The department will insure that all curricula meet current professional standards and will insure that the rigor of these curricula are monitored and modified appropriately
Assist COAS In Development Of A Nursing Program
The proposed nursing program would be housed in the COAS. Since pre-nursing has been housed in biology, faculty will be charged with the responsibility of assisting in the creation of the curriculum for the nursing program and developing approriate support courses.
BSN Planning
Faculty and staff from Biology will participate actively in development of a new Bachelor's of Science in Nursing degree program for SHSU.
Faculty/staff Participation In BSN Development
Faculty and/or staff from the department will be officially assigned to assist in the development of the BSN program.
BSN Planning
A director for the nursing program has been hired at the Assistant Dean level, Dr. Anna Louise Plaisance. The BIO Dept Chair and the Director of Medical Programs have met with her and initiated plans for the BSN curriculum. This program would involve BIO courses 245, 246, 247, and 346, and possibly 134.
BSN Planning
In anticipation of further curriculum needs in the development of the BSN program, the department curriculum committee will consider the modifications suggested by the BSN planning team. The committee will also consider the development of an introductory course specifically for nursing majors and an anatomy course designed specifically for nursing students.
Provide Effective Communication With Internal And External Constituencies
The department will insure that appropriate communication channels are maintained with the College of Arts and Sciences Office, upper administration, current students, prospective students, and other external constituencies.
Enhance Articulation Agreements
The department will review and promote articulation agreements with community colleges in an affort to increase the transfer numbers of highly qualified students.
Recruitment From Community Colleges
BIO faculty will visit CC campuses and make presentations to attract quality students to transfer to SHSU.
Community College Visits
The department will schedule and participate in at least two community college visits.
Community College Visits
Drs. Gaillard and Lynne have made presentations at Lone Star and San Jacinto CCs, respectively.
Campus Visits
The University-wide coordinator for articulation agreements, Dr. David Burris, has a list of faculty and their available presentations, which he disseminates to the CCs. This list includes the two faculty mentioned in the findings. The department will develop a means of tracking students who are initially contacted through these visits and metriculate in the program. These students can offer advice and suggestions concerning the modification of recruitment materials in these situations.
Develop Clear Advising Guidelines
Guidelines will be developed to improve the consistency and quality of academic advising for BIO and ESC majors and minors.
Guideline Development
These guidelines will be completed and distributed to the SAM Center, faculty, and students.
Advising Guideline Development
These guidelines are completed and distributed.
Advising Guidelines
A draft of departmental advising guidelines has been completed. They have been shared, in part, with faculty in the department. They are currently being edited and revised. Although the department did not reach its objective, significant progress has been made in the area.
Advising Guideline Continuation
The department will continue the revision and modification processes and complete the guidelines during the next academic year. These guidelines will be shared with students and the SAM Center.
Initiate Spring Graduation Recognition Event
Such an event will allow faculty to create lasting communication lines with new alumni and families of alumni. In addition, the event will be used to showcase further educational opportunities for graduates.
Pre-Commencement Ceremony
Ceremony will be held at least once a year.
Pre-Commencement Ceremony
Ceremony is held.
Pre-Commencement Ceremony
An ad hoc committee developed and carried out the Department Pre-Commencement Ceremony, held May 9, 2009, for aug and may graduates. 58 graduates were honored, student organizations were represented, and a new outstanding graduate award was given. Three MS students were hooded as well.
Pre-Commencement Ceremony
This function will now be handeled by the standing Departmental Events Committee. The event will become a regular event for the department.
Improve Departmental Webpage
The webpage needs to be reconstructed and an update schedule will be in place.
Webpage Management
A trained webmaster will be obtained, and the page will be continuously updated.
Webpage Management
A trained webmaster is retained and modification of the webpage is initiated.
Webpage Development
A staff member from Computer Services is serving as webmaster. The entire page has been updated, and new sections added, including Department history, graduate student section, Chair's welcome, and an archive of previous annual newsletters.
Webpage Development To Date
The new webpage is a much more effective communication tool with prospective students, other professionals, and the public. A faculty member or committee will be assigned the task of updating information with the webmaster.
Procure Appropriate Resources To Facilitate The Academic Mission Of The Department
The department will monitor the classroom, laboratory, research, and out-reach (service) needs of the unit. Budget requests will reflect these needs.
Budget For Field Station
Obtain a permanent line item budget for the Biological Field Station.
Biological Sciences Budget
The Department of Biological Sciences annual budget should reflect funding for the Center for Biological Field Studies (CBFS).
CBFS Budget Line
The departmental budget contains a budgeted line for operations and maintainence of the CBFS.
CBFS Operating Budget
The budget allocated by the College of Arts and Sciences does not contain an O&M line for the CBFS. However, $25,000 was allocated to the CBFS from the College of Arts and Sciences for capital improvements and the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs has allocated $6,000 as an O&M budget for the CBFS. The O&M is NOT a permanent annual allocation.
Funding Progress
The University has not yet committeed to a budget line. However, the COAS Dean has provided strong support of over $90,000 towards construction of an aquatic research center. In addition, financial cooperation with the College of Criminal Justice has been formed because of the presence of the Southeast Texas Applied Forensic Science Facility (STAFS) at the field station, in support of items such as fence construction and road repair. The department will continue to pursue a permanent line and ncontinue to pursue interdepartmental relations that can enhance funding.
Begin Planning For New Building
With the possibility of a new building being funded, the department will begin collecting information from faculty regarding space needs. This is a preliminary step toward programming the new building.
Statement Of Building Needs
A statement of needs will be prepared to drive planning of the new building.
Statement Of Building Needs
Statement is submitted to the College of Arts and Sciences Office
Whitepaper For Building
A whitepaper describing needs in a new building has been prepared, incorporating input from all faculty in BIO, and has been shared with the administration.
Now that the Director of Nursing has arrived, future building planning efforts will be coordinated with her and other nursing faculty and staff. The campus master plan including this building has been approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Funding from the State Legislature is the next step.
Develop 5 And 10 Year Plans For The Department
Departmental strategic plans will be developed and implemented.
Department Strategic Plan
A clear, concise strategic plan will be developed and written. The plan should include ideas for new programs, the Biological Field Station, and resource reallocation to meet department goals.
Department Strategic Plan
A draft version will be completed and distributed to the faculty.
Department Strategic Plan
A draft of a 5-yr strategic plan has been developed by a committee. The criterion was not met since the draft has not been shared with the faculty. However, the document does represent significant progress toward the long range planning goal.
Strategic Planning
This draft plan will be distributed and discussed among the Biology faculty during the Fall 2009 semester. The previous 5-yr plan (94-99) will also be reviewed for effectiveness, to assist in increasing the applicability of the current plan. The goal for next year will be to have a 5 year plan that is approved by the faculty.
Provide Appropriate Personnel Resources For The Unit
The department will assess the personnel (staff and faculty) needs of the unit on an annual basis. Annual funding requests will reflect these needs and hiring decisions will be based on these needs. The department office will provide appropriate resources and encourage faculty and staff to participate in development opportunities.
Assist In The Development Of An Office For Medical And Allied Health Programs
The COAS is in the process of developing an office to facilitate the advisement of pre-professional students in the life sciences. The department will work closely with the COAS to insure that appropriate personnel are available.
Office Development
A faculty director will be appointed, and an office developed.
Office Development
The formal appointment of the director and the formal identification of an office facility will be accomplished.
MAHP Office And Director
A BIO faculty member is now serving with a part-time administrative appointment as Director, Dr. Jack Turner. He is now also the University director for the Texas-wide JAMP (Joint Admissions to Medical Program), which funds several under-represented students in their pre-medical undergraduate studies. He is also tracking and advising all health-related pre-professional students. The MAHS office is housed in COAS.
The office has not been officially identified. All activity is currently conducted through Dr. Turner's office with no staff assistance. It is unclear whether or not this effort can be continued without further support.
Medical And Allied Health Studies
The director and his efforts are performing very well. It is imperative that we seek additional funding and a permanent location for the program.
Develop 5 And 10 Year Plans For The Department
Departmental strategic plans will be developed and implemented.
Department Strategic Plan
A clear, concise strategic plan will be developed and written. The plan should include ideas for new programs, the Biological Field Station, and resource reallocation to meet department goals.
Department Strategic Plan
A draft version will be completed and distributed to the faculty.
Department Strategic Plan
A draft of a 5-yr strategic plan has been developed by a committee. The criterion was not met since the draft has not been shared with the faculty. However, the document does represent significant progress toward the long range planning goal.
Strategic Planning
This draft plan will be distributed and discussed among the Biology faculty during the Fall 2009 semester. The previous 5-yr plan (94-99) will also be reviewed for effectiveness, to assist in increasing the applicability of the current plan. The goal for next year will be to have a 5 year plan that is approved by the faculty.