Deliver A Curriculum With Appropriate Discipline Specific Skill Sets
The curriculum will provide students with opportunities to develop the skills typically required of professionals in the area of study.
General Knowledge In Biological Sciences
Students completing the master's degree will possess sufficient knowledge in the general biological sciences to teach freshmen and sophomore level courses.
Mastery Of Knowledge - Oral Exam
All graduate students will demonstrate mastery of graduate course content through an oral graduate comprehensive exam, administered by a faculty committee. The examination consists of questions in three areas of concentration, depending on the student's emphasis and research area. While questions are originally posed by the faculty member who taught the respective courses, all members of the committee or faculty who are present may probe the student's understanding of the material through further questions.
Mastery Of Knowledge - Oral Exam
Each student is required to pass all three areas addressed in the examination as determined by a concensus of the entire committee. In the event that a student does not pass a portion(s) of the oral exam, the committee may choose to offer the student a written examination. The student MUST pass the written exam to continue in the program.
Oral Exam Results
Seven students entered a qualifying examination during this academic year, with five of those passing. One student is currently preparing for a written attempt.
Oral Exams
With two students failing orals after successfully completing coursework, there was some concern on the part of the graduate faculty regarding the content and delivery of the curriculum. The graduate committee, after further analysis, found to consistency in the deficiencies among the students incorrect responses. The committee feels that the two failures are not cause for a full review of the curriculum and will defer that review to the regular review cycle in the department.
Ability To Conceive, Plan, And Conduct Research
All graduate students will demonstrate the ability to conceive, plan, and conduct research in their specific field within the biological sciences.
Research Proposal
Each student is required to prepare a research plan or thesis proposal prior to official admittance to candidacy for the degree. A thesis committee of selected faculty evaluate the written research plan and evaluate an oral presentation by the student detailing the proposed research. The proposal must also meet the approval of the graduate coordinator. Each proposal is evaluated with respect to the relevance of the proposed research, the experimental design, pilot study findings, and the faculty members' perception of the student's ability to complete the proposed research.
Research Proposal
The proposed research must be deemed relevant, experimentally sound, and practical with regard to timeliness of completion and ability to complete.
Research Proposal
All students successfully defended their research proposals.
Professional Aspects Course
All students are required to complete a professional aspects course in which they: 1) Prepare a mock proposal based on their research prospectus; 2) Deliver oral presentations of results in a simulated conference setting; 3) Prepare and edit manuscripts for publication.
Professional Aspects Course
Every graduate student in Biology will complete this course.
Professional Aspects Course
The course continues to evolve each year to incorporate more relevant and timely examples for students. In fact, this year the funding proposal portion of the course resulted in four graduate students submitting external proposals to support their thesis research. To date, one has been funded.
Since all students successfully defended their research proposal, it is our opinion that we are adequately preparing our graduate students for research assignments within our curriculum. Our research programs continue to be one of our primary strengths in the program and should be used more frequently in recruiting and marketing efforts.
Professional Aspects Course
The department will continue to promote the further development of the Professional Aspects Course. More faculty should be encouraged to participate in the course and the department will actively pursue this goal. Ultimately, all students taking this course will be required to submit a funding proposal and many will be encouraged to submit research manuscripts for publication or presentation at professional meetings.
Preparation Of Funding Proposals
The student will develop the ability to write grant proposals and become familiar with the application process.
Professional Aspects Course
All students are required to complete a professional aspects course in which they: 1) Prepare a mock proposal based on their research prospectus; 2) Deliver oral presentations of results in a simulated conference setting; 3) Prepare and edit manuscripts for publication.
Professional Aspects Course
Every graduate student in Biology will complete this course.
Professional Aspects Course
The course continues to evolve each year to incorporate more relevant and timely examples for students. In fact, this year the funding proposal portion of the course resulted in four graduate students submitting external proposals to support their thesis research. To date, one has been funded.
Professional Aspects Course
The department will continue to promote the further development of the Professional Aspects Course. More faculty should be encouraged to participate in the course and the department will actively pursue this goal. Ultimately, all students taking this course will be required to submit a funding proposal and many will be encouraged to submit research manuscripts for publication or presentation at professional meetings.
Communicate Research Findings
Each student will demonstrate the ability to communicate research findings in oral and written form through presentations at professional conferences and scientific publications
Student Presentations
The number presentations by graduate students at professional meetings will indicate the success of the department in preparing students for oral communication.
Student Presentations
At least one half of the graduate students should present at professional conferences and meetings every year.
Student Presentations
At present, not all conferences have been held. Preliminary indications are that the criterion will be met. Far more than 50% of our students will have presented at professional conferences.
Professional Aspects Course
All students are required to complete a professional aspects course in which they: 1) Prepare a mock proposal based on their research prospectus; 2) Deliver oral presentations of results in a simulated conference setting; 3) Prepare and edit manuscripts for publication.
Professional Aspects Course
Every graduate student in Biology will complete this course.
Professional Aspects Course
The course continues to evolve each year to incorporate more relevant and timely examples for students. In fact, this year the funding proposal portion of the course resulted in four graduate students submitting external proposals to support their thesis research. To date, one has been funded.
Student Travel Funding
To properly promote this endeavor, the department needs to seek adequate resources to faciltate student participation in conferences.
Professional Aspects Course
The department will continue to promote the further development of the Professional Aspects Course. More faculty should be encouraged to participate in the course and the department will actively pursue this goal. Ultimately, all students taking this course will be required to submit a funding proposal and many will be encouraged to submit research manuscripts for publication or presentation at professional meetings.
Deliver A Curriculum With Appropriate Discipline Specific Knowledge
The curriculum will address the discipline specific knowledge dictated by professional societies and/or professionals in the workforce.
General Knowledge In Biological Sciences
Students completing the master's degree will possess sufficient knowledge in the general biological sciences to teach freshmen and sophomore level courses.
Mastery Of Knowledge - Oral Exam
All graduate students will demonstrate mastery of graduate course content through an oral graduate comprehensive exam, administered by a faculty committee. The examination consists of questions in three areas of concentration, depending on the student's emphasis and research area. While questions are originally posed by the faculty member who taught the respective courses, all members of the committee or faculty who are present may probe the student's understanding of the material through further questions.
Mastery Of Knowledge - Oral Exam
Each student is required to pass all three areas addressed in the examination as determined by a concensus of the entire committee. In the event that a student does not pass a portion(s) of the oral exam, the committee may choose to offer the student a written examination. The student MUST pass the written exam to continue in the program.
Oral Exam Results
Seven students entered a qualifying examination during this academic year, with five of those passing. One student is currently preparing for a written attempt.
Oral Exams
With two students failing orals after successfully completing coursework, there was some concern on the part of the graduate faculty regarding the content and delivery of the curriculum. The graduate committee, after further analysis, found to consistency in the deficiencies among the students incorrect responses. The committee feels that the two failures are not cause for a full review of the curriculum and will defer that review to the regular review cycle in the department.
Ability To Conceive, Plan, And Conduct Research
All graduate students will demonstrate the ability to conceive, plan, and conduct research in their specific field within the biological sciences.
Research Proposal
Each student is required to prepare a research plan or thesis proposal prior to official admittance to candidacy for the degree. A thesis committee of selected faculty evaluate the written research plan and evaluate an oral presentation by the student detailing the proposed research. The proposal must also meet the approval of the graduate coordinator. Each proposal is evaluated with respect to the relevance of the proposed research, the experimental design, pilot study findings, and the faculty members' perception of the student's ability to complete the proposed research.
Research Proposal
The proposed research must be deemed relevant, experimentally sound, and practical with regard to timeliness of completion and ability to complete.
Research Proposal
All students successfully defended their research proposals.
Professional Aspects Course
All students are required to complete a professional aspects course in which they: 1) Prepare a mock proposal based on their research prospectus; 2) Deliver oral presentations of results in a simulated conference setting; 3) Prepare and edit manuscripts for publication.
Professional Aspects Course
Every graduate student in Biology will complete this course.
Professional Aspects Course
The course continues to evolve each year to incorporate more relevant and timely examples for students. In fact, this year the funding proposal portion of the course resulted in four graduate students submitting external proposals to support their thesis research. To date, one has been funded.
Since all students successfully defended their research proposal, it is our opinion that we are adequately preparing our graduate students for research assignments within our curriculum. Our research programs continue to be one of our primary strengths in the program and should be used more frequently in recruiting and marketing efforts.
Professional Aspects Course
The department will continue to promote the further development of the Professional Aspects Course. More faculty should be encouraged to participate in the course and the department will actively pursue this goal. Ultimately, all students taking this course will be required to submit a funding proposal and many will be encouraged to submit research manuscripts for publication or presentation at professional meetings.
Detailed Knowledge Of Current Research
Each student will develop a detailed knowledge of current research within their thesis area of biology.
Thesis Bibliography
Each student completes a thesis describing their research problem, experiments, findings, and conclusions. To demonstrate relevance of the research topic, each student must prepare a detailed bibliographical outline of current research in the area. The ability to complete this section of the thesis will serve to demonstrate the students understanding and familiarity of the literature.
Thesis Defense
As part of the defense of the thesis, thesis committee members evaluate the quality of the bibliographical presentation in the manuscript. All students must demonstrate a detailed knowledge of the literature through the preparation of this document before the thesis is approved.
Thesis Defense
All theses were defended successfully, including the evaluation of bibliographies.
Knowledge Of Current Research
While the thesis represents the evaluative aspect of literary knowledge among our graduate students, the faculty will be encourages to engage students in the reading of literature early in their careers. Familiarity with the literature will not be approached initially at the time of the thesis.
Preparation Of Funding Proposals
The student will develop the ability to write grant proposals and become familiar with the application process.
Professional Aspects Course
All students are required to complete a professional aspects course in which they: 1) Prepare a mock proposal based on their research prospectus; 2) Deliver oral presentations of results in a simulated conference setting; 3) Prepare and edit manuscripts for publication.
Professional Aspects Course
Every graduate student in Biology will complete this course.
Professional Aspects Course
The course continues to evolve each year to incorporate more relevant and timely examples for students. In fact, this year the funding proposal portion of the course resulted in four graduate students submitting external proposals to support their thesis research. To date, one has been funded.
Professional Aspects Course
The department will continue to promote the further development of the Professional Aspects Course. More faculty should be encouraged to participate in the course and the department will actively pursue this goal. Ultimately, all students taking this course will be required to submit a funding proposal and many will be encouraged to submit research manuscripts for publication or presentation at professional meetings.
Deliver A Curriculum That Emphasizes Communication Skills
The curriculum will provide students with opportunities to develop the appropriate speaking and writing skills to function as a professional in the area.
Detailed Knowledge Of Current Research
Each student will develop a detailed knowledge of current research within their thesis area of biology.
Thesis Bibliography
Each student completes a thesis describing their research problem, experiments, findings, and conclusions. To demonstrate relevance of the research topic, each student must prepare a detailed bibliographical outline of current research in the area. The ability to complete this section of the thesis will serve to demonstrate the students understanding and familiarity of the literature.
Thesis Defense
As part of the defense of the thesis, thesis committee members evaluate the quality of the bibliographical presentation in the manuscript. All students must demonstrate a detailed knowledge of the literature through the preparation of this document before the thesis is approved.
Thesis Defense
All theses were defended successfully, including the evaluation of bibliographies.
Knowledge Of Current Research
While the thesis represents the evaluative aspect of literary knowledge among our graduate students, the faculty will be encourages to engage students in the reading of literature early in their careers. Familiarity with the literature will not be approached initially at the time of the thesis.
Ability To Review, Critique, And Summarize Scientific Literature
Description Students will be able to demonstrate their ability read, comprehend, and summarize articles from scientific journals within their field of study
Professional Aspects Course
All students are required to complete a professional aspects course in which they: 1) Prepare a mock proposal based on their research prospectus; 2) Deliver oral presentations of results in a simulated conference setting; 3) Prepare and edit manuscripts for publication.
Professional Aspects Course
Every graduate student in Biology will complete this course.
Professional Aspects Course
The course continues to evolve each year to incorporate more relevant and timely examples for students. In fact, this year the funding proposal portion of the course resulted in four graduate students submitting external proposals to support their thesis research. To date, one has been funded.
Thesis Bibliography
Each student completes a thesis describing their research problem, experiments, findings, and conclusions. To demonstrate relevance of the research topic, each student must prepare a detailed bibliographical outline of current research in the area. The ability to complete this section of the thesis will serve to demonstrate the students understanding and familiarity of the literature.
Thesis Defense
As part of the defense of the thesis, thesis committee members evaluate the quality of the bibliographical presentation in the manuscript. All students must demonstrate a detailed knowledge of the literature through the preparation of this document before the thesis is approved.
Thesis Defense
All theses were defended successfully, including the evaluation of bibliographies.
Professional Aspects Course
The department will continue to promote the further development of the Professional Aspects Course. More faculty should be encouraged to participate in the course and the department will actively pursue this goal. Ultimately, all students taking this course will be required to submit a funding proposal and many will be encouraged to submit research manuscripts for publication or presentation at professional meetings.
Communicate Research Findings
Each student will demonstrate the ability to communicate research findings in oral and written form through presentations at professional conferences and scientific publications
Student Presentations
The number presentations by graduate students at professional meetings will indicate the success of the department in preparing students for oral communication.
Student Presentations
At least one half of the graduate students should present at professional conferences and meetings every year.
Student Presentations
At present, not all conferences have been held. Preliminary indications are that the criterion will be met. Far more than 50% of our students will have presented at professional conferences.
Professional Aspects Course
All students are required to complete a professional aspects course in which they: 1) Prepare a mock proposal based on their research prospectus; 2) Deliver oral presentations of results in a simulated conference setting; 3) Prepare and edit manuscripts for publication.
Professional Aspects Course
Every graduate student in Biology will complete this course.
Professional Aspects Course
The course continues to evolve each year to incorporate more relevant and timely examples for students. In fact, this year the funding proposal portion of the course resulted in four graduate students submitting external proposals to support their thesis research. To date, one has been funded.
Student Travel Funding
To properly promote this endeavor, the department needs to seek adequate resources to faciltate student participation in conferences.
Professional Aspects Course
The department will continue to promote the further development of the Professional Aspects Course. More faculty should be encouraged to participate in the course and the department will actively pursue this goal. Ultimately, all students taking this course will be required to submit a funding proposal and many will be encouraged to submit research manuscripts for publication or presentation at professional meetings.