OATdb Archive

2008 - 2009

Forensic Chemistry BS

To acquire intermediate knowledge.

Intermediate Knowledge Acquisition
To have students master sufficient intermediate knowledge of chemistry to allow them to proceed.

Organic Chem Pass Rate
The passing rate for FCH majors in CHM 238/218 & 239/219.

Org Chem Pass
75% of the FCH majors enrolled in CHM 238/218 & 239/219 are expected to earn grades of C or better.

CHM 238 & 239 Pass
The passing rate for on-sequence CHM 238 and 239 are 57.9% and 90.5%, respectively. The rates in trailer sections are varied (65.2% for CHM 238 in spring and 33.3% for CHM 239 in fall). The figures just given are overall for CHM and FCH majors. This year we looked at the separate groups. THe ratio of FCH to CHM are 22/16 for CHM 238 in fall, 14/9 for CHM 238 in spring, 2/1 for CHM 239 in fall and 11/10 for CHM 239 in spring. The rates in the two groups are similar. In each case FCH then CHM will be given (55% vs 63% for 238 in fall, 71% vs 56% for 238 in spring, statistically meaningless in 239 for fall and 91% vs 90% for 239 in spring).

Continue Intermediate
Continue to monitor student progress on intermediate knowledge acquisition.

To acquire knowledge focussed in the major.

Major Knowledge Acquisition
To have students acquire knowledge of chemistry that is specialized to the major field.

Junior Level Pass Rate
The passing rate for FCH majors in CHM 440 and 448.

Jr Pass Rate
90% of the FCH majors enrolled in CHM 440 and 448 are expected to earn grades of C or better.

Junior Pass Rate
The passing rate for CHM 448 was 96.8% (30/31) and for CHM 440 was 95% (19/20). The figures just given are overall for CHM and FCH majors. This year we looked at the separate groups. The ratio of FCH to CHM are 13/18 for CHM 448 and 11/9 for CHM 440. The one failing (D) student in 448 was a CHM major, and the one failing (D) student in 440 was a FCH major.

Continue Major
Continue to monitor student progress on acquisition of knowledge in the major.

Acquire Fundamental Knowledge.

Fundamental Knowledge Acquisition
To have students master sufficient fundamental knowledge of chemistry to allow them to proceed.

General Chem Pass Rate
The passing rate for FCH majors in CHM 138/118 & 139/119.

Gen Chem Pass
60% of the FCH majors enrolled in CHM 138/118 & 139/119 are expected to earn grades of C or better.

CHM 138 & 139 Pass
The passing rate for on-sequence CHM 138 and 139 are 67.9% and 54.8%, respectively. The rates in trailer sections are substantially lower for CHM 138 (33.3%) but comparable (55.6%) for CHM 139. The figures just given are overall for CHM and FCH majors. This year we looked at the separate groups. The ratio of FCH to CHM are 39/14 for CHM 138 in fall, 10/2 for CHM 138 in spring, 11/7 for CHM 139 in fall and 20/11 for CHM 139 in spring. CHM majors have a higher passing rate on-sequence for CHM 138 (79% vs 64%) and a lower passing rate on-sequence for CHM 139 (45% vs 60%).

Continue Fundamental
Continue to monitor student progress on fundamental knowledge acquisition.

Ancillary Knowledge Acquisition
To have students acquire a basic knowledge in ancillary sciences, math and criminal justice.

Calculus Pass Rate
The passing rate for FCH majors in MTH 142 & 143.

Calc Pass Rate
60% of the FCH majors enrolled in MTH 142 & 143 are expected to earn grades of C or better.

Math Pass Rate
The passing rate for on-sequence MTH 142 & 143 are 40.8% and 57.1%, respectively. The rates in trailer sections are lower (40% for MTH 142 in spring and 46.7% for MTH 143 in fall). The figures just given are overall for chemistry (CHM) and forensic chemistry (FCH) majors. This year we looked at the separate groups. The ratio of FCH to CHM are 35/14 for MTH 142 in fall, 22/13 for MTH 142 in spring, 6/9 for MTH 143 in fall and 16/12 for MTH 143 in spring. CHM majors have a higher passing rate on sequence (50% for 142 and 67% for 143 vs. 37% for 142 and 50% for 143).

Physics Pass Rate
The passing rate for FCH majors in PHY 138/118 & 139/119.

Phys Pass Rate
75% of the FCH majors enrolled in PHY 138/118 & 139/119 are expected to earn grades of C or better.

Physics Pass Rate
The passing rates for on-sequence PHY 138 & 139 are 73.1% and 90.5%, respectively. The rates for trailer sections are lower (54.2% for PHY 138 in spring and 53.3% for PHY 139 in fall). The figures just given are overall for CHM and FCH majors. This year we looked at the separate groups. The ratio of FCH to CHM are 17/9 for PHY 138 in fall, 14/10 for PHY 138 in spring, 9/6 for PHY 139 in fall and 12/9 for PHY 139 in spring. The rates in the two groups are similar. In each case FCH then CHM will be given (77% vs 67% for 138 in fall, 50% vs 60% for 138 in spring, 56% vs 50% for 139 in fall and 92% vs 89% for 139 in spring).

Continue Ancillary
Continue to monitor student progress on ancillary knowledge acquisition. We notice appreciable section variability--perhaps there is an instructor correlation. This will likely take years to resolve.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement The B.S. in Forensic Chemistry is a rigorous program with a mandatory minor in Criminal Justice and 130 required hours for graduation. There is little choice in what students take, with virtually no electives. Yet, this is an extremely popular program, perhaps due to various forensic shows on television. We typically see very large number of unofficial forensic chemistry majors in the fall semester (especially freshmen), and these numbers drop off in the spring term--for example in this year, the fall unofficial FCH enrollment was 72 and the corresponding spring number was 31. Some of this is likely due to students who realize that this is indeed a rigorous chemistry program, and not for them. This may also be reflected in some of the lower than ideal passing rates in fundamental courses.

Having said that, the program is growing steadily, with 3 students graduating in 2006-2007, 6 in 2007-2008, and 7 in 2008-2009 (with one additional at the end of this summer).

Suggestions have been made to consider an internship for this degree, but currently we don't have the credits to do so.

There are rumors that the CJ minor is changing, and that the change will necessitate even more credit hours taken by FCH majors to satisfy the University requirements of 42 advanced hours for the degree. These rumors need to be investigated, and if they are accurate, we will propose an alternate CJ minor for FCH majors.