Continually Improve The Support Services To Internal Constituents.
Continually improve the support services to internal constituents.
Modernize And Improve Efficiencies
Modenrize and improve efficiencies of the Police and parking operations. Specific Efficiency improvements targeted for 2010 include: (1) replacement of a parking management system that is currently partially manual and partially based upon piecemenal computer applications created years ago by SHSU IT/Computer Services (2) Analysis and Planning for meeting university transportation and shuttle needs
Background (1) Replacement of outdated and inefficient parking management system with automated, comprehensive parking management system program aplication that can interface with Banner ERP: Over the last several years, especially as University growth has continued, the Parking & Transportation Office has seen an increase in the number of University Parking Permits that it issues during a semester. Since approximately 2003, the Parking & Transportation Office has seen an increase in sales of parking permits near 80%. With increased sales, the number of customer complaints in our offices also increased. Many of these complaints were due to long lines experienced and the beginning of each semester, limited locations where the parking permit could be purchased and limited locations where the parking permit could be picked up. Furthermore, the procedures currently in place to track parking permits was antiquated, cumbersome, and time consuming for a limited staff. Thus affecting the number of overtime hours that had to be paid at the beginning of the semester to three clerks who did manual data entry of all parking permits sold. In fall 2009, the Parking & Transportation office enacted new procedures to help reduce these issues; however, due to the data operating system of the University it was very difficult. Additionally, the Parking & Transportation Office is responsible for the Administrative Parking Citations that are issued and Parking Garage Contracts (250 reserved spaces) that are issued each semester. Currently, administrative parking citations are handwritten and then the data in manually entered into the system by a clerk so that the respective charge can be placed on a faculty, staff, or student account. Currently, one clerk is assigned those duties. In any given year, the department writes twenty-two thousand to twenty-eight thousand citations a year. Furthermore, the current parking garage system that allows for entry and exit was developed by the University’s Computer Services Department. The parking garage is experiencing numerous problems with this software and will no longer be maintained by Computer Services. When the University announced that it was implementing Banner, it was decided to search for and evaluate a software system in the fall of 2009. The purpose of the software would be to modernize and improve efficiencies with the Parking & Transportation Offices.
(2) Analysis and Planning for meeting university transportation and shuttle needs: As the SHSU campus Master Plan is actualized, parking space is being lost. Student enrollment is expected to continue to increase and staff and faculty cadres will grow, creating pressure for alternatives to convenient parking. In addition, high fuel prices, which are anticipated to climb higher, could negatively impact the university . to forstall imminent and future problems and anticipate needs, transportation and shuttle options for need to be thoroughly explored and studied and a coordinated university plan needs to be developed to address this critical area of support.
New Software Evaluation And Implementation
Software Evaluation: In conjunction with SHSU IT/Computer Services, the Parking and Transportation Offices (PTO) of Department of Public Safety Services will evaluate available Parking Managment System software applications in relation to cost; ease of use; technical support; abilitity to meet specific operational needs of this university; compatibility with SHSU's IT and network systems; and ability to interface with BANNER ERP, etc. In the process of this evaluative review, IT/CIS and PTO will arrive at consensus for the selection of the software system that best meets requirements in all the aforementioned areas.
Implementation of Selected Software: Officially Acknowledged Submission of appropriate documentations and request for approval of selected software approval will indicate that the implementation phase has begun for the newly selected parking managment system software
Evaluation Yields Selection And Accepted Bid, And Implementation Process Begins With Purchase Approvals
After concluding the software system evaluation process, the combined PTO and IT/CIS review committee will make a vendor and product selection which meets all important requirements and for which a firm bid is secured. To initiate the implementation process, the submitted documentation and paperwork for purchase will be approved.
The evaluation of parking management software was successful and yielded a clear vendor and product selection for which a bid has been accepted. The process of implementaiton will be officially initiated upon receipt of purchase approval, which is expected by the end of the 2010 fiscal year. Confirmation of this result will be reported by the end of August 2010 or early in FY 11. In November of 2010, T2 software was purchsed to modernize the Parking & Transportation Office. The process of installation and conversion will begin in May 2011. At this point, if the purchase is officially approved, there is not a certain date when the software would be fully implemented or how it would be phased in. That information will be available in the next couple of months.
Analyze Transportation And Shuttle Needs
Transportation and shuttle needs will be thoroughly evaluated by the TPO of Department of Public Safety Services with the following issues/concerns driving the specifications of the inquiry and analysis: 1. Housing arrangements of students (determing where students lived on campus or off campus; 2 Type of bus service wanted (on campus, on campus and Huntsville, or on campus, in Huntsville, and Univeristy Center); 3. What type of bus service is needed for those students who live on campus; 4 What type of bus service is needed by students who reside in Huntsville; 5. What type of buse is needed for those students who reside outside of Huntsville; 6. If a student is willing to pay for bus service; 7. How much a student is willing to pay; 8. How is a student willing to pay (fee or as a student rides).
Provide Recommendation Based Upon Analysis Of Evaluation Data
Based uopn the analysis which was performed on data and informaton gathered through the evaluation, a recommendation for action will be formulated and presented to to VP FO and the Cabinet in Spring of 2010.
Recommendations Presented To VPof F&O And Cabinet
The Recommendations based on the survey were presented to the VP FO that students would be willing to pay a fee for a transportation system. The VP of F&O and to the Cabinet were provided this information in the Spring of 2010. The highlights of the survey indicated that the top bus service choice was between campus and Huntsville and the second choice was between on campus and the Lone Star College in the Woodlands. In addition, the survey results indicated 65.9 % would pay a fee to have access to bus service. Of those willing to pay a fee, the number one payment method was to purchase a semester long bus pass. Of those willing to pay by the semester, the most that was indicated one would pay was twenty dollars.
It was determined that the PTO would continue to move forward with the developement of a transportation system. The PTO has been tasked to work with the Vice President of Student Services in conjucntion with student government to help develop and promote a transportation system that would mee the needs of students. In the Fall of 2010, the PTO wants to have a vote completed by the students addressing a transportation fee.
Anticipated Actions Re Parking Mgmt System And Actions Taken Re. Transportation Shuttle
The information obtained from the survey was positive. A total of 1055 students completed the survey and they were in favor of a shuttle system on campus, in Huntsville, and the new campus located in the Woodlands. The information was presented to the VP of Finanace & Operations. PTO and in conjunction with the Vice President of Student Services to present to the student body in the Fall of 2010. In addition, the TPO has been asked to work with Vice President of Student Services to bring to the students for vote for a new student service fee for a Transportation System. When official approval is in hand for the purchase of the new parking management system software, the TPO and UPD will work closely with the vendor and with the Banner implementation Team to prepare for the installation, the training of personnel and the testing of the new software system in conjunction with specifc Banner modules
Enhance University Crime Prevention And Safety Thorugh Educational Presentations
UPD will enhance University Crime prevention and safety by implementing a strategically targeted and monitored campaign of educational presentations for members of the university community. Efforts will focus upon (1) delivering presentations on a variety of important pertinent topics (Alcohol & Substance Abuse, Sexual Assault, Crime Prevention, & Campus Safety); (2) reaching a sampling of university community members most in need of crime prevention and safety orientation; (3) reaching as large a number of university community members as possible. Because resources to implement these efforts are limited, the UPD will monitor its performance in the three focal areas in order to define baselines for future improvements.
Monitor Varieties, And Instances Of Presentaions And Venues And Audience Groups,
The UPD will monitor varieties, and instances of presentaions , venues used, as well audience groups reached for the purpose of establishing baseline measures and evaluating the degree to which UPD education about crime prevention and safety is being disseminated to the populations who need such education acros campus, within time and manpower resource constraints
Variety, Instance, Venue And Audience Baseline Criteria
The following will serve as baseline targets in each of the following areas:
Variety - the UPD will present 3 different topical types of presentations in FY 2010 Instances- The UPD will present a least 30 individual presentations in FY 2010 Venue - The UPD will make presentations at at least 4 different venues during FY 2010 Audience - The UPD will make presentations to at least 3 different groups within the university
The purpose for establishing these minimun numbers is directly related to reaching the largest number, and widest representation of university community menbers who most need crime prevention and safety education, with the widest variey of presentation topics. For a more detailed explanation please refer to the Objective Description
Baseline Results Of Presentation Tracking
Baseline Results of presentation tracking in 2010 follow: Variety - the UPD presented six different topical types of presentations in FY 2010 Instances- The UPD presented 119 individual presentations in FY 2010 Venue - The UPD made presentations at three (3) different venues during FY 2010 Audience - The UPD will make presentations to four (4) different groups (faculty, staff, students, & visitors) within the university
Review Survey Results
UPD will attempt to retroactively survey its 2010 presentation audiences at the start of FY2011 in order to gather feedback on the effectiveness of the presentations they attended this past year. Survey will focus upon determining if the information presented if of use in crime prevention on campus and in promoting student safety.
Presentation Audience Member Survey Feedback Will Rate Presentations Effective
Survey feedback gathered retrospectively from persons who were members of 2010 presentation audiences will rate the 2010 presentations as having been effective on one survey question. The 'effective" rating will be represented by a rating of 4 or higher on a 5-point ( Likert-like scale) where 1 = not effective and 5= very effective. Responses of all 2010 audience respondents should be averaged to obtain the rating used for this criterion target
Results From Survey Not Available Until Fall 2010
The responses from the retrospective Survey of presentation effectiveness will not be begin until fall 2010. Results will not be available until later in Fall 2011.
Upgrade Evaluation Of Educational Presentations
UPD Will Upgrade the evaluation of its Educational Presentations to include the collection of audience perceptions of quality and effectiveness. It will attempt to retroactively survey its 2010 presentation audiences at the start of FY2011 in order to gather feedback on the effectiveness of the presentations they attended this past year. Collection of survey feedback will thereafter be conducted at the time of the presentation. Survey results of participants collected during Fiscal Year 2011 will be used to determine if and how the information presented or the presentation formats used should be modified for improving lessons communicated about crime prevention on campus and student safety
Promote Responsive, Welcoming, And Customer Oriented Service.
Promote responsive, welcoming, and customer oriented service.
Improve Parking Resources Through Revenue
Improve parking revenue for resources available to support parking and University Police Department.
Parking Tag Purchases-Faculty And Staff
Measure percentage of faculty and staff parking stickers sold during fiscal year against previous fisal year 2009.
Level Or Increasing Percentage Parking Stickers Over FY 2009 For Faculty And Staff
The target will be to meet or exceed the level of FY 2009 sale of Parking Stickers to Faculty and Staff.
The PTO of the Public Safety Services saw a level or increasing percentage + 10.44% in Faculty/Staff Parking Permits sales from 2009. This number reflects an increase of 141 more parking permits sold to faculty/staff than the previous year. Number indicates that more faculty/staff are driving vehicles to campus, and an increase in this population that requries services from this department (policing & parking related).
Parking Tag Purchases-Students
Measure percentage of student parking permits sold during fiscal year against previous fiscal year 2009.
Level Or Increasing Percentage Parking Stickers Over FY 2009 For Students
The target will be to meet or exceed the level of FY 2009 sale of Parking Stickers to Students
Results Of Parking Permit Sales Fiscal 2010
Although the current fiscal year is not over, currently The PTO of the Public Safety Services has seen a level or increasing percentage + 17.2 percent in student parking permits sold than the previous fiscal year 2009. Number indicates that more students are driving to vehicles to campus, and an increase in the population that requires services from the department (policing and parking related).
Monitor And Promote Increase In Parking Permit Sales
Funding the Department of Public Safety Services (UPD & PTO) relies on parking permit sales to carry out its day to day operations. Operations supported include policing and parking related items. The combined increase over last year for FY10 was about 9%. In the coming year, the PTO will encourage increased sales in parking permits to persons who may be willing to risk fines for avoiding the purchase parking permits in order to meet the needs of the department to maintain staffing and services as related to the University's population.
Recruit/Retain Quality Administrators
Recruit/Retain Quality Administrators
Improve Knowledge And Professionalism
Improve the knowledge and professionalism of University Police Department
TCLOSE Training
University Police Department will meet required TCLOSE (state police licensing requirements) training hours for all certified officers annually. Each officer will receive 40 hours of training in each training cycle (2 year period).
Level Of Training To Be Received By Officers
In this current training cycle, each officer wil be required to attend 40 hours of required police training. All training received will be through an accredited police academy, or accredited police department/instructor. The training attended should meet all requriements set fourth by the State of Texas and the UPD.
Training Accomplishment
The University Police Department has 18 full time peace officers. A check of of department personnel indicates that all officers have met and or exceed the number of training hours required by the State of Texas Licensing Board (TCLEOSE).
Meeting & Exceeding Expectations
Police officers are required by the State of Texas Licensing Board (TCLEOSE) to attend training to maintain their license to practice law enforcment in the State of Texas. During this point in our training cycle, all officers employed by the University Police Department meet or exceed the required training hours. Examination of the training recrods further indicate that officers are receiving training in emergency management, active shooter, and other law enforcment related topics benefical to the University community. One area of improvement, so long as the budget allows for it, is to have more of our officers attend specialized training to heighten knowledge associated with advanced criminal investigative skills.
Improve Work Environment And Longevity
Continue to improve the work environement and longevity of certified officers. Office work in a difficult enviornent that can be dangerous. It is recognized that officers need multiple tools to complete thier job. The department must continue to adapt to trends experienced by the officer to maintain a safe enviornment and to help promote officer longevity within the department.
Compare Officer Turnover Rate
Measure the turnover rate from fiscal year 2009 to fiscal year 2010. When appropriate, use of information from Human Resources exit interviews of offices leaving the University.
Provide Reccomendations Based On Turnover Rate
Based uopn the analysis which will be performed the data will reflect a lower turnover rate in fiscal 2010 than in fiscal 2009.
Maintained Turnover Rate
In Fiscal year 2009, the department lost two officers to pursue other jobs in law enforcement. In Fical 2010, the department also lost two officers to other departments in the State of Texas. The rate of loss did not change.
Encourage Officers To Attend College
UPD will monitor percentage of officerss attending the university to obtain a degree. Additionally, UPD will monitor percentage of those officers who hold and degree. This information will be tracked and recorded.
Number Of Officer's Working Toward A Degree
Number of officer's working toward a degree currently = 1.1%
Number Of Officer's Holding A Bachelor's Degree Or Higher
Number of officer's holding a bachelor's degree or higher = 66.6%
Officers Have Degree And Are Attending College
Currently, 66% of the officers working for the university police department have their undergraduate degree. Additionally, 11% of our officers are currently working on their degree. At this time 22% have not tried to or stopped taking classes all togehter. The 22% will be encouraged to take advatage of the opprotunities to obtain their college degree.
Competitive Pay Rate
Evaluate and analyze pay rates of officers in similar jurisdictions to make sure officer's are paid at a competitive rate.
SHSU Starting Salary As A Percentage Of Average
SHSU PD, along with Human Resources, will conduct a salary analysis in reference to starting salaries as a percentage of average 3-4 most competitive regional departments (city of huntsville, Walker county, comparitive univeristies etc.). SHSU PD will remain competitive based on the information obtained.
University Police Have A Good Work Environment
Althought the department lost two offices during this fiscal year. All indications are that the officers left due to an advancement in their career opprotunity. Each officer that left had obtained their degree from SHSU and other advanced trainings. The current 22% of officers who have either stopped working on their college degree or have not begun will be continually encouraged to obtain their degree.
Additionally, a salary survey was completed of comparable juridictions druing fiscal year 2009. As a result, an approximate 6% increase was allocated to officers to bring up their base pay. Thus make their pay more comparitive with other departments.
UPD Promoting A Good Work Environment
Over the last several years, UPD has made numerous changes that has helped maintain and imporve the work environment. UPD will improve in areas of promoting longevity by monitoring measures and other indicators provided by officers from within. UPD may also need to look to the outside for fresh ideas to help in this area. Lastly, an important function within the public sector is competitive pay. UPD will need to improve monitoring so that the department does not fall behind in its competitive pay rate which can affect recruitment of new personnel.
Efficient Use Of Resources
Efficient use of resources
Provide Efficient Police Operations In Comparison To Similar Universities
Provide efficient police operations in comparison to similar Universities. The UPD continues to strive to provide the best police services to the Unviersity community. However, as the Unviersity's population grows it becomes difficult to meet the expectations for public safety with limited staff. Thus, the UPD will continue to monitor ratios of officer to student populations to help meet the needs of the University community.
Officer To Student Comparison Ratio
Evaluate number of students per officer in comparison to similar institutions. Present ratio to VP F&O to make reccomendations of police staffing needs beginning 2011.
Comparison Of Similar University Officer/Student Ratios
UPD will compare five universities and examine/analyze the number of police officers to the student population they serve. The UPD wants to maintain or meet ratios of comparitive universities.
SHSU vs 5 comparable institutions police departments. The comparitive universities have not been selected at this time. The institutions will be selected during the Fall of 2010.
Results Not Available
At this time there are no results for this finding. A comparative list has not been generated to compare SHSU PD Officer to Student ratios. UPD will begin this process in Fall 2010. Results will be available in Fall, 2011.
Anticipated Actions
A list of comparitive univeristies needs to be put together that best represents institutions that are comparative to SHSU. Once completed, evaluated, and analyzed a presentation of police staffing needs can be delviered to the VP F&O.