OATdb Archive

2008 - 2009

Reading MED (Reading Specialist)

Visibility And Impact
Increase visibility and impact by promoting quality programs and developing partnerships

Quality And Effectiveness
Enhance the quality and effectiveness of the academic programs

Candidate Proficiency
Reading Specialist Candidates will demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge and skills standards of the International Reading Association by preparing a portfolio.

Proficiency With State Standards
Candidates will demonstrate proficiency of standards in their Masters Portfolio that addresses each required standard and demonstrates proficiency in each standrad.

Candidate Scores
Candidates will score at least 80% on their Masters Portfolio.

Portfolio Results
All candidates scored at least 80% on their Masters Portfolios (100%).

Portfolio Assessment
Continue to prepare candidates for the Portfolio Assessment through our courses, which address each standard as listed in the course syllabi. Review course assignments to make sure they address all the standards.

Standards Of Proficiency
Graduate Reading Specialist candidates will demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge and skills required for the Texas Reading Specialist Certification. These knowledge and skills are aligned to the International Reading Association and the State Board of Educator Certification Standards for Reading Specialists.

Candidates' Reading Specialist TExES Scores
Candidates will score 80% or above on all domains of the Texas Reading Specialist certification examination.

TExES Reading Specialist Scores
Candidates will successfully complete all required coursework prior to taking the Reading Specialist TExES examination. 95% of test-takers will pass the TExES exam for Reading Specialists at the initial administration. Candidates will meet or exceed state mean scores on the Reading Specialist TExES exam.

TExES Reading Specialist Scores
Data indicates that 100% of test-takers passed the TExES Exam for Reading Specialist Certification.

TExES Reading Specialist Scores
Will continue to monitor test scores to ensure at least 95% of candidates pass the TExES Reading Specialist Certification exam.

Faculty Excellence
Promote faculty excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement The reading faculty has accomplished the majority of its objectives for the year. Because the majority of the objectives have been met, we feel our program has been strengthened. We will continue to strive towards meeting all of our objectives. The objectives that were met are as follows:100% of test-takers of reading specialist certification exam (TExES) were successful, rubrics have been aligned with the International Reading Association standards, graduate faculty analyzed and collected data from the TK20 assessment program and the survey data from graduates and employers were analyzed as well. The teaching evaluation scores met or exceeded the college average and high priority for recruitment was met. Objectives that were not met were as follows: all faculty did not incorporate Tegrity in RMOL courses, all faculty did not publish in a scholarly journal, the online outreach program for the community was not developed and faculty decided this was not a feasilbe option at this time. However, faculty decided to revisit this option in the future.