OATdb Archive

2009 - 2010

Student Services, Vice President

Innovative Programs and Services
Provide innovative programs and services.

Enhance The Student Experience
Develop programs and activities that enhance the student experience in the areas of University spirit, traditions, and residential campus culture.

Recruitment Of New Students
Recruitment of new students.

Participation In Spirit Day Camps
Approximately 100 students from the 2010 Freshman Class will participate in each of three spirit day camp sessions.

Number Of Students Attending
300 students from the 2010 Freshman Class participated in two spirit day camps.

Spirit Day Camps
Provide three spirit day camps for freshman students by Summer 2010.

Number Of Spirit Camp
Two spirit day camps for freshman students were offered due to the limited availability of camp facilities.

University Camp Expansion
As a result of increased recruitment of freshman students a waiting list was created due to the overwhelming response.  Because of the limited availability of camp facilities each camp will be increased in size by 50 students and one new camp session will be added for Summer 2011.  Needs still exist for the University to develop the 980 Property into a fully operational University Camp.

University Camp Priority On The Capital Improvement Project List
Weaknesses in camp facilities limit the recruitment of a larger percentage of the total incoming freshman population.  As a result, 300 new students will be recruited to bring the total attendees to 600. In order to increase participation, the development of the University Camp needs to have a higher priority on the Capital Improvement Project list.

Inclusive Community
Foster the development of an inclusive community.

Collaborative Programs
Improve communication with the University community to encourage participation and attendance at programs and events.

Number Of Promotional Publications
Number of weekly e-mails used to market and promote department programs.

Create Weekly E-Mails
Create 14 weekly e-mails per long semester.

Weekly E-Mail Results
Created 16 e-mail messages during Fall 2009 and 17 e-mail messages during Spring 2010 to students, staff and faculty promoting various department program and event opportunities. After reviewing data collected in the NASPA Consortium Campus Activities and Student Involvement Assessment Project in 2008-2009, 24 percent surveyed indicated that the most common way they learn about campus events is through campus e-mail, second only to flyers, banners, and posters.  As a result of this data, we improved the e-mail appearance to create added interest in the information.

Evaluate The Effectiveness Of E-mail Marketing
Informal discussions with recipients indicated that they were more likely to read the information based on the new format. As a result of this information we will create a survey for 2010-2011 to evaluate the effectiveness and value of e-mail marketing to the campus community.

Student Participation and Satisfaction
Develop student participation and satisfaction for programs and services.

Evaluate Current Programs
Each department will review and evaluate current programs to encourage student participation.

Performance Indicator Report
Division of Student Services Performance Indicator report.

Overall Success Rate
Departments will have an overall success rate of 80 percent in meeting their performance indicator goals.

Data Collection
Based on the analysis of the FY 10 Performance Indicator Report, 4 of 9 departments met the success rate of meeting 80 percent of their performance indicator goals.

Analyze Report
After reviewing the data in each department, there was an overall increase in most activities, however, some areas did not meet their specified goals.  In many cases where the goals were not met, appropriate justifications have been provided as to why the goals were not reached.  Departments will monitor their goal numbers to ensure realistic estimations for future planning and will adjust where needed.

Student Critical Thinking And Lifelong Learning
Engage students in programs that promote critical thinking and lifelong learning skills.

Opportunities For Learning
Students will be able to offer constructive ideas concerning the improvement of University programs and services and develop social responsibility through alternative learning opportunities.

Collegiate Readership Active Program Student Survey
Collegiate Readership Active Program Student Survey. The survey provides information on civic engagement and global awareness.

Knowlege Acquired From Reading the Newspaper
75 percent of student participants indicate that the knowledge acquired from reading the newspaper has influenced their views on a political or ethical issue.

Results Of Survey
Due to reorganization within the USA Today organization, the process of receiving approval to utilize their survey was delayed.

Survey Information Exchange Luncheons
Survey of students attending information exchange luncheons sponsored by the Vice President for Student Services. The survey provides information concerning what was learned and the learning experience. Throughout the fall and spring semesters the Vice President has six luncheons and randomly selected students are invited to attend. They are primarily comprised of freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior students who are leaders in student and academic organizations on campus. International students are also invited to attend. Students were provided additional space at the end of the anonymous survey for comments, as well as asked to identify what they learned at the event.

Survey Students for Valuable Experience
85 percent of students surveyed indicate luncheons were a valuable experience.

Valuable Experience Survey Results
Students were asked to rate their level of agreement with the following statements:

My questions and concerns were addressed or I was provided information to follow up with an appropriate faculty/staff member or department to resolve an issue.  62 percent completely agreed with this statement and 29 percent somewhat agreed.

The topics discussed at the luncheon were relevant to me and/or my student organization.  66 percent completely agreed with this statements and 23 somewhat agreed.

I was able to share my opinions openly and thoroughly with students and the administrators at the luncheon.  79 percent completely agreed with this statement and 14 percent somewhat agreed.

Based on the data collected, over 85 percent of students surveyed do indicate that the luncheons are a valuable experience.  Students are also asked to comment on what they learned during the program and the comments vary as can be seen in the backup data.

Survey Students for Benefits
85 percent of students surveyed indicate that meeting University administrators were of benefit to them.

Benefits To Students Survey Results
Students were asked to rate their level of agreement with the following statements:

I believe the opportunity to meet Sam Houston State University administrators is a benefit to students.  93 percent completely agreed with this statement and 5 percent somewhat agreed.

I would attend another student/administrator luncheon.  90 percent completely agreed with this statement and 5 percent somewhat agreed.

Based on the data collected well over 85 percent of students surveyed do indicate that meeting University administrators were of benefit to them.  Students were asked to comment on how to improve the program.  The comments collected will be used to adjust program development and delivery.

Alcohol And Drug Abuse Initiative Survey
2009 Alcohol and Drug Summit Evaluation Results.

ADAI Program Components
70 percent of students who attend the 4th Annual Alcohol and Drug Summit will indicate that the educational sessions conducted during the event will positively change their attitudes and behaviors regarding substance use and abuse and the risks associated with alcohol or drugs.

Evaluation Results
Upon analysis of the 2009 Summit Evaluations, out of 506 student participants, 325 completed student evaluations. 90 percent of the attendees reported that the educational sessions positively impacted their attitudes and behaviors regarding the risks associated with alcohol and drug use.

Collegiate Readership Program Consumption Report
Collegiate Readership Program Consumption Report. The report provides the number of newspapers distributed on campus.

Increase Student Readership
Compare the 2007-2008 and the 2008-2009 consumption report data to determine if student readership on campus has increased.

Consumption Report Results
The Consumption Report indicates that there was approximately a 6 percent decrease in student readership on campus.

Develop New Survey Through StudentVoice
Due to these results, we will develop a survey through StudentVoice that will capture the required data concerning knowledge acquired for reading the newspaper.

Present USA Today Collegiate Readership Marketing Materials To Faculty
Based on the results of a decrease in readership, we will present marketing materials to faculty to encourage student readership for classroom instruction and discussion.

Add Topics Question To 2010-2011 Student Exchange Luncheon Survey
Based on comments collected in the 2009-2010 survey, an additional question will be added to ask students what other topics they would like to see discussed.

Deliver Topics To The Students Prior To The Student Exchange Luncheon
Based on comments collected in the 2009-2010 survey, we will deliver the topics to students attending prior to the luncheon.


ADAI Actions
Based on the results of the 2009 Summit Evaluation, the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Initiative will:

Prepare educational sessions that will  positively impact the high risk behaviors of students in regard to drug and alcohol use. The content of these educational sessions will focus on blood alcohol concentration, binge drinking, alcohol serving sizes, laws and regulations, prescription drug abuse, care for alcohol and drug emergencies, physical and mental impairment, campus policies,  and resources available to students.

Increase the rate of the improvement of student attitudes and behaviors regarding alcohol and drug use to 93 percent.  This improvement will be facilitated by providing interactive student experiences such as the bar lab; posting alcohol and drug educational resources, current research, and intervention assessments on the ADAI web-site; and by offering individual and small group educational sessions for students in a crisis situation.

Administer updated evaluations to students participating in National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week and Reducing Irresponsible Drinking and Drugs Weeks via Student Voice to determine the effectiveness of the educational sessions in regard to improving attitudes and behaviors relating to alcohol and drug use. These attitudes and behaviors assessed in the evaluation will focus on drinking and driving, riding with an impaired driver, binge drinking, accessing community and University resources, and academic performance variables relating to alcohol and drug use.  

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement The increased recruitment of freshman students required a waiting list for the Bearkat Camps.  To satisfy the demand, each camp will be increased in size by 50 students and one new camp session will be added for Summer 2011, allowing the recruitment of 300 new students.  This will bring the total students that can be recruited to 600. To further develop the FM 980 property camps,  Student Services will work to place the development of the University Camp Project at a higher priority on the Capital Improvement Project list. As a result of the future development of the University camp, the program will have the resources necessary to increase participation for incoming students.

Students have indicated that they were more likely to read the e-mailed newsletter, particularly with the new format.  Students will be surveyed for 2010-2011 to evaluate the effectiveness and value of e-mail marketing to the campus community.

Departments will monitor their goal numbers to ensure realistic estimations for future planning and will adjust where needed.

The newspaper readership has decreased, therefore students will be surveyed in the coming year to determine student perception of readership benefits.  Additionally, Student Services will present marketing materials to faculty to encourage student readership for classroom instruction and discussion.

The Student Exchange Luncheon will be revamped slightly by asking participants to delineate topics they would like to hear discussed. Additionally, students requested the agenda be distributed before the luncheon, and that request will be granted. 

The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Initiative will prepare educational sessions that will positively impact the high risk behaviors of students in regard to drug and alcohol use. The content of these educational sessions will focus on blood alcohol concentration, binge drinking, alcohol serving sizes, laws and regulations, prescription drug abuse, care for alcohol and drug emergencies, physical and mental impairment, campus policies,  and resources available to students.  Due to the 2009 4th Annual Alcohol and Drug Summit survey results the need exists to increase the rate of the improvement of student attitudes and behaviors regarding alcohol and drug use to 93 percent.  This improvement will be facilitated by providing interactive student experiences such as the bar lab; posting alcohol and drug educational resources, current research, and intervention assessments on the ADAI web-site; and by offering individual and small group educational sessions for students in a crisis situation.  The iniative will also focus on administering updated evaluations to students participating in National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week and Reducing Irresponsible Drinking and Drugs Weeks via StudentVoice to determine the effectiveness of the educational sessions in regard to improving attitudes and behaviors relating to alcohol and drug use. These attitudes and behaviors assessed in the evaluation will focus on drinking and driving, riding with an impaired driver, binge drinking, accessing community and University resources, and academic performance variables relating to alcohol and drug use.