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2008 - 2009

Kinesiology MA

Improve Research Ability
The student will demonstrate competency in research and writing.

Improved Research Knowledge
MA Kinesiology students will demonstrate their skills in research, analysis, writing and communication in formal research presentations.

Student Research Article Presentation Evaluation
This indicator assesses students' ability to critically evaluate a research article and present the information in a professional presentation.

Students are to select one research article in their chosen discipline. The article must be from a peer-reviewed, academic journal. Students will summarize the article in a short paper that addresses each of the key sections of the article(typically: review of relevant literature, method, results, and discussion). Students will present the article to the class via formalized research presentation. The presentation will be 12 minutes in length with 3 minutes for questions from the audience. Students' presentations will be built in a Power Point. Evaluation consists of professor assessment of students' performance on the research presentation key sections as stated above. At least 80% of students will achieve the target score of "acceptable" on this indicator.

80% Success Rate
At least 80% of program students will achieve the target score of "acceptable" on the research review and presentation.

Success Rate
80% of program students achieved the target score of "acceptable" on the research article review and presentation.

Include More Research Assignments In Program Courses
After a review of the current state of course curriculum, the program faculty have decided that more focus should be placed upon research, critical analysis, formal presentations, and writing assignments. Faculty view students learning to analyze and critically evaluate research as important and needed skills by professionals in the field. Therefore, each course will include at least one more mandatory research assignment so that the students will gain more experience in research, critical analysis, formal presentations, and writing.

Critical Thinking
Graduate students in the Sport Management program will graduate with improved critical thinking skills. 

Critical Thinking Applied
Kinesiology, Sport Management students will be able to apply content competencies and skills relevant to Sport Management using critical thinking skills.

Assessment Of Critical Thinking
Kinesiology, Sport Management students will be required to demonstrate critical thinking skills in required assignments and projects developed by the Kinesiology faculty in the following courses:
*Legal Issues in Sport (KIN 562)
*Sport Marketing (KIN 570)
*Leadership in Sport Management (KIN 563)
*Sport Ethics (KIN 580) 

Outcome Assessment Of Critical Thinking
At least 80% of MA Sport Management Kinesiology students will score better than 75% on all of the assignments/projects required in KIN 562, KIN 570, Kin 563, and KIN 580.

Ninety percent of the MA Sport Management Kinesiology students scored better than 75% on all assignments/projects required in KIN 562, KIN 563, KIN 570, and KIN 580. 

Expand Learning Opportunity
After a review of the current state of course curriculum in the MA Sport management program, the Kinesiology faculty have decided that more focus should be placed upon critical thinking skills. Each course in the Sport Management  track will include at least one more required assignment so that the students will have an opportunity to further develop and apply critical thinking skills.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement It was apparent from the findings that not all students in the Kinesiology MA program are achieving the expected outcomes. In order to improve and address the short-fall the graduate kinesiology faculty have decided that students require more opportunities to practice and apply writing competencies and critical thinking skills.

Changes in the Kinesiology graduate curriculum would include increasing the number of required research/writing assignments/projects, and critical thinking assignments/projects in the curriculum core classes in which various research/writing competencies, and critical thinking analysis could be demonstrated by students and critiqued by the graduate faculty.