OATdb Archive

2008 - 2009

Bearkat OneCard

Goal 2 -Programming & Education
To provide programming and educational outreach to the University constituents.

OneReward Program
Continue to build the OneAccount Rewards program along the I-45 corridor.

Higher One OneSupport Progess Report
Quarterly a request is made to Higher One OneSupport Administrators to request a quarterly update/progress report for the Division of Student Service's Performance indicators. Included in this report is the request and status for participating OneRewards merchants. This report includes the number of participating merchants in our local area.

OneRewards Merchants
Increase the number of participating OneReward merchants.

One Reward Merchants
As of 8/01/2009, Higher One has notified us that the OneRewards program, as it currently exists, is being discontinued as of 9/1/2009 and will be replaced in October 2009 with a new program. As a result of this discontinuation in local merchant providers, the number of OneReward merchants for this year has not increased and remained at 15 merchants. However, because the OneRewards program will no longer be a service provided by Higher One for vendors in our local market, this finding was out of the scope of control of the Bearkat OneCard Services Office staff.

One Reward Merchants
As a result of the discontinuation of the current version of the OneRewards program by our banking partner, Higher One, an increase in the number of reward merchants for our local area will no longer be a goal or objective of the Bearkat OneCard Services office.

OneCard Semester Orientation Schedule
Continue to work with the University Center, SHSU Graduate School, and various colleges and departments to schedule education programs, orientations, and venues for which their students can obtain a Bearkat OneCard.

Bearkat OneCard Departmental ID Card Orientation Checklist
Bearkat OneCard Departmental ID Card Orientation Schedule/Semester Calendar

Minimum Number Of Departmental Sessions
Participate in a minimum of (1) Graduate School Orientation each year.
Travel to the University Center a minimum of (1) a month for ID card processing.
Contact each department on the Bearkat OneCard Departmental ID Card Orientation Checklist each semester to schedule an orientation time.

Additional Orientations And Carding Opportunities
The Bearkat OneCard Services Department participated in (7) Passport to Sam programs from 6/11/09 to 7/30/09, and assisted over 345 students and their parents. The BKO office also participated in the (3) University Center registration events for the Fall, Spring, and Summer events, assisting over 50 students. Additionally the BKO staff made (8) ID card production site visits and assisted close to 200 students with obtaining their ID card.

The BKO office also arranged with Residence Life to have extended hours for residence move in, including weekend hours during peak times. The BKO Office also scheduled Orientations sessions with the College of Business, Graduate Studies Office, Dietetic Intern program, Student Activities for Sorority Recruitment, Athletics for Football, Educational Leadership & Counseling, and International Student Orientation.

Additional Orientations And Carding Opportunities
Based on the data findings from both students and departmental representatives, these events are both beneficial and convenient to the university community. The Director and the Education Coordinator of the OneCard Office will continue to reach out to departmental representatives to schedule and host these types of events.

Goal 1a - Marketing Plan
Develop more effective marketing plan to educate the SHSU community on the Bearkat OneCard programs and services.

Incoming Freshman Campaign
Utilize a marketing campaign to communicate to all incoming freshman how to obtain a Bearkat OneCard, and why this is important and necessary.

Freshman Campaign Mass Email
The Bearkat OneCard Services will measure the active Bearkat OneCards of incoming freshman for the Fall 2008 semester by utilizing the 2008 Orientation Participants Data Report (Policy & Procedure Manual Appendix I) and the RHISO2RG Sam Menu report.

Freshmen with Active ID Cards
The criteria of this objective is to have 85% of all incoming freshman with active Bearkat OneCards as of 9/01/09.

Freshman ID Campaign Completed
2427 students attended summer orientations. Of those attending orientation, 2322 had active Bearkat OneCards as of December 2008. This finding results in a 96% activation rate. Due to 96% card activation for all incoming, Fall 2008, freshman these students were able to utilize campus services as well as receive financial refunds in a timely manner.

Incoming Freshman Activations
Bearkat OneCard Services will implement the Freshman Campaign Mass Email for the 2009-10 assessment year due to the impact of card activation on students. With an active campus ID card students have the ease of utilizing many campus services as well as receiving their refunds in a timely manner. The timeliness of refunds allows students to complete their personal business.

Goal 1 - Innovative Programs
Maximize the use of card technology to develop innovative program designed to delivery efficient services and generate savings in administrative and operating units through the elimination of multiple cards and manual transaction processing.

Cash & Check Transactions
Reduce the number of cash and check transactions on campus.

HigherOne Monthly Disbursement Preferences Report
The HigherOne Monthly Disbursements Preferences Report is used to determine the number of paper checks that were processed the prior month for refund disbursements.

Decrease By 3%
Decrease the number of grandfathered participants receiving paper checks, as their preferred disbursement preference, by 3% each fiscal year.

Check Reduction & Electronic Disbursement Project
When the Bearkat OneCard Services Office started the e-only disbursement project in September 2008, there were a total of 1340 enrolled students with a paper check option between payroll and refund disbursement preferences. As of August 31, 2009 a total of 744 students have converted to an electronic method (267 OneAccount & 477 ACH), leaving approximately 218 enrolled students still to make an electronic option. This has resulted in a 77% reduction in the number of participants with a paper check option as their preferred disbursement preference.

Check Reduction & Electronic Disbursement Marketing For 2008-09
From September 1 thru August 31, 2009, the Bearkat OneCard Services Office has reduced the number of participants with a paper check option by 77%. Because the Department of Education has indicated that electronic disbursements are a preferred method for refund issuance and because it increases the satisfaction of our students in the timeliness of their refunds (as indicated by assessment) because of safety and efficency, the Bearkat OneCard Services will continue this objective for the 2009-2010 fiscal year with a goal of reducing overall check issuance to only 3%.

Goal 2a - Inclusive Representation
To modify Bearkat OneCard Services polices to ensure more inclusive representation on appropriate committees, boards, focus groups, and task forces.

Participation & Appointments
Monitor participation and appointments on committees, boards, focus groups, and task forces to ensure a representative participation.

Committee Appointment Log
Bearkat OneCard Services Committee Appointment Log contains information that includes name of appointee, title, date appointed, and expiration of term.

Student Representative
Have a minimum of (1) student representative on each committee the Bearkat OneCard Office is responsible for.

Appointment Of Student Comm. Members Completed
Completed Objective: Appointed (3) student representatives to the Bearkat OneCard Advisory Council in September1, 2008 for one-year terms.

Maintain & Update Committee Appointments
Interview, appoint, and update the Bearkat OneCard Advisory Committee appointments for 2009-10.

Goal 3 - Effectiveness Of Programs, Services, And Operations
To identify assessment methods to assure measurement of quality and effectiveness of programs, services, and operations.

Increase Student Satisfaction
Increase student satisfaction of OneCard program and services

Determine Student Satisfaction
Conduct student survey to determine satisfaction with OneCard program.

Percentage of Satisfaction with OneCard Program
80% of participants will indicate satisfaction with programs.

Survey Results-- Customer
As of 09-01-09 there were 798 respondents to the Bearkat OneCard Customer Service Survey. Ninety-four percent of respondents indicated they were satisfied with the quality of service they received from the Bearkat OneCard Services staff.

2008-09 Customer Service Survey Results--Customer
Though our expectations were exceeded in this area for the 2008-09 fiscal year, due to the importance of being responsive to the needs of our clients, staff training will continue in the area of customer service. Additionally, data collected through this assessment survey, especially the qualitative client provided responses, will be utilized to develop training for staff members and address areas of concern that emerge through common themes in the data.

Increase Event Tracking Usage
Increase awareness of the BKO Event Tracking program by marketing to departments on campus that could benefit from a more efficient way to collect participation data.

Determine User Satisfaction
Conduct user survey to determine satisfaction with OneCard Event Tracking program and reports

Percentage of Satisfaction with OneCard Event Tracking Program
80% of participants will indicate satisfaction with programs

Event Tracking Satisfaction Survey Results-- Event Tracking
The Event Tracking Satisfaction Survey was completed by (4) respondents. All of the participants (e.g., 100%) indicated that Event Tracking was moderately to very easy to utilize. Additionally, 100% indicated that they were very satisfied with the quality of service they received from the Bearkat OneCard Office staff on the Event Tracking Program.

Event Tracking Survey Results--Event Tracking
Although expectations for this objective were exceeded for the 2008-09 fiscal year, due to the importance of being responsive to the needs of our clients and the ever changing environment, the Event Tracking Satisfaction Survey will remain in place for the 2008-09 fiscal year.

Additionally, participant responses will be utilized to improve the program and educational support provided to users of the service. Themes emerging from the data will also be investigated and addressed as needed.

Increase Card Activations
In an effort to reach more university community members, the BKO staff will develop an active marketing and outreach campaign that targets 1.) actively enrolled students who have not yet requested a BKO card and 2.) actively enrolled students who have been issued a BKO card but have not yet activated their card.

Currently Enrolled No Photo On File Report
The BKO staff members will utilize the ONECO6RG report, that currently contains 900+ individuals, as our instrument for contacting students who do not have a BKO card.

Reduce Currently Enrolled/No Photo On File Project By 10%
Actively contact those SHSU students that are currently enrolled but have not yet requested a BKO card. The marketing campaign will include emailing students by mid-October 2008, followed by hard mail campaign in November, and phone calls beginning in December.

The staff will utilize ONECO5RG report to target population. As of 9/1/08 the list currently contains 900+ individuals.

Increase Carding Of University Community
The BKO staff was unable to actively campaign to the non-carded student population during the Fall semester as originally intended. The BKO staff utilized the ONECO6RG report to re-identify the number of actively enrolled students for the Spring semester. 

In January 2009 the BKO staff identified 722 currently enrolled students that had not yet requested a Bearkat OneCard.  Of the 722 students identified in January 2009, 187 students requested a Bearkat OneCard as of 8/31/09 as a result of receiving emails in February, a hard mail campaign in March, and phone calls in April. The remaining students on the original list continued to be monitored and contacted via email weekly to verify enrollment, and new card requests.

Of the original group of 722 students identified in January, 61 had graduated or resigned as of 8/31/09. This resulted in a decrease in the number of students without Bearkat OneCards to 474 students as of 8/31/09. Therefore the number of non-carded students was reduced by 25%. 


Card Activation Report
The BKO staff members will utilize the Card Activation Report provided by our disbursement partner HigherOne as the instrument for providing personal demographic data in order for our staff to be able to contact currently enrolled students who have been issued a  Bearkat OneCard  but have yet to activate their card.

Reduced Patrons With Cards But No Activation Date By 10%
Reduce the number of patrons on the indicator list by 10% by actively contacting those SHSU students that have had a Bearkat OneCard mailed but have not yet activated a card. The marketing campaign will include emailing students by mid-October 2008, followed by hard mail campaign in November, and phone calls beginning in December.

Card Activation List Reduced For 2008-09 Fiscal Year
Due to other priority projects in the Bearkat OneCard Services office, this project was moved from the Fall 2008 to the Fall 2009 semester. As of January 2009, 386 students were identified as the target population for this assessment project. Of the 386 students enrolled for the Spring semester, 104 activated their BKO cards by January 31, 2009 as a result of receiving emails encouraging card activation, leaving 282 students still to activate their BKO card.  

As of August 31, 2009, an additional 202 students activated their card due to receiving emails in March, a hard mail campaign in April, and phone calls in May. The remaining students still to activate their card were contacted via email weekly to stress the importance of card activation. Therefore the criterion for this objective was met and thus the goal for this assessment project was successfully completed.


Increase Card Activation & Increase Carding Project
Though both project criterion and objectives were successfully achieved, the Bearkat OneCard Staff continues to identify both the carding and the card activation projects as important goals of the office in order to increase the services that university patrons can receive, especially since new faculty, staff, and students join the university community every semester.

Therefore, the BKO staff will continue to market the importance of receiving and activating a students Bearkat OneCard. However from 2008-09 project, the Bearkat OneCard Project team has learned that both of these projects can best be achieved through email and telephone communications. Thus, the hard mail campaign will be eliminated from the marketing campaign for this objective for the 2009-2010 fiscal year. Additionally, the project team has identified new indicators to better assess this objective in the 2009-2010 year.

Goal 5 - Increase Communication & Networking
Increase communication and networking among other state and regional universities, especially those in the Texas State University system.

Conference Attendance
In an effort to share ideas and information to improve current programs and services and collaborate on new and innovative programs available to students, all professional staff members will attend a minimum of (1) local, regional, board sponsored, state-wide conference, or professional development meeting, during the year.

Conference Registration & Staff Report
The Bearkat OneCard department will utilize the conference/workshop registration along with the staff report following the staff members return from the conference as our indicator for this objective. Both indicators will be documented in departmental minutes and reported in the VPSS monthly report.

Professional Staff To Attend Training And/or Conferences
Have all professional staff members in the Bearkat OneCard Office attend a minimum of (1) local, regional, board sponsored, state wide, or national conference or staff development program.

Conference Attendance Completed
All professional staff members attended a professional conference, staff development training, and/or workshop for staff development purposes this fiscal year. Therefore this objective was completed for the fiscal year 2008-09.

Kristy Vienne attended the Higher One Users Conference in April 2009, National Association of Campus Card Users Conference in March 2009, and the Student Advisory Board Student Affairs meetings in November 2008.

Kari Zella attended the National Association of Campus Card Users Conference in March 2009.

Jacki Brossman-Ashorn attended the Association for Financial Counseling, Planning, & Education in October 2008.

Vivian Carlson & Andrea Rabon attended Skill Path Professional Development Workshops in Houston, Texas in May 2009 for "Excelling as a First-Time Manager/Supervisor."

Continuation Of Conference & Professional Development Participation
Because of the importance of professional conferences, presentations, and staff development workshops to understanding the current trends in our respective fields, this objective will remain in place for the 2009-10 fiscal year.

Staff Development Programming
In an effort to share ideas and information to improve current programs and services and collaborate on new and innovative programs available to students, the Bearkat OneCard Office will sponsor a minimum of (1) professional development meeting each semester on a topic of interest for staff members, a timely issue in Student Services, or a campus wide issue of concern.

Staff Development Evaluation Form
Staff Development Evaluation/Focus Group Summary of Findings

Professional staff to attend training
Have all professional staff members in Bearkat OneCard Office attend each of the professional development meetings sponsored by the office each semester. If a staff member is unable to attend a professional development meeting an alternative program should be attended by the staff member.

Professional Staff Development Completed
All OneCard Services Office professional staff members participated in the following professional staff development sessions:

1.) The Division of Student Services Fall 2008 Staff Development meeting in December 2008.

2.) Birds of a Feather Team Building and Personality Assessment Workshop in March 2009.

3.) "Train the Trainer" workshop on customer service hosted for the Bearkat OneCard Services Office professional and student staff members in May 2009.

Pre-test and post-test evaluations were done to measure the impact of the staff development workshops on participants as well as satisfaction surveys from participants on their attitudes towards the training.

Staff Development
Based on the focus groups and surveys, the staff development programs provided to both professional and student staff members this fiscal year have indicated that they have been beneficial to staff members and have helped to continue to boost staff morale. Therefore, additonal staff development workshops, and team building programs will be developed for the 2009-2010 fiscal year to focus on teambuilding, customer service, and education on changes to policies and procedures.

Goal 5a - Customer Service Oriented Staff
To employ, train, and support a customer service oriented staff who strive to respond to the needs of the SHSU community.

Train Staff & Student Workers
To train Bearkat One Card office staff and student employees to be responsive to clientele.

Daily Satisfaction Survey
Daily satisfaction surveys that are a likert scaled design instrument, with room from student supplied responses, are available every day for comments, suggestions, and ratings of surveys. Students are encouraged to complete these surveys and rate the service they received. Surveys are anonymous and are placed in the suggestion box for review each month.

Professional Staff Meetings
Input and minutes from the weekly Bearkat OneCard Professional staff meeting notes

Professional Staff meetings
Conduct a minimum of (1) weekly professional staff meeting.

Completed Staff Meetings For FY 2009
The criterion for the professional staff members of (1) weekly meeting for this objective was completed for fiscal year 2008-09.

Student Staff Meetings
Monthly Student Staff Meeting agenda and minutes

Student Staff Meetings
Conduct a minimum of (1) monthly student staff meeting.

Completed Student Meetings 2008-09
The criteria for the student staff members of (1) monthly meeting held for this objective was completed for fiscal year 2008-09.

Responsive To Clientele Through Training
Due to the importance of being responsive to the needs of our clients and the ever changing environment, regularly scheduled staff training and weekly staff meetings will remain in place for fiscal year 2008-09. Additionally, data from focus groups and surveys among staff members and the university community will be utilized to drive the office training schedule and agenda items for meetings.

Responsive To Clientele Through Student Staff Member Training & Meetings
Due to the importance of being responsive to the needs of our clients and the ever changing environment, regularly scheduled staff training and monthly student staff meetings will remain in place for fiscal year 2008-09. Additionally, data from focus groups and surveys among staff members and the university community will be utilized to drive the office training schedule and agenda items for meetings.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement Bearkat OneCard Services (BKO) has made the OneCard program and financial disbursement process more effective and efficient for the SHSU community by eliminating paper checks, and going to an exclusive e-delivery system for all new students. In addition, all students who were previously grandfathered into the paper option, were marketed to in an effort to have them change their preference to e-delivery. From September 1, 2008 thru the June 15, 2009, the number of patrons with paper check options were reduced from 1340 students to 350 students. This reduction reduced the number of check transactions by 74%, and is in alignment with the VPSS Goal of providing innovative programs and services. The reduction also helps our department successfully achieve our objective for this goal. Our office will continue to communicate and educate students on campus procedures in the upcoming fiscal year (2009-10) to continue to increase our efficiency and the time it takes refunds to be processed and received by our students.

The BKO office also successfully fostered the development of an inclusive community by continuing to actively seek opportunities to develop educational programs, services, workshops, and orientations to educate the SHSU community. These efforts helped promote the OneCard program as well as other programs and services both inside and outside of the Student Services Division. One of the most notable programs was the collaboration between the OneCard Services Office and the University Center in scheduling and promoting times throughout Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters to provide card services on-site at The Woodlands, Texas facility. Prior surveys and assessments indicated that the University Center students were not being educated and marketed to regarding the card and the university refund procedures. These sessions were also scheduled on varying days so that a larger number of students could be assisted. Over one-hundred students, who normally do not come to the Huntsville campus, were assisted with obtaining their ID cards. These events helped increase time in delivery of refunds to the students, allowing them access to campus facilities faster.  Therefore we plan to continue these efforts in the upcoming fiscal year to continue to increase the services we provide to those students taking classes exclusively at the UC.

Additionally, for the first time, our marketing and education efforts increased to include scheduled orientation programs and the development of custom designed literature for our International and English Language Institute students. In coordination with the Office of International Programs and HigherOne, the BKO office was able to translate our One Account brochure and Sponsor Account guide into four languages including: Spanish, Korean, Hindi, and Chinese. By providing literature in additional languages, Sam Houston non-English speaking students have the necessary materials needed to understand the Bearkat OneCard and the OneAccount privileges. After surveying students we have found that these additonal materials allow our students to understand the refund process and be more comfortable in activating and utilzing the card on and off campus. We will continue to survey student and correspond with the Office of International Programs to determine additional student populations that need additonal marketing materials developed.

Also, by monitoring and assessing the departmental marketing, education, and operational services for incoming freshmen students, the OneCard Services staff was able to increase the percentage of freshmen students obtaining and activating their OneCards to over 96%, therefore meeting another objective in our strategic plan. The Bearkat OneCard office provided students with the tool necessary (The Bearkat OneCard) to foster a successful campus experience. With an active card, students are able to utilize the various campus privileges (residence hall access, health and kinesiology facilities, sporting events, meal plans, and the library) that come with SHSU student status. The BKO Office will continue these efforts in the upcoming year to continue to reach those unserved students.

Prior surveys and assessments indicated that the office needed additonal stations to serve students faster and in a more convienent location. Our new office suite in Estill provides convenient access to other student services and the increased number of stations has dramatically increased our ability to serve large groups of students with little or no wait time in the upcoming fiscal year. Additonal assessments will continue in 2009-10 to determine how our facilities can be improved or investigte additonal services that need to be added to serve our students now and in the future.

Through both on-the-job training and customer service training sessions, the Bearkat OneCard services professional and student staff members were trained to be better prepared for handling the needs of the university community. The BKO has established training materials, regularly scheduled student staff meetings, and communication networks to help continue to educate our staff on updated campus policies and procedures. This training will continue in 2009-2010 to continue to build on the service level our office provides.