided by Recreational Sports

Survey Reports
Participants in the group fitness programs reported benefits from the program including over 92% responding to the group fitness survey:  23.64% reported healthy lifestyle as a benefit, and 14.55% each found physical well-being/appearance and self-confidence as benefits from group fitness.

Regarding weight training, over 74% reported benefits including 20.63% benefitting in physical well-being/appearance and 19.28% reporting healthy lifestyle as a benefit.

The two areas of which group fitness participants wanted more included yoga and hip-hop.  Participants in weight training rated the staff highest on attitude and appearance and lowest on attentiveness.

Recreational Sports Modifications
The group fitness class wanted most is hip-hop followed by yoga.  Recreational Sports will consider adding more of these classes dependent on cost and availability of instructors.  The weight-room staff must be attentive to maintain safety, so specific training in this area will be provided to all weight-room staff.

Students' Legal And Mediation Services
Students who use the service will be able to explain their legal needs and options through a consultation session.

Assessment Survey On Exit
An assessment instrument devised to measure students' ability to articulate, upon exit, is used to determine whether students can identify their legal problems, their legal position, and their legal rights.

Assessment Of Legal Issues
At least 90% of student surveys will show ratings of 5 on the Likert Scale.

Legal Difficulties
As of April 2010, 95% of students indicated through strong agreement that they were able to articulate their legal needs and rights after consultation. 

Legal And Mediation Actions
Due to the success of students articulating legal issues on the exit survey this past year, a new goal of educating students about the legal issues surrounding drinking and driving will be assessed to determine the effectiveness of the program.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement Although all the programs under the oversight of the Associate Vice President for Student Services are thriving, some weaknesses did emerge.  The LSC discovered that there was a difficulty with having the doors opened in a timely manner before an event. The staff there have implemented a training checklist for those who work during the day as well as to install sensors that can be programmed for the lights to come on at a specified time and shut off at a specified time.  The Students' Legal Advisor will add a new goal of assessing an existing program regarding the legal issues of drinking and driving for students for it effectiveness.  Finally, Recreational Sports will consider adding more yoga and hip-hop classes dependent on cost and availability of instructors.  The weight-room staff will receive specific training in the area of attentiveness in the weight-room.