OATdb Archive

2008 - 2009

Military Science, Department Of

Market, recruit and retain high quality students.

The Department of Military Science will seek to increase the number of qualified cadets by marketing the program to high schools, military service members (both current and priort), community college students, and SHSU students.

Class Enrollment
The Department will meet its projected enrollment goals for the 2008-2009 Academic Year. In addition, the Department will retain these enrolled students throughout the academic year.

Fall Enrollment
Opening enrollment for Fall 2008 semester to equal 50 Freshman, 30 Sophomores, and 20 Juniors.

Fall 08 Enrollment
42 freshmen, 24 sophomores, and 28 juniors were enrolled in the Fall 2008 semester. The department missed its goals for freshmen and sophomores by 8 and 1 respectively. The department exceeded its goal for juniors by 6. Overall, the department was three students behind in its projected enrollments of 97.

Spring Retention
Retain 75% of Freshmen; 85% of Sophomores; and 95% of Juniors.

Spring 09 Enrollment
The department retained 100% of the freshmen; 100% of the sophomores; 96.3% of the Juniors; and 100% of the seniors.

Recruiting Efforts
Visit high schools and junior colleges; attend career fairs and new student orientations.

Recruiting Visits
Participation in Freshmen and new student orientations; number of high school visits and career fairs attended.

Recruiting Visits
Attended several college fairs and high school visits in west, north, central, south, and east Texas.

Community Service Events
Participation in support of university and local community events.

Community Events
Number of community events supported by the Battalion throughout the year.

Community Service Events Supported
Supported the following events: Alumni Day and Color Guard at Astros Baseball Game, Sam Rayburn JROTC Camp, HEARTS Museum Veteran Day Banquet, SHSU Alumni Gala, Homecoming Parade, Texas Wall of Honor, SHSU December Commencement, SHSU Home Football Games, SHSU Women's Basketball Game, Bedias Christmas Parade, Blood Drive for Soldiers in Iraq, March to the Grave, Walker County Rodeo/Fair Opening Ceremony, SAT@SAM, and SHSU Spring and Summer Commencements.

Fall 08/Fall 09 Enrollment
Despite missing the projections for the 2008-2009 academic year, the Department will still see to enroll 50 freshmen in Fall 09. Special attention will be paid to improving information of the Department's web site and brochures.

Leadership Development
Develop basic and advanced leadership skills among all Cadets.

Leadership Development
Cadets will learn basic and advanced leadership skills as they progress throughout school. Leadership responsibilities will increase as the Cadets progress from freshman to senior year.

Leader Development/Training
In preparation for off-campus officer training, all cadets will be provided with basic and advanced leadership opportunities.

Leadership Training Opportunities
All cadets attending Warrior Forge will receive passing grades. The majority of cadets attending the Leader Trainer course will graduate. At least five cadets will attend and graduate from Professional Development Training.

Leadership Training Opportunities/Camp Results Summer 08
At Warrior Forge 08, 19 of 20 Cadets passed the course. 33% received excellent ratings, 6 received the RECONDO Badge, achieved a 265 physical fitness average, and 88% for land navigation.
At the Leader Training Course 6 Cadets attended, 4 graduated, and 3 contracted
Cadet Professional Development Training: 2 Cadets attended and graduated from the West Point Summer Training, 2 Cadets attended and graduated from the U.S Army Airborne School; 2 of 3 Cadets attended and graduated from the U.S. Army Air Assault Course.

Leadership Assessment
Conduct a thorough after action review by identifying our leader development strengths and weaknesses based on our student performance at leader training courses as compared to students from across the country from over 273 universities.

Identify the leadership development components of our program that we want to sustain or improve during the next academic year.

Graduation And Commissioning
Coach, teach and mentor Cadets in order to graduate and commission.

All Seniors will graduate from the university and commission as outstanding officers into the Army.

Commission Mission
The number of Cadets commissioned must be equal to or greater than what the Army expects.

Commission a minimum of 13 officers IAW Army commissioning mission.

Commissioning Mission
As of 15 July, SHSU Army ROTC commissioned 1 Lieutenant in December 08 and 12 Lieutenants in May 09. I project commissioning 3 Lieutenants in August 09.

Graduate all Senior Cadets in order to meet commission mission.

Academic Progress
Monitor Cadet progress in order for them to meet graduation requirements.

Academic Progress For Seniors
1 graduated in Dec 08 and 12 graduated in May 09. All seniors are making great progress and 3 more will graduate in August 09.

Academic Progression
Seek additional training for our faculty on how to better review and assess the academic progression of each of our students.

Establish a timeline for each instructor to personally review and sign each academic progression plan. The timelines established should be set to maximize the students' ability to adjust their schedule and remain on their academic glidepath.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement Freshmen through Seniors have have developed their leadership traits over the year. We have a chain of command in place for freshmen through senior year. The results have been amazing. The Cadets have ownership in the program. Several new organizations have been added this year: The Marksmanship team has represented both SHSU and Army ROTC throughout Texas during the competition shooting matches. The paintball team has increased in number over the semester and the Cadets are being challenged, building teamwork and esprit de corps. This summer, there will be 20 juniors attending Warrior Forge at Fort Lewis; 3 Cadets will be attending the Leader's Training Course at Fort Knox; 2 Cadets will be attending training at the United States Military Academy; 4 Cadets will be attending training at the U.S. Army Air Assault Course; and 3 Cadets will be attending training at the U.S. Army Airborne School.We commissioned 16 students as Officers for the U.S. Army exceeding our assigned mission of 13.

Over the course of their education, the scholarships awarded to these graduates amounted to $201,600 in revenue for the University. These graduates are now serving the country in various assignments throughout the world as members of the Medical Service Corps, the Military Police, the Infantry, along with several other Branches in the U.S. Army. We are on our way to accomplishing our mission this coming year because of the outstanding performance of our 20 students at the Leadership Development and Assessment Course. They are meeting the tough standards during a rigorous 31-day training experience that demands mental and physical toughness, along with an ability to work well with their peers-a spirit that is cultivated here at SHSU. Our line will remain strong due the recruiting efforts at the freshman orientations and our participation in many high school recognition ceremonies. Our incoming freshman will bring $288,000 to the University in national level 4-year scholarships. We are also working to strengthen our ability to share information by improving our website organization, and to tap into the current media and the way our students communicate. Our Alumni continue to be active in the success of SHSU and the ROTC program. They continue to actively seek ways to produce additional on-campus scholarships for our students. This year, the alumni contributed over $6,000 in scholarships. We also have alumni that are introducing their sons and daughters to the program from as far away as Korea. A 1990 alumnus is encouraging his son to attend SHSU and participate in the ROTC program because of his experience here and the reputation of excellence. We have also contributed time to the development of the Veteran's Resource Center and the Boots to Books programs by conducting information sharing sessions with our recent combat veterans and the school administration.