OATdb Archive

2008 - 2009

Kinesiology BA

Improve Communication Skills
Improve oral and written communication skills with in the Kinesiology BA program.

Effective Communication
Kinesiology BA students will demonstrate effective use of oral and written communication skills.

Oral And Written Communication Evaluation
This indicator assesses effective us of oral and written communication skills. Students' performance on each of the following competencies should be at least 70%.
-class discussions
- oral presentations
- writing assignment
-data from observation of oral communication
-feedback analysis on oral and writing assignments

Communication Assignments
80% Success Rate. At least 80% of Students enrolled in Kinesiology program will achieve the target score of 80% on all written and oral assignments.

Success Rate/75%
Only 75% of students enrolled in the Kinesiology program achieved the target score of 80% on all oral and written assignments.

Expand Communication Skills Assignments
After a review of the current performance of students majoring in the Kinesiology, the program faculty have decided that more focus and emphasis should be placed on oral presentations and writing assignments. Kinesiology core courses will include at least one more mandatory oral and writing assignment so that the students will gain more experience in oral and written communications.

Improve Technology Skills
Improve technology skills in the Kinesiology BA program.

Technology Knowledge
Students majoring in Kinesiology will demonstrate knowledge of current technologies and their application to the field of Kinesiology.

Technology Evaluation
This indicator assesses student's knowledge and application of technology. A portfolio will be kept on each student enrolled within the Kinesiology BA program. This portfolio will include technology assignments, technology developed/enhanced instructional materials, evidence of use of networks, www, etc., and use of multimedia technology for instruction and/or assessment. using a rubric that the program faculty has decided upon, the portfolios will be reviewed so that improvement can be assessed.

Technology Assessment
80% Success Rate. At least 80% of program students will achieve the target score of 80% during the portfolio review.

Technology Use Results
90% of program students achieved the target score of 80% during the technology portfolio review.

Technology Portfolios
After a review of the students' technology portfolios, the program faculty have decided that the use of technology assignments will continue to be a required assignment. Each course will include at least one more technology project/assignment, so that the students will gain more experience in the use and application of technology.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement It was apparent from all of the findings that not all students are achieving the expected outcomes in the Kinesiology BA program. In an effort to improve and address these short-falls the faculty have decided that student require more opportunities to practice, demonstrate, and apply competencies in the areas of communication skills and technology skills application.

Changes in the curriculum would include increasing the number of required assignments/projects/activities that would be demonstrated by students and critiqued by health faculty.