OATdb Archive

2008 - 2009


Efficiency In The Vending Operations
The Vending Department will operate efficiently.

Provide Financial Support For University Programs
The Vending Office will maximize income through vending sales which will allow their profit to be used to support other University Programs.

Measurement Of Profitability
The Vending Office will not have expenditures in excess of income.

End of Year Income Measure
At the end of the fiscal year, Vending account will either show a net profit or expenditures will not exceed income. (Capital expenditures may be paid from fund balance and are not included in this analysis.)

Maximize Income
This finding will be available after 8/31/09.

Consumer Satisfaction
Vending will strive to provide satisfaction to their consumer.

To Ensure Customer Satisfaction
The vending office, with the assistance of Business Office personnel, has developed an on-line survey. This survey will be promoted "live" during fiscal year 2009 to receive assessments from consumers on the satisfaction of products and prices points.

Survey Results
The Survey will be accessible from the Vending web page. A mass email to the University community will be sent to invite them to participate in the survey with a link to the survey site during a two week period during the semester.

75% Consumer Satisfaction In Product Choice
A 75% consumer satisfaction in product choice is the desired results from the survey.

Vending Survey
As of July 2009, the Vending Survey is not available online. Due to price increases in vending products, the Vending Office felt the survey would be more productive on consumer satisfaction in products if offered during FY 2010. This objective will be re-visited during FY 2010.

Vending Survey
The promotion of the Vending Survey to the Vending web page will be re-visited in 2010. The reason for this action is the vending prices for snacks and drinks were increased during fiscal year 2009 and management felt the survey results would be more helpful to Vending operations after the prices have been at current levels for a longer amount of time.

Consumer Satisfaction And Proper Accounting Controls On Product Sold And Revenue Collected
Vending machines need to have meter readers which will allow an accurate accounting for product sold and money collected. The Vending Machines need to provide the consumer proper change and product for change deposited in the machine.

Vending Machine Replacement Table
A written time table on the replacement of vending machines determined by years of service will be developed.

Implementation of replacement
Implementation of vending machine replacement will begin in FY 2009 following the schedule developed in fy 2008.

Vending Machine Replacement Table
Vending Manager provided a replacement table for vending machines (laundry and snack) through fiscal year 2011. The projected start date for the actual replacement is to begin in the summer of FY 2010. The Vending Equipment Replacement table for 2009-2011 is attached.

Vending Machine Replacement Table
if approved all machines will be ordered and installed during the summer sessions. new equipment will be needed for the new Fine Arts Building in the Fall of 2010. Currently we need no washiers for the next 2 years.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement Vending Operations' profits, when available, are used to support other University programs, such as Raven Nest Golf Course. In January of FY 2009, due to prior assessment of the profitability of Vending, snack and drink prices were increased. This increase was a result of lower profit margins realized over several years of sales because of continually increased costs in purchasing products for resale. In FY 2010, the assessment of increased profit margins realized in both snacks and drink sales will indicate the result of these increases over a year's operations.

The vending machines need to have adequate meters on them which allows for a more accurate accounting of the products sold and the money collected. This will enable the Vending Operations to be more profitable. To ensure consumer satisfaction, machines should provide a product for the appropriate money deposited in the machine, with accurate change, if appropriate, to the consumer. By replacing the machines in a timely fashion it assists in keeping properly working machines in reach of all consumers.

Due to prior assessment, in FY 2009 prices were increased on snacks and drinks. This was implemented due to continuing increases in products for resale. This implementation should provide a greater profit margin for Vending Operations which should make available more funds for use in other University programs.