Improve the quality and utility of the adaptive technology equipment and services provided to students.
ADA-Assessment Of Adaptive Technology
Assess the quality and utility of adaptive technology equipment from the perspective of student users, along with disability experts from peer institutions.
ADA-Data From Peer Institutions
Data will be collected from a selection of experts from peer institutions regarding the quality of specific resources currently available to SHSU students.
ADA-Comparison with TSUS Institutions
Adaptive technology quality will be equal to or greater than that of other institutions in the Texas State University System. Provision, quality, and accessibility of accommodated testing will be equal to or greater than than of other institutions in the Texas State University System.
ADA-Adaptive Technology
SHSU needs to improve the technology available for low-vision and visually impaired students, as well as the general availability of adaptive technology across campus.
ADA-Accommodated Testing
SHSU needs to increase the amount of space available for the provision of accommodated testing. In addition improvements in proctoring/monitoring these tests also need to be made.
ADA-Adaptive Technology Expansion/Update
A planned move of the Adaptive Technology lab will allow for more space and the acquisition of new CCTV's for low vision students. In addition, we are currently looking into acquiring portable versions of some devices that can be checked out by students on an as-needed basis. Efforts to expand the availability of various types of adaptive software to additional computer labs are ongoing.
CC-Service Provision
Attend to the mental health needs of the SHSU student population through counseling and psychoeducational outreach.
CC-Brief Therapy
Provide time limited counseling and psychological services to the SHSU student population, which meet the mental health needs of those students.
CC-Clinical Productivity
Data reflecting number of students seen for services, number of sessions provided, and client satisfaction.
CC-Client Satisfaction
An increase in 5% of total number of students seen and sessions provided. A satisfaction rate of 80% for those receiving clinical services.
CC-Client Satisfactin Survey Results
Students utilizing CC services increased by approximately 3.5% during FY09, while client satisfaction in services received was approximately 84%
Placeholder For Client Statisfaction Data Related Action
Will seek approval for funding of 1-2 additional clinical staff members to increase capability to see additional clients. End of semester survey will be modified to capture more meaningful information (e.g. Impact of counseling on academic performance).
Provide workshops and other preventive educational outreach programs focused on psychological and emotional health to the SHSU student population.
CC-Outreach Assessment
Conduct evaluations of the effectiveness of the outreach initiatives provided by the Counseling Center staff.
CC-Outreach Evaluation
85% of students completing an evaluation of an outreach program will communicate overall satisfaction with the program.
CC-Outreach Evaluation Results
Results of Outreach Evaluations indicated that approximately 79% of students were satisfied with the outreach programming they attended. Approximately 63% of students believed that they gained skills that could be applied to everyday life, while 87 percent would recommend the workshop they attended to a friend.
Placeholder For Outreach Data Related Action
Although a significant number of students were satisfied with the quality of the outreach programming they attended, the overall goal of 85% was not attained. In reviewing survey results, this is likely due to the fact that a relatively low number of students believed they gained usable skills as a result of attending the outreach. During FY '10 an effort will be made to include a practical/skill based element to outreach presentations (when appropriate). An example might be walking a class through a breathing exercise during an outreach on stress management.
Contribute to the training of developing professionals in the field of psychology.
CC-Graduate Training Program
Provide training opportunities to graduate students in the mental health professions that will contribute to their ability to further learn and apply psychological principles with clients from the SHSU student population.
CC-Training Effectiveness
Formal evaluation of clinical services provided by trainees in addition to evaluation of training program effectiveness by said trainees.
CC-Trainee Evaluation
Clinical supervisors will rate trainees as moderately effective or higher in the application of psychological principles with clients. Trainees will rate the training program as moderately effective or higher.
CC-Graduate Student Evaluation Results
All practicum students indicated that their training experiences met or exceeded their expectations and needs.
CC-Post Doctoral Trainee Evaluation Results
Post doctoral resident indicated that all training activities met or exceeded training needs.
Placeholder For Graduate Training Related Action
Graduate trainees will continue to be provided with a variety of training experiences to help them develop well-rounded clinical skills. With the addition of new staff members during FY '10 we plan to add additional opportunities related to group therapy and providing services to diverse populations.
CC-Post Doctoral Training Program
Provide training opportunities for new mental health professionals that will contribute to their ability to apply psychological theory and researched based interventions to clients from the SHSU student population.
CC-Training Effectiveness
Formal evaluation of clinical services provided by trainees in addition to evaluation of training program effectiveness by said trainees.
CC-Trainee Evaluation
Clinical supervisors will rate trainees as moderately effective or higher in the application of psychological principles with clients. Trainees will rate the training program as moderately effective or higher.
CC-Graduate Student Evaluation Results
All practicum students indicated that their training experiences met or exceeded their expectations and needs.
CC-Post Doctoral Trainee Evaluation Results
Post doctoral resident indicated that all training activities met or exceeded training needs.
Placeholder For Post Doctoral Training Related Action
Despite positive feedback, additional emphasis will be placed on preparing post-doctoral residents for their own job searches.
CC-Multicultural Awareness
Use values of diversity and inclusiveness to guide delivery of services to the student population.
The population of students served will reflect the diversity of the SHSU student body to demonstrate the inclusiveness of the agency, as well as to communicate to the university the value of an inclusive posture.
CC-Racial/Ethnic Demographics
Data reflecting racial/ethnic demographics to be compared with the general student population.
CC-Racial/Ethnic Representation
Racial/ethnic demographics of students receiving clinical services will be comparable to those of the broader campus population.
CC-Racial/Ethnic Demographic Analysis
Use of CC by racial/ethnic minority students for the '09 academic year was approximately 35%. This is slightly above the rang of students with a racial/ethnic minorty background on SHSU's campus (28-30%).
Placeholder For Diversity Relacted Action
Although data suggests that the Counseling Center is doing an effective job reaching traditionally under-served populations, it also suggests that certain of these groups are significantly less likely to utilize services. During FY '09 efforts will be made to focus outreach programming on these groups to increase awareness of services. The feasibility of a study on barriers to service utilization will also be investigated.
ADA-Accommodated Testing
Improve the quality and accessibility of the testing accommodation.
ADA-Assessment Of Accommodated Testing
Assess the quality and utility of the testing accommodation from the perspective of student and instructor users, along with disability experts from peer institutions.
ADA-Data From Peer Institutions
Data will be collected from a selection of experts from peer institutions regarding the quality of specific resources currently available to SHSU students.
ADA-Comparison with TSUS Institutions
Adaptive technology quality will be equal to or greater than that of other institutions in the Texas State University System. Provision, quality, and accessibility of accommodated testing will be equal to or greater than than of other institutions in the Texas State University System.
ADA-Adaptive Technology
SHSU needs to improve the technology available for low-vision and visually impaired students, as well as the general availability of adaptive technology across campus.
ADA-Accommodated Testing
SHSU needs to increase the amount of space available for the provision of accommodated testing. In addition improvements in proctoring/monitoring these tests also need to be made.
ADA-Accommodated Testing Expansion
A planned shifting of various spaces within the Counseling Center office will allow for the creation of a dedicated testing room. This will allow for between 7-10 exams to be administered at once. We are in the process of purchasing a closed-circuit camera system, per industry standard, to improve the monitoring of tests.