OATdb Archive

2008 - 2009

Music BA

Develop A BA In Music
The old BA was dropped from the catalog. A new 120 unit degree needs to be developed.

Degree Plan
Put together a degree plan that meets state requirements and NASM standards

Curriculum Committee Work On BA
THe department curriculum committee will begin work to develop a BA program

NASM And State Requirements
The new degree must meet state and NASM requirements

Curricuulum For BA
The degree must be 120 credits; meet NASM standards; and, have the 12 units of forign Languages required by the university.

Curriculum For The BA
We have structured the BA to meet NASM standards, etc. We will have the program fully implemented next year.

Curriculum For BA
Begin implementation of BA by developing advising sheets, advertising the degree and advising students about the availablility of the degree.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement The BA degree has been refined, approved and placed in the catelog. We now need to develop advising sheets, make sure students know about this option, and advertise the degree. We anticipate no more than 10 students in the program each year (a total of about 40 - when we have 10 Freshmen, 10 sophomores, etc.).