OATdb Archive

2008 - 2009

Health And Kinesiology, Department Of

Improve The Use Of Data
Improve students knowledge in the use of data in the Department of Health and Kinesiology.

Application Of Data Use
The Department of Health and Kinesiology students will demonstrate their skills and knowledge in the use of data.

Data Sources Evaluation
This indicator assesses students knowledge of the use of data sources. All Health and Kinesiology students will be assessed on their range of knowledge and understanding of use of data concepts using a series of locally developed exams and class projects rubrics in the Health and Kinesiology courses. A score of at least 70% achieved by students would reflect an acceptable performance on these exams and projects.

Data Analysis
At least 80% of program students will achieve the target score of 70% on all assignments, project, and test items comprising the indicator.

75% of program students achieved the target score.

Plan Of Action
After a review of the current state of program curriculum, the department faculty have decided that more focus should be placed upon the use of data. All core classes within the department will include at least one more mandatory data use assignment/project so that the students will gain more experience with using data in their academic and career pursuit.

Improve Critical Thinking
Improve students knowledge in the use of data in the Department of Health and Kinesiology.

Thinking Critically
Students in the Health and Kinesiology program will demonstrate their ability to think critically about content related to the discipline/profession.

Thinking Critically Evaluation
This indicator assesses students' ability to think critically. Assessments tools and rubrics developed by the faculty in the department will be used to evaluate critical thinking competencies. Assessments tools include: critically thinking assignments, projects, activities, and exams. Faculty will review all assessments so that improvement can be noted.

Assessment 80%
At least 80% of program students will achieve the target score of 75% on all critical thinking projects, assignments, activities, and exams.

Critical Skills
80% of the program students achieved the target score on all critical thinking projects, assignments, activities, and exams.

Department Actions
After review of the current state of course curriculum, the department faculty have decided that more focus should be placed upon critical thinking skills. Each course in both programs will include at least one more mandatory critical thinking assignment/project so that students will gain more experience in the use and application of critically thinking.

Improve Communication Skills
Improve oral and written communication skills in the Health and Kinesiology program.

Effective Communication
The Health and Kinesiology students will demonstrate effective use of oral and written communication skills.

Oral And Written Communication Evaluation
This indicator assesses students' ability to use effective oral and written communications skills. The following are possible sources of evidence.

- Class discussion
- Oral presentations
- Written assignments
such as "personal philosophy" regarding the field of Health and Kinesiology.

Communication Skills
At least 80 % of program students will achieve the target score of 75% on all communication skills assessments.

Communication Skills FindingsCommunication Skills Findings
80% of program students achieved the target score of 75% on all communication skills assessments.

Communication Actions
After a review of the current state of course curriculum, the program faculty have decided that more emphasis should be placed upon effective communication skills. Each course with in the programs will include at least one more mandatory communication assignment/project so that students will gain more experience in both oral and written communication skills.

Improve Research Method
Program students will improve their skills in research methods.

Constructing A Review Of Literature
The MA Health & Kinesiology Students will demonstrate their ability to construct an effective review of literature for implementation in a research study.

Review Of Literature Evaluation
This indicator assesses students ability to utilize a variety of resources to construct an effective review of literature for implementation in a research study.

Students will be tasked with constructing a review of literature in an area of their interest. The review of literature should be based only on the research articles students select for their research topic. The review of literature must be accompanied by a properly formatted (APA) Reference list. Students should have at least 12 references for the review of literature and it should be at least 10 pages in length. Evaluation will consist of professors assessment of each students performance using the above stated review of literature requirements. At least 80% of students should achieve a score of "acceptable" on this assignment.

Literature Review
At least 80% of program students will score 75% or higher on all assignments/projects regarding research review of literature.

80% of program students scored at least 75% or better on all assignments/projects relating to research review of literature.

Research Method
After a review of the current state of course curriculum, the program faculty have decided that a review of literature is a key component of any research process. It provides the knowledge base for why a research chooses to conduct a study. Therefore, the faculty feel that more focus should be placed upon various research resources that are available for the construction of effective review of literature for research studies. Each research course will include at least one more mandatory research assignment so that students will gain more experience and practice in constructing effective review of literature for implementation in a research study.

Improve Cognitive And Study Skills
Improve cognitive and study skills in Health and Kinesiology program.

Cognitive Tools
Students in the program will demonstrate their ability to use cognitive/study skill in their academic pursuit.

Cognitive Skills Evaluation
The purpose of this indicator is to assess students' in the program ability to use and apply cognitive skills. Assessments tools and rubrics developed by the faculty in the department will be used for this evaluation. Assessments tools include: cognitive assignments, projects, activities, and exams. Faculty will review all assessments so that improvement can be noted.

80% Assessment
At least 80% of program students will achieve the target score of 75% on all cognitive projects, assignments, activities, and exams.

80% of program students achieved the target score of 75% on all cognitive projects, assignments, activities, and exams. 

Study Skills Actions
After a review of the current state of course curriculum, the department faculty have decided that more focus should be placed upon cognitive/study skills application. Each course will include at least one more mandatory cognitive study skill assignment/project so that the students will gain more experience in cognitive/study skills use and application.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement It was apparent from all of the findings that not all students are achieving the expected outcomes in the Department of Health and Kinesiology program. In order to address and improve the short-falls the department faculty have decided that students require more opportunities to practice and apply concepts in use of data, critical thinking, communication skills, research methods, and cognitive study skills.

Changes in the curriculum would include increasing the number of required assignments/projects in which various competencies in the specific topic areas noted above could be demonstrated by students and critiqued by the department faculty.