OATdb Archive

2008 - 2009

Lowman Student Center, Director

Facilities And Services
Provide high quality facilities and services in support of the university's mission.

Quality Operations
Provide guests with high quality facilities, equipment and services.

Quality Operations
Using an assessment survey, measure the quality of the operations for service and the facility. The service portion of the survey is broken into 3 areas: communication, efficiency, and courtesy. Facility issues surveyed were quality of tables, chairs, equipment and special needs. Each of the areas allowed the responder to select a rating of excellent, good, fair, or poor. The survey provided space for additional comments from the responder. A copy of the survey is attached.

Quality Operations
Maintain a 90% rating of good or outstanding in the quality assessment survey

Quality Findings
We have changed from a hard copy survey instrument to an online survey. We review the survey results monthly. A little over 97% of the respondents found the service either good or excellent.

Quality Operations
The surveys are reviewed monthly at staff meetings and actions taken to correct defiencies noted. We do a comprehensive review at the conclusion of the fiscal year and determine if new policies, procedures, equipment or training is needed so that we can continue to provide quality service. Based on previous surveys and comments we have made our web site reservation forms writeable Adobe and Word documents.

Programs And Events
Encourage student participation in programs and events held in the student center.

Provide university community with programs and increase participation in line with university growth.

Program Participation
The programs sponsored by the LSC will increase student participation by a factor equal to the university growth.

Event participation
The total participation in the programs sponsored by the LSC will increase by 3%.

Program Participation
The number of participants in the LSC sponsored programs is up from last year at this time. As of Jun 2009 our program attendance is up 2% while the university enrollment is level. We will continue to review participation and finalize our findings after the end of the fiscal year.

Program Participation
Adjustments from the previous year appear to have increased participation to the desired level. The Kat Klub collaborates with student organizations and departments to improve programs which increases attendance. This year we worked with the SHSU Jazz band to brind two shows the the Kat Klub that were well received by the SHSU community. As a result of feedback from some of our programs, we have purchased a portable wireless system so that we can officer wireless service in our smaller venues. The final assessment and actions will be completed after the fiscal year data is complete.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement During FY 2009 the LSC transitioned from a paper survey tool to the use of Student Voice. Each customer is electronically sent the link to the survey and requested to provide feedback on the service in the LSC. The overall number of responses decreased since we transitioned to Student Voice, but the feedback has been more candid. The shortfall of Student Voice is that since the feedback is anonymous we cannot contact the guests that had a poor experience to see what we need to do to improve our service. The goal of the LSC is to receive 90% excellent or good marks in the service areas. We also look at the feedback from the surveys to see what we can do to improve equipment, procedures and processes.
There were 1077 responses in each category, 939 were excellent (87.18%), 106 were good (9.84%), 22 were fair (2.04%) and 10 were poor (0.92%). The combination of the excellent and good comments was 1045 for 97.02% which is well above our goal.
Based on feedback from the surveys and conversations with student groups and departments, the LSC made the following changes to processes and procedures.
1. All the reservations forms on our LSC website were changed to writeable Word documents and writeable Adobe documents. This allows the customer to fill out the form and attach it to an e-mail and send it in to the LSC Reservations Coordinator.
2. The LSC Operations policy was changed to increase the number of guests at student organization special events. The number of guests was changed from 500 to 750 which meets the needs of more organizations.
3. We have increased the spacing of chairs when the ballroom or conference rooms are set with theater style seating.
Our goal for programs sponsored by the LSC is to increase the attendance by the same factor as the increase in enrollment at the university. This year the enrollment at the university did not increase from last year. During this fiscal year the attendance at LSC sponsored programs increased by 2%. We have collaborated with the Music Department to have a Jazz session in the Kat Klub each semester and coordinated with student organizations to promote an alcohol free Super Bowl option.
During this fiscal year we have added a piano to our Art Gallery as a place for students to come and practice. We have also started a book exchange program where students, faculty and staff can come to the 3rd Floor Atrium and borrow a book for their reading pleasure.
To update the facility the LSC funded several projects including new stair treads, a major plumbing project, and the modification of Conference Room 104 to the Student Money Management Office. As an energy conservation effort, the LSC added sensors to all the conference rooms that turn off the lights in the rooms when they are empty.
The LSC staff continues to use the Student Voice surveys and other forms of feedback to improve our services to the university community and our off campus guests.
We are in the process of completing our student employee training documents for each position. When those documents are completed we will use that tool as the basis for our student employee learning outcomes.