OATdb Archive

2008 - 2009

Kinesiology BS (Exercise Science)

Problem Solving & Reasoning
Improve Problem Solving and Reasoning skills with in the Exercise Science program.

Improve Problem Solving/Reasoning
Exercise Science students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in problem solving and reasoning concepts.

Problem Solving/Reasoning Evaluation
This indicator assesses students' knowledge and skills in the areas of problem solving and reasoning applications.

Students will be assessed on their range of knowledge and understanding of problem solving and reasoning concepts using a set of department developed test questions and exercises of applied knowledge that are embedded within tests/assignments/performance lab. 80% of students in the program will achieve a score of at least 70% on all assessments.

Content Assessment
80% of students will achieve a score of at least 70%. 80% of the KIN majors taking KIN 370, KIN 373, KIN 473, KIN 477 will demonstrate a minimum level of knowledge & understanding by achieving a score of at least 70% on each test and assignments for problem solving and reasoning.

80% of students in the Exercise Science program achieved the target score of 70% on all problem solving and reasoning tests, and assignments/activities.

After a review of the current state of program curriculum, the Kinesiology faculty have decided that more focus should be placed upon problem solving and reasoning. Each course in the Exercise Science track will include at least one more mandatory study skill project/assignment so that the students will gain more experience and practice with problem solving and reasoning application.

Improve Content Knowledge
Improve Content Knowledge in the areas of performance concepts and strategies related to the field of Exercise Science

Application Of Content Knowledge
Students in the Exercise Science program will demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary for entry-level positions in the field.

Content Knowledge Evaluation
This indicator assesses the discipline specific content and skill knowledge in
Exercise Science. Students are assessed for content mastery by using multiple-choice, short-answer, and other questioning methods that are specific to the program professional competencies. Students will achieve a score of at least 70% on all tests/assignments/projects and performance lab activities.

Outcome Assessment
80% of students will achieve a score of at least 70% on each assignment and test questions comprising the indicator.

Content Knowledge Results
80% of students in the Exercise Science program achieved the target score of 70% on all tests and content specific assignments.

Analysis Of Content Knowledge
After a review of the current state of course curriculum, the Kinesiology faculty have decided that continued emphasis will be placed upon the application of content knowledge. Each course content will be reviewed annually by the department curriculum committee to be sure that professional standards and relevant content to the field are included.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement it was apparent from all of the findings that not all students are achieving the expected outcomes in the BS Exercise Science program. In an effort to improve and address these short-falls the faculty have decided that students require more opportunity to practice, demonstrate, and apply competencies in the areas of problem solving/reasoning skills and in content knowledge applications.

Changes in the curriculum would include increasing the number of required assignments/projects/activities that would be demonstrated by students and critiqued by kinesiology faculty.