OATdb Archive

2008 - 2009

Speech Communication MA

Research Literacy
To understand, assess, and report the results of communication research

Research Literacy
Graduate students will be able to understand, assess, and report the findings of communication research

Research Literacy
We will measure this goal with an annual evaluation of a sample of graduate student papers assigned in each graduate course taught in the Spring semester. The components of this rubric include: Control of the Mechanics of Written Composition and Evidence of a Comprehensive Knowledge of a Confined Research Area. The Communication Studies faculty met as a committee of the whole to develop consensus on the rubric and its components and to develop a Likert-type rating scale to be used as a holistic measure. The resulting numeric scale is as follows: 1=fails to meet the goal, 2=minimally meets the goal, 3=satisfactorily meets the goal, 4=meets the goal in an exemplary fashion, 5=exceeds expectations in meeting the goal. A score of 1 indicates serious deficiencies in both components. 2 = moderate deficiency in no more than one component. 3 = no deficiency in either component. 4 = superior handling of both components. 5 = near flawless handling of both components.

Research Literacy
An average grade of 4 is the criterion for satisfying the target outcome. This average will be taken over all literature reviews and all reviewers (faculty committee).

Research Literacy
The average score on graduate student research papers was 3.5.

Research Literacy
In as much as the criterion was not met for this goal, the graduate faculty has already identified writing skill and ability as a major factor in low grades. Thus, initial strategies will include requiring more research readings in classes, having students work with the Writing Center on the mechanics of composition, creating writing assignments that lead students to improve their writing. The graduate faculty will meet at the beginning of the Fall 09-10 semester to assess further the work of its students in an effort to determine more strategies to assist in improved understanding, assessment, and reporting of research findings.

Understanding Of Theory
Graduate students will be able to understand the variables in the field of communication studies within the framework of the pertinent general and specific theories. Theories used in graduate level courses extend into such allied areas of study as psychology, linguistics, and sociology.

Understanding Of Theory
Graduate students will be able to understand the applicable theories of communication and related fields.

The teaching philosophy of the graduate faculty is that the understanding of theory and the ability to understand, assess, and report the findings of communication research are practically inseparable. They are not the same thing, but each occurs in the context of the other. Paper assignments in the majority of graduate classes reflect this pairing, and the artifacts being evaluated in this objective will be the same as those in the Research Literacy goal.

Understanding Of Theory
We will measure this goal with an annual evaluation of a sample of graduate student papers assigned in each graduate course taught in the Spring semester. The components of this rubric are: Control of the Mechanics of Written Composition and Evidence of Understanding of the Applicable Theory or Theories. The Communication Studies faculty met as a committee of the whole to develop consensus on the rubric and its components and to construct a Likert-type rating scale to be used as a holistic measure. The resulting numeric scale is as follows: 1=fails to meet the goal; 2=minimally meets the goal; 3=satisfactorily meets the goal; 4=meets the goal in an exemplary fashion; 5=exceeds expectations in meeting the goal. A score of 1 indicates serious deficiencies in both components. 2 = moderate deficiency in one component. 3 = no deficiency in either component. 4 = superior handling of both components. 5 = near flawless handling of both components.

Understanding of Theory
An average grade of 4 is the criterion for satisfying the target outcome. This average will be taken over all literature reviews and all reviewers (faculty committee).

Understanding of Theory
The average score for graduate student research papers was 3.5. One paper scored a 2 by both evaluators, and there was only one paper which scored a 5 by either evaluator. The modal score was 4, but the graduate faculty finds these scores generally unacceptable.

Understanding Of Theory
Like the results of the evaluation of graduate student research literacy, the average score on papers for understanding theory was 3.5, with a range from 2 to 5. Writing skill and ability has already been identified as a weakness. Initial changes will include teaching a variable-topics seminar in Spring 2010 which addresses the understanding of theory directly and requiring students to do intensive written analyses of individual research monographs from a theoretical perspective. Further discussions by the faculty of ways to improve research literacy and how to improve students' grasp of theories will take place in the fall.

Recruitment And Admission
To recruit and admit additional graduate students into the program

Recruitment And Admission
The graduate faculty will recruit and admit three or more new qualified applicants

Recruitment And Admission
This objective will be attained by identifying qualified graduate applicants and admitting them to the program.

Recruitment and Admission
The recruitment and admission of a minimum of three new qualified applicants is the criterion for meeting this objective.

Recruitment and Admission
The program successfully recruited and admitted four students for its initial class.

Recruitment and Admission
The Department will recruit and admit an additional four students for its second year of operation. Recruitment has been unexpectedly difficult for this new MA degree. Part of the reason is the proliferation of MA degrees in Communication Studies in the state of Texas. Part of the reason is also the inherent difficulty of launching an entirely new program. The department has sent personal messages to chairs of departments both within the state and nationally inviting student applications. The faculty has recruited within the university by contacting prospective graduate students in other departments and has had some success. The department is launching a large-scale advertising campaign in the greater north Houston area (The Woodlands, Conroe) involving newspaper ads on a weekly basis and targeted Facebook ads. Inquiries about the MA are on the increase, indicating some initial success with the various methods of recruitment.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement The assessment of these goals at the end of the first academic year of the MA program's operation has been most helpful in identifying areas to address in order to strengthen the integrity of this degree in Communication Studies. We learned that our students were not so capable as we had expected in either research literacy or in theoretical understanding and especially in writing skills. These results led to plans to offering a variable topics seminar that addresses understanding of theory and requires written analysis of theoretical monographs. In addition, more research readings will be required of students, and students with writing problems will work with tutors in the Writing Center. We also learned that recruitment was more difficult than expected and this led us to expand our efforts in reaching potential applicants.