OATdb Archive

2008 - 2009

Recreational Sports

Lifelong Learning Skills
Create an environment that allows students to foster the development of leadership, healthy lifestyles, personal growth, and appreciation for diversity.

Provide modern, safe facilities, meeting the needs and demands of current and future students

Collaborate with other departments, divisions, institutions, and constituents to maximize all resources.

Assessment Of: User Satisfaction, Learning Outcomes, And Facility Use
Assess the variety of programs designed to meet the changing needs and interests of our users by creating tools and resources that allow for feedback, reflection, evaluation and change of program.

Using a self reporting instrument assess both intentional and secondary learning outcomes.

Using raw numerical data assess use of facilities

CAS Assessment Areas And Quantative Measures
Recreational Sports uses seven (7) areas developed by the Office of the VPSS, in conjunction with CAS learning outcomes and quantitative indicators to monitor, assess, review and take action, based on these reviews.

Quantitative Measures
Quantitative measures and indicators developed by Recreational Sports in conjunction with Office of the VPSS

Performance Indicators
Raw numerical data is reviewed four times per year to compare current to goal numerical data for selected departmental indicators.

Performance Indicator Findings
Review of Performance indicators demonstrates each area is on target to meet or exceed established goals. This review was performed December 15, 2008. Next review May 15, 2008.

Indicator Review
No action needed at mid-year review as all programs are on target to meet and or exceed all established goals.

Report Reviews
Continue to assess and review programs. As resources are available, continue to address stated needs.

Program Review
Each program area uses surveys, focus groups, or benchmarking to review performance on a by-program, overall, annual, or mutli-annual basis.

CAS Assessment Reports
Monthly Reports framed by the CAS Standards and submitted each month. Each area of Recreational Sports submits individual reports and surveys as they are finished. These are compiled into a bound document held in the Rec. Sports Office (individual reports are availabe in the Recreational Sports Office). Examples are available below and the aformentioned bound assessment book is available at the end of each fiscal year.

Monthly Report Reviews
Monthly reports and responses to surveys, focus groups and benchmark rankings are reveiwed to monitor progress toward established goals and work dynamic of each area.

Monthly Report Findings
Reports demonstrate continued growth and high usage of facility. Reports also show need for future facilities and staff. Recreational Sports still continues to meet and or exceed expectations.

Year End Review
Using compiled data from all areas it has been established that all areas are meeting the stated satisfaction and learning goals at this time. A complete statistica outline is below within closing the loop.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement Assessment Report
SHSU Recreational Sports
August 2008- July 2009
Summary Report

As part of the continuing mission of Recreational Sports to provide the SHSU community with safe programs and facilities which enhance the total educational experience and quality of life of our students, faculty and staff; each of the seven areas of Recreational Sports engages in ongoing assessment. Recreational Sports intentionally examines two component areas for each area for continual improvement. Within this reporting mechanism, user feedback for specific change to program is also developed. Also within the reporting mechanism this year the Sports Club report established recruitment retention self reported instruments to determine impact of area on recruitment and retention. Though not an intentional component this academic year, the goal is to add as a third component the area of Recruitment and Retention as the Sport Club report demonstrated this need by showing that 74.4% of respondents reported their decision to remain at SHSU was due in part to participation and 28.5% of respondents reported activity was a part of their decision to attend SHSU. The following is the intentional component area review. A complete Assesment report has been published and is available upon request from the Recreational Sports Department.

Component 1 User satisfaction

The overall satisfaction rating of the Department of Recreational Sports is an extrapolation of the average rating of each area. A three significant figure basis is used and this rating is on a five point scale. Each report uses a confidence interval of 95% and an average deviation of .17 occurred. For the 2008-2009 school year the average user satisfaction (on a 5 point scale where 1 is lowest and 5 is highest satisfaction) was 4.091. The individual reports are within the assessment report housed in the department of Recreational Sports.

Component 2 Self Reported Learning Outcomes

The overall learning outcomes rating of the Department of Recreational Sports is an extrapolation of the average rating of each area. The learning areas are based on the 16 learning domains of the Council of the Advancement of Standards and are contained on the documentation in the pages following this summary. A three significant figure basis is used and this rating is on a five point scale. Each report uses a confidence interval of 95% and an average deviation of .17 occurred. For the 2008-2009 school year, the average attainment (as self reported for the intentional learning outcome) was 3.914. The scored was based on a 5 point scale where 1 did not meet outcome and 5 exceeded intended outcome. The indivdual reports are within the assessment report housed in the department of Recreational Sports.

As a result of these findings, it has been concluded that each area is performing at or above the established goal of 3.0 on a 5.0 scale. Therefore, no immediate change within program is needed at this time.