OATdb Archive

2008 - 2009

Library Science, Department Of

Candidate Recruitment
Be successful in efforts to recruit new MLS (Master of Library Science) candidates.

Recruitment Of Candidates
The department will take an active role in raising awareness of its program. A primary venue to do so is to advertise in various journals and have exhibits at various events attended by prospective candidates and faculty who mentor candidates.

Number Of Candidates In The Program
A review of student enrollment will provide information as to whether or not recruiting efforts were successful.

Department faculty will increase contact with ESC (Educational Service Center) Regions and school districts about forming cohorts as well as attend various showcase exhibits and campus functions designed to attract applicants to the program. The end product needs to be an increase in the number of students in the program.

During 2008-2009, through contact with the ESC Regions and school districts five new cohorts have been formed. Each cohort is a group of candidates from a particular location made up of 15-20 students. Three groups were instigated in the San Antonio area, one in Cypress-Fairbanks ISD, and one in Ft. Bend ISD. In addition, individual applicants enrolled into the program outside of the newly formed cohorts. The net result of added students is 125, a 30% increase over 2007-2008 enrollment. Also, the department wrote and received a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Science (IMLS) Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program for 40 new fully funded candidates to begin the program in Spring 2010.

Recruitment Actions
Based on the success of the 2008-2009 recruiting efforts by the department faculty, the continuation of the active role played by faculty will continue for 2009-2010. Future plans include exploring cohort groups in Corpus Christi and Victoria where contact has been established and possible interest has been shown. In addition, the recruiting efforts through advertising and exhibits that have been established will be maintained while other venues for recruiting will be sought out to increase the number of students enrolled in the program. Also, research will continue for new grant funding opportunities for future candidates.

Candidate Preparedness For The TExES Exam
Offer review sessions to all test takers for the TExES (Texas Examinations of Educator Standards) exam for every testing cycle, with updated and clear review materials.

Candidate Preparedness For The TExES Exam
The department is committed to helping its students achieve their goal of being certified as school librarians. Toward that end, the faculty will offer review sessions for the TExES (certification) Exam.

Pass Rates On TExES Exam
The pass rate on the TExES (Texas Examinations of Educator Standards).

Pass Rates On TExES Exam
The department holds itself to a high standard. It expects a passing rate of at least 90% on the TExES. For each testing cycle, the department will hold preparatory sessions in Huntsville and South Texas to help candidates pass the TExES Exam.

Pass Rates On TExES Exam
Overall pass rates for TExES Exam for School Librarian during 2008-2009 was 92%.

Candidate Preparedness For The TExES Exam
Reviews will continually be offered each semester in the future because of the success that has been experienced in 2008-2009. The department is researching the possibility of conducting online reviews so that candidates will have the opportunity to prepare for the certification exam without having to attend a specific physical location review session. This would allow candidates a more flexible schedule for their review and possibly an extended review time without the physical boundaries and time limitations that the face-to-face reviews tend to have.

Faculty Recruitment
Successfully recruit qualified applicants to fill the vacant faculty positions.

Faculty Recruitment
Recruit high-quality faculty to the department to fill open positions of tenure-track and chair.

We must continue efforts to fill open positions at the earliest possible time, due to increasing demands as our student body grows. Success will be indicated when all positions are filled.

Faculty Recruitment
Faculty will conduct interviews at ALA (American Library Association) Midwinter Conference and annual ALISE (Association for Library and Information Science Education) Conference to recruit high-quality faculty to fill the open positions.

Faculty Recruitment
Dr. Bell, Acting Chair, attended ALISE and interviewed 8 applicants for the tenure-track position. Dr. Lesesne assisted in this activity. Four applicants were brought on campus during the school year. During summer 2009, the department requested a clinical position approval June 2009 rather than tenure-track since the position had yet to be filled. In July 2009 the clinical position was filled with the hiring of Dr. Laura Sheneman. The chair position remains open, with Dr. Mary Ann Bell continuing to serve as Acting Chair.

Faculty Action
While the clinical position has been filled by a high-quality faculty hire, the department is seeking someone for the chair position. Through advertisements and contacting departments of Library Science around the United States, the department will seek high-quality applicants for the chair position. Further, due to growth, the department will request from the university an additional tenure-track faculty position in fall of 2009.

Cooperative Teaching/Learning Within College
Work in conjunction with the Educational Leadership Program to educate administrators on the role certified school librarians play in increasing test scores and serving the needs of the students, the teachers, the curriculum, and the administration of a school district.

Cooperative Teaching And Learning
Meet with various departments in the College of Education, such as administration and literacy, to work together on providing information about how the school librarian can assist in literacy learning and teaching by working towards offering a coordinated program that includes courses taught by the Library Science department.

Cooperative Teaching And Learning
As Library Science professors are involved in meeting with education professors providing information about how the school librarian can assist in literacy learning and teaching, and in possibly regarding the Library Science department's planning and delivery of literacy instruction, the objective is satisfied.

SHSU COE (College Of Education) Cooperation
Contact will be made with at least one education professor to proceed with discussion about possible options for exploring avenues for cooperation between the professor's department and the department of Library Science in order for information sharing about school librarians' roles in teaching and literacy learning.

COE Cooperation
Dr. Bell had contact with Dr. Joyce McCauley in the College of Education. Dr. McCauley wanted to extend the opportunity into a joint venture with the offering of a Masters of Education in Reading and a Minor in Library Science for interested candidates.

COE Collaboration Progress
The option of a Library Science Minor for Master of Reading in Education degree is a first step. Faculty will continue to work with Dr. Joyce McCauley to further develop this offering and encourage students to participate. Furthermore, we need to continue in our efforts to collaborate with COE faculty through other initiatives to be discussed during 2009-2010.

ALA Accreditation
Explore the viability of pursuing ALA (American Library Association) accreditation as a single purpose institution.

ALA Accreditation
The department desires to begin the planning for pursuing American Library Association (ALA) accreditation by seeking out other single purpose ALA accredited programs that are similar to this department's program and acquiring information from them.

ALA Accreditation
Contact is made and information exchanged with other single purpose institutions which are accredited by ALA. The ALA Council on Accreditation will be contacted as well. This information gathering process will provide the details that are necessary for the determination as to whether the department should move ahead with seeking ALA accreditation at this time.

ALA (American Library Association) Accreditation
The Council on Accreditation will provide information about beginning the process that proves feasible for the department.

ALA Accreditation Finding
The Chair of the department conferred with officials at the Council of Accreditation for ALA. She was told that ALA would not extend accreditation to a single purpose program. She added that the present American Association of School Librarians (AASL), a division of the ALA, accreditation was sufficient for the department's purposes in helping candidates attain certification as school librarians.

ALA Accreditation
Based on information gathered, faculty agrees to postpone seeking American Library Association full accreditation at this time. The goal will be revisited in 2-3 years.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement As indicated in the actions for the year 2008-2009, the department's intentions are to move forward with all of the goals that are in place except for the American Library Association (ALA) Accreditation. For candidate recruitment, the department succeeded in enrolling 125 students into the program. Many of these candidates are a result of new cohorts. The cohorts are a result of contact made with school district personnel who stated an interest in our program. The department will continue to recruit candidates using the methods that have been used during the 2008-2009 year to increase enrollment. In addition, as a result of the Institute of Museum and Library Science (IMLS) Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program Grant the department will have 40 new candidates enrolled as of Spring 2010. The department will continue to research additional grant programs for funding of candidates. Regarding the TExES Exam and review sessions, candidates who took the test in summer 2009 all had passing scores, which follows the high percentage of passing of the previous 2008-2009 assessment year. The department's desire is to maintain and even better our high standards in this area. Relating to faculty recruitment, the department found that many of the candidates who applied for the positions that were open were not necessarily interested in relocating to the Huntsville area, but desired to remain within the confines of their current out-of-state home address for various reasons, such as offers of employment close to their current place of residence. The department will continue to advertise the open position of chair and advocate for a new position of tenure-track professor as the number of enrollment continues to climb. With respect to American Librarian Association (ALA) accreditation, the department learned that ALA would not offer accreditation to a single-purpose institution. In the meantime, the department will continue to monitor the options available to us concerning ALA accreditation. Finally, the department, upon our successful effort with Dr. McCauley, does expect to further our collaboration with other College of Education departments and colleagues, seeking innovative ways to work together. In today's climate of increased social and collaborative teaching and learning, we are hopeful to find additional means of achieving this goal. This exercise of setting goals, following progress, and closing loops is helpful as we assess our ongoing efforts to improve. We are proud of our accomplishments in the 2008-2009 academic year and expect continued progress in years to come.