OATdb Archive

2008 - 2009

Humanities & Social Sciences, College Of

Increase Variety Of Academic Programs
The College will increase the variety of Academic Programs

Create A Ph.D. Program In Rural Sociology
Obtain preliminary approval for a Ph.D. in Rural Sociology.

Ph.D. In Rural Sociology
In order to begin a new degree program, departments must first receive preliminary approval from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The Department of Sociology will complete a preliminary approval application for a Ph.D. in Rural Sociology. This form includes information on the job opportunities available for graduates in the field, the student demand for the program, and the program description. Thus, the graduate faculty will need to develop a degree plan for the Ph.D. in Rural Sociology, develop appropriate curriculum by comparing the curriculum of various programs in the state and nation, and determine the student demand for the program. Preliminary authority allows the department to request a Ph.D. degree in Rural Sociology. This review process ensures that jobs will be available for graduates, that the curriculum will be appropriate, and that the faculty will be qualified.

Obtain approval of Ph.D. in Rural Sociology
The College will obtain preliminary approval from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for a Ph.D. in Rural Sociology.

Ph.D. Rural Sociology
The Department was asked to revise the proposal for a more general Ph.D. in Sociology with an emphasis in rural sociology as an option for students. The proposal will be resubmitted in the Fall.

Ph.D. Rural Sociology
Submit revised proposal to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for approval.

Create A Ph.D. Program In School Psychology
Obtain preliminary approval for a Ph.D. in School Psychology.

Preliminary Approval For A Ph.D. In School Psychology
In order to begin a new degree program, departments must first receive preliminary approval from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The Department of Psychology will complete a preliminary approval application for a Ph.D. in School Psychology. This form includes information on the job opportunities available for graduates in the field, the student demand for the program, and the program description. Thus, the graduate faculty will need to develop a degree plan for the Ph.D. in School Psychology, develop appropriate curriculum by comparing the curriculum of various programs in the state and nation, and determine the student demand for the program. Preliminary authority allows the department to request a Ph.D. degree in School Psychology. This review process ensures that jobs will be available for graduates, that the curriculum will be appropriate, and that the faculty will be qualified. Thus, the department will develop and submit a proposal to the Coordinating Board for preliminary proposal.

Preliminary approval for Ph.D. in School Psychology
The College will obtain preliminary authority for a Ph.D. in School Psychology from the Coordinating Board.

Ph.D. in School Psychology
A proposal was written and revised and submitted to the Coordinating Board. Preliminary Approval was given for a Ph.D. in School Psychology.

Ph.D. School Psychology
The Department will develop a proposal for a new Ph.D. degree in School Psychology. This proposal will begin at the department curriculum committee in Spring 09,move to the college level Summer 09, reach the University Curriculum Committee Fall 09, and be presented to the Board in May 2010. If approved, the graduate program in School Psychology will begin Fall 2011. The program must also work toward accreditation with NASP.

Create An MA In Digital Media
Obtain preliminary approval for an MA in Digital Media.

Obtain Preliminary Approval For An MA In Digital Media
In order to begin a new degree program, departments must first receive preliminary approval from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The Department of Mass Communications will complete a preliminary approval application for a MA in Digital Media. This form includes information on the job opportunities available for graduates in the field, the student demand for the program, and the program description. Thus, the graduate faculty will need to develop a degree plan for the MA in Digital Media, develop appropriate curriculum by comparing the curriculum of various programs in the state and nation, and determine the student demand for the program. Preliminary authority allows the department to request an MA degree in Digital Media. This review process ensures that jobs will be available for graduates, that the curriculum will be appropriate, and that the faculty will be qualified.

Preliminary approval for MA in Digital Media
The College will obtain preliminary authority for an MA in Digital Media from the Coordinating Board.

MA Digital Media
The Department developed and submitted the preliminary approval request to the Coordinating Board. Preliminary approval was given for the MA in Digital Media.

MA Digital Media
The Department will develop a proposal for a new master's degree in Digital Media. This proposal will begin at the department curriculum committee in Spring 09,move to the college level Summer 09, reach the University Curriculum Committee Fall 09, and be presented to the Board in May 2010. If approved, the graduate program in Digital Media will begin Fall 2011.

Create A Minor In Legal Studies
Develop and receive approval for an interdisciplinary minor in Legal Studies

Produce Curriculum Proposal For Legal Studies Minor
Currently, the college informally advises students interested in pursuing law. With a strong interest in law coming from students in Criminal Justice, the Political Science students expressing interest in the law, and the number of Pre-law students we have, a minor in legal studies seemed appropriate. Thus, the college will form a committee to produce a curriculum proposal for an interdisciplinary minor in Legal Studies.

Approval of Legal Studies Minor
The College will receive approval from the University Curriculum Committee for the Legal Studies interdisciplinary minor.

Legal studies
The committee produced a proposal for the minor in Legal Studies. The proposal was reviewed by the Dean and forwarded to the College Curriculum Committee. This committee approved the minor and the minor was then forwarded to the University Curriculum Committee and the Provost. It was approved at all levels.

Legal Studies Minor
The College will advertise the minor through the Sam Center and inform all departments in the university of the existence of the minor.

Apply For Permission To Create An MA Spanish
Apply to the Coordinating Board for permission to propose an MA in Spanish.

Preliminary Approval For MA In Spanish
In order to begin a new degree program, departments must first receive preliminary approval from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The Department of Foreign Languages will complete a preliminary approval application for a MA in Spanish. This form includes information on the job opportunities available for graduates in the field, the student demand for the program, and the program description. Thus, the graduate faculty will need to develop a degree plan for the MA in Spanish, develop appropriate curriculum by comparing the curriculum of various programs in the state and nation, and determine the student demand for the program. Preliminary authority allows the department to request an MA degree in Spanish. This review process ensures that jobs will be available for graduates, that the curriculum will be appropriate, and that the faculty will be qualified.

Coordinating Board gives permission for MA in Spanish
The College will receive permission from The Coordinating Board for Foreign Languages to offer an MA in Spanish.

Preliminary Approval MA in Spanish
Department received preliminary approval for a new MA degree in Spanish from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board with no suggestions for revision. Job data illustrated a strong need for graduates. Quality of the program and proposal was ensured by the review process.

MA In Spanish
The Department will develop a proposal for a new master's degree in Spanish. This proposal will begin at the department curriculum committee in Spring 09,move to the college level Summer 09, reach the University Curriculum Committee Fall 09, and be presented to the Board in May 2010. If approved, the graduate program in Spanish will begin Fall 2011. The Dean's Office will provide tenure-track lines for the new program.

Create A Ph.D. Program In History
Obtain final approval and initiate the Ph.D. program in History.

Obtain Final Approval Of Ph.D. In History
Work with the Coordinating Board for final approval of the Ph.D. in History.

Final approval for Ph.D. in History
The College will obtain final approval of the Ph.D. in History from the Coordinating Board.

Ph.D. History
During 2008, the University learned from the Texas Coordinating Board that the state will not approve any additional PhD programs in History at this time.

Ph.D History
The decision of the Texas Coordinating Board has placed on hold the department's efforts to establish a PhD program in History. Upon receiving knowledge of this decision, the department established a new goal -- to build the MA program into one of the ten largest MA programs in the nation.

Additionally, the College will look to create Ph.D. programs in other areas.

Develop An MA-LLSP Program In School Psychology
Develop a proposal for a MA-LLSP program in School Psychology.

Develop A MA-LLSP In School Psychology
The graduate program in school psychology at SHSU requires a minimum of 60 semester hours which is significantly more than other master's degrees. Most universities in other states offer a "specialist degree" instead of a master's degree in school psychology. A change in degree name would make our students more competitive in the job market. The school psychology program at SHSU is based on the standards of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). It is a 60-hour graduate program leading to the Master's of Arts degree and meets the requirements for the Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP) in Texas and the Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP) credential. Thus, it makes sense to develop a proposal for a MA-LLSP program in School Psychology to go forward through the Curriculum Committee to the Coordinating Board. This process should need only a non-substantive change form.

Proposal for MA-LLSP in School Psychology
The College will complete the proposal for the MA-LLSP in School Psychology and send it through the CHSS Curriculum Committee, and eventually the University Committee and THECB.

LLSP in School Psychology
The University Curriculum Committee approved the LLSP in School Psychology. We are waiting on Board approval this summer.

LLSP School Psychology
Graduates will begin receiving the LLSP degree in the Fall pending Board approval. We will begin advertising the new degree as soon as we receive word of the approval.

Increase The Quality Of Academic Programs
The College will increase the quality of academic programs by increasing the quality of students and instruction.

Increase Students Applying For Scholarships
Increase the number of students applying for scholarships.

Students Applying For Scholarships
The Development Office notified the College offices that many donors were dismayed that the scholarships they had funded were either going unused or were receiving few applicants. In addition, they wished to have more information about the recipients and the other students that applied for the scholarships. Thus, the colleges are working together with the Scholarships Office to provide a program to improve scholarship dispersal. The Committee chose a program. The Dean's Office will work to implement this program.

Scholar X Implemented
The College will set up Scholar X for each of our departments and implement it.

Scholar X is a program that allows a student to complete one application and then be eligible for all scholarships entered into the system. Since many of our scholarships were either going unused or received only a few applications, the colleges decided to implement Scholar X to increase the number of students applying for scholarships. The college met with departments to ensure the information was accurate and then input the data into Scholar X for all undergraduate scholarships offered in the college. The program will be active for the fall.

The college will use Scholar X for the first time in the fall. Distribution of scholarships and applications will be tracked to see if the program is effective.

Continue Strategic Planning
Continue strategic planning process for each department in the college.

Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is essential for the development of departments. Each department must meet and develop a five-year strategic plan that will discuss such items as program development, curriculum review, recruitment and retention, etc. The plans will be submitted to the Dean for review, and then departments will be asked to revise the plans.

Strategic Plans from departments
Each department will complete strategic plans in the college.

Strategic Plans
8 departments submitted strategic plans. 5 are in the process of revising the strategic plans. Several of the departments showed real problems trying to plan for the future development of the department, opting instead to stay with the status quo.

Strategic plan
Since some of the departments were lacking any vision for the future of the department, new leadership was provided for the department. In addition, department chairs met with the dean who gave ideas how each department might begin the process of planning for the future. The Dean also met with some faculty to encourage the development of new ideas.

Improve Graduate Student Credentials
Increase the quality of credentials of incoming graduate students.

Increase GRE And GPA Scores Of Incoming Graduate Students
Increase GRE and GPA scores of incoming graduate students.

Increase average GPA and GRE scores of incoming graduate students
The College will increase average GRE and GPA scores of incoming graduate students.

GPA and GRE scores
The average GRE scores for 5 program increased while 3 programs decreased. These three programs were programs we were focusing on growing dramatically or in the case of history, had a very high GRE score so there was flexibility to look at other requirements for the students. The GPA of students although slightly lower in most departments was such a small difference (all less than .1) that it is not statistically significant.

GPA and GRE scores
We will begin to increase slightly the GRE and GPA scores in Communication Studies and Sociology as these programs grow. The Graduate Committee met and decided that 1000 GRE and 3.3 GPA is a good mark to keep as a goal for entering students. Data examined showed that this combination produced no failures to complete the programs over the last 3 years.

Increase Research And Scholarly Activity
Increase publications and extramurally funded research in the College.

Increase Undergraduate Student Research
Increase the number of undergraduate students involved in research, scholarship, and creative activities.

Number Of Undergraduate Students Presenting And Publishing
As research and scholarly activity increases with faculty, the college would like to see more students involved in the research process. The process of creating knowledge is essential to each discipline, and exposing students to this process provides quality instruction. The College will collect data concerning the number of peer-reviewed presentations and publications by undergraduate students and compare this to last year's data.

Increase the number of undergraduate students presenting or publishing by 2%
The College will increase the number of undergraduate students presenting at professional conferences or publishing research by 2%.

Undergraduate student research
Last year, 31 students presented and 11 published. This year, 21 undergraduate students presented and 7 published. This is a decrease of 32% for presentations and 36% for publications.

Undergraduate student research
Since the amount of undergraduate student research declined, we will put together an undergraduate research conference next year. This may be able to be in coordination with the College of Criminal Justice.

Increase Peer-Reviewed Publications
Increase the number of peer-reviewed publications.

Number Of Peer-reviewed Publications
Universities must not only produce new knowledge, but they must also disseminate this knowledge. Peer-Reviewed publications are the standard method of disseminating knowledge. The college will collect data on the number of peer-reviewed publications and compare this with the previous year. Because these are peer-reviewed publications, the quality of the research is also measured.

Increase the Number of peer-reviewed publications by 1%
The College will increase the number of peer-reviewed publications by 1%.

Peer-reviewed publications
The faculty in the college had 181 peer-reviewed publications last year. This year they had 191 peer-reviewed publications for an increase of 6%. The majority of this growth was in dictionary or encyclopedia entries, book reviews, creative writing, and journal articles. Book publication declined as last year we had a very good year in book publication.

Peer-reviewed publication
We will continue to monitor the progress of faculty working on books to ensure that the book publication continues. Merit incentives for journal article and book publication will continue.

Increase Conference Presentations
The faculty in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences will increase the number of professional conference presentations given.

Number Of Conference Presentations
Universities must not only produce new knowledge, but they must also disseminate this knowledge. Conference presentations are one method of disseminating knowledge. The college will collect data on the number of presentations at professional, peer-reviewed conferences and compare this with the previous year. Because these are peer-reviewed presentations, the quality of the research is also measured.

Increase the number of conference presentations by 2%
The College will increase the number of professional conference presentations by 2% by faculty in the college.

Conference Presentations
In 2007, the faculty in the college produced 246 peer-reviewed presentations while in 2008, they produced 234. This is a decline of 5%. The largest declines were in Communications Studies, Psychology, and Political Science. For Communications Studies, this was probably due to a decrease in travel funds. It also appears that last year many faculty were at the point of their research where the results were ready to be publically displayed. This year, several of the faculty reported being in the process of data collection.

Conference Presentations
Funding for faculty will be reviewed to see if a lack of funding kept faculty from presenting. Graduate Studies will be asked to contribute travel funds for faculty and students presenting together.

Increase Extramural Funding
Increase the number of competitive grants submitted and funded in the College.

Increase Grants Submitted And Funded
One measure of the productivity of faculty is the number of outside grants funded. Outside funding shows that the research of the faculty is of high quality. The amount of funding varies by the discipline as do the funding opportunities. The College will collect data on the number and amounts of outside funding received by our faculty, as well as the number of grants submitted. These numbers will be compared to last year's numbers.

Increase the number of grants submitted and funded by 2%
The College will increase the number of grants externally submitted and funded by 2% by faculty in the college.

Faculty submitted 26 grants, which is a decrease of 50%, and awards were down from 26 to 18, a decrease of 31%.

Since the amount of submissions and awards decreased this year, we are working with the Office of Research and Special Programs to provide faculty access to Foundation grants searchable databases. These will be located in our office and in the library and PACE center. In addition, we will have our staff member who is responsible for assisting faculty with grant awards meet with each of the departments in the college to discuss the application process, get faculty interests, and provide information and support.

Improve Faculty Quality And Morale
Improve faculty evaluation procedures, faculty orientations, and number of full-time faculty to improve faculty quality and morale.

Develop A College Promotion And Tenure Manual
Develop a college Promotion and Tenure Manual to give more guidance to faculty.

Complete College Promotion And Tenure Manual
Untenured and tenured faculty have stated during FES meetings with chairs, during new faculty orientation, and during third-year reviews that they would like more guidance on promotion and tenure. In addition, the University policy, suggests that colleges may also provide faculty with a promotion and tenure manual. In order to give faculty the most complete understanding of the promotion and tenure requirements, the College will complete the College Promotion and Tenure Manual. Promotion and Tenure decisions are some of the most important decisions made by the college. A manual will help make the process clear.

Completed Promotion and Tenure Manual
The College will complete the Promotion and Tenure Manual, and the faculty will vote to accept it.

Promotion And Tenure Manual
The Promotion and Tenure Manual was first submitted to the Chairs' Council for approval. After revisions, the manual was distributed to faculty in the college for feedback. Each department provided feedback on the manual. After revisions, the manual was taken forward to the faculty for a vote. Each department provided a vote to the Dean. The manual passed by an overwhelming positive vote.

Promotion and Tenure Manual
Since the Manual was passed by the faculty, we will begin providing the manual to new faculty at the New Faculty Orientation and will send the manual out to all faculty.

Improve New Faculty Orientation And Workshops
Improve new faculty workshops and orientation sessions.

New Faculty Orientation
New faculty will be surveyed as to what information best served their needs and what information they would like to see included in the New Faculty Orientation. This feedback will be used to add and delete information for the New Faculty Orientation.

New material included in new faculty orientation to address issues from survey
After the survey results are collected, new material will be included in the new faculty orientation.

New Faculty Orientation
The survey showed that the new faculty wished to have more contact with the other new faculty from the other colleges. In addition, faculty requested information on plagiarism and copyright. Faculty also requested more ongoing orientation sessions to address issues that came up during the semester, especially more focus on teaching. Information they found most valuable included tenure and promotion information, tenure and promotion panel, grant information, travel information, and teaching suggestions.

New Faculty Orientation
We are adding ongoing workshops on teaching through PACE (Professional Academic Center for Excellence) that works with faculty on teaching improvement. We are putting together a university-wide new faculty orientation that will include information on plagiarism and copyright. Faculty will be surveyed again this year, and faculty who have been teaching for two years will be surveyed as well.

Salary Equity Allocations
The Dean's Office will ensure salary equity for faculty. Ensuring gender and racial equity, as well as equity for those who have served the university for a long time is essential to maintaining faculty morale.

Salary Equity Allocations
The Dean's Office will identify faculty whose salaries are not on a par to national salaries for faculty who are productive. The Dean's Office will then allocate raise money to correct salary inequities identified by the salary equity study.

Salary Equity Allocations given to correct salary inequities.
Salary Equity Allocations will be given from merit pay to correct salary inequities identified by the salary equity study.

Salary Equity
Numerous salaries were found to be below the national average or below the market price for productive faculty. Money was allocated to address these inequities. Some salaries are still significantly below market and will need to be adjusted again next year.

Salary Equity
After the salary equity study found numerous salary inequities, the College allocated market adjustment money. Some faculty will need to be adjusted again during the next few years to make up for the discrepancies.

Increase PR Activities
Increase public relations activities in the College aimed at increasing enrollments.

Recruit A Dan Rather Chair In Mass Communication
Recruit a "name" public figure for the Dan Rather Chair in Mass Communication.

A Dan Rather Chair In Mass Communication
To improve the image and publicity of the Mass Communications Department, recognized names in the field must be hired. Furthermore, the addition of an experienced public entity will improve the quality of instruction provided to our students. Thus, the department has developed a search committee, important figures in mass communication will be contacted regarding the position. The committee will select a Dan Rather Chair in Mass Communication.

Dan Rather Chair hired
The College will hire a Dan Rather Chair.

Dan Rather Chair
A Dan Rather Chair was selected, an offer made and accepted. Kelli Arena from CNN has joined the faculty as the Dan Rather Chair.

Dan Rather Chair
Hire is completed, so we will now work to effectively utilize her services. Her first outside the classroom assignment was to present a state of the media to alumni.

Increase Public Service Activities
Increase number of public service activities in the College.

Continue A Writers' Speakers Series
Continue and strengthen the writers' speakers series for the public that brings nationally recognized writers to campus.

A Writers' Speakers Series
In order to expose our students to professionals working as writers, the college has developed and promoted a Writers' Speakers Series that will bring nationally recognized writers to campus. This year, we will bring at least 5 writers to campus.

Writers' Speakers Series Brings At Least 5 Writers To Campus
The Writers' Speakers Series will bring at least 5 nationally recognized writers to campus.

Writer's Series
8 speakers were brought to campus for the Writers' Series: Angie Cruz, Alice Friman, Bruce Gentry, Gary Miller, Wayne Miller, Michelle Boisseau, Nikola Madzinov and Usha Akella. Students expressed that they would like to have a mixture of both creative writers and scholars.

Writers' Speakers Series
This next year, we will bring in a mix of scholars and creative writers.

Increase Enrollments
Encrease graduate and undergraduate enrollments in the College.

Build Enrollments In The MA In Communication Studies
Build enrollments in the MA in Communication Studies.

Enrollment In The MA In Communications Studies
Since the MA in Communications Studies is a brand new degree, we are attempting to grow the program so that it has strong enrollments. For graduate classes to sustain themselves, they must have at least 5 students in each class offered. An enrollment between 10-15 students for a beginning program would be strong.

Double enrollment in the MA in Communication Studies
The College will double enrollment in the MA in Communication Studies.

The enrollment for the MA in Communication Studies in Fall 07 was 4 students. In Fall 08 the enrollment was 7 students. Thus, enrollment did not double but was very close. The program still would need at least 3-8 more students to solidify enrollments. In addition, at least 2 students were lost last year and 2 more at the end of this spring. The students dropped due to finances, changing programs, or personal reasons.

In order to increase enrollments, the department has created a marketing plan and the Dean's Office has found funding for the plan. In addition, the Dean's Office met with the Graduate Director of the program to ensure they were aware of scholarship opportunities and teaching assistantships for the students. The Dean's Office also increased the number of teaching assistantships from 3 to 4.

Increase The Number Of Graduate Students
Increase the enrollment of graduate students in the programs in the College.

Increase Enrollments In Graduate Programs
Increase enrollments in graduate programs

Increase enrollment of graduate students in graduate programs by 3%
The College will increase enrollment of graduate students in graduate programs by 2%. The number of graduate students enrolled in graduate programs will be compared using the Fall enrollments.

Graduate Program Enrollments
Graduate program enrollments increased from 293 students to 300 students or an increase of 2%. The program seeing the most growth were the History program with a 13% increase and the Sociology program with a 150% increase and the MPA program with a 46% increase. Of the programs showing the largest increases, the History program was the largest program with 84 students in 07 and 95 students in 08. The MA psychology program in Clinical showed a decrease of 32% and the English Department showed a decrease of 13%.

Graduate Program Enrollments
Of those programs showing decreases, the psychological-clinical master's program was strategically reduced. This program continues to have many extra applications, but the resources of faculty to oversee practicum and thesis has not grown enough to accommodate all of the students. Thus, the program reduced the number of students to a manageable number. If resources become available to increase faculty for the master's program, the department will consider increasing the numbers of the graduate program again. The English program also sustained a decrease for the second straight year. The graduate director of the program is putting together a recruitment plan that includes a better web presence. The Dean's Office has financed a position for website creation and some additional equipment.

Increase Development And Alumni Activities
Increase activities aimed at alumni and contributors to the College.

Develop Alumni Board Relations With College
Develop a sound relationship between the college and the Alumni Board for the college.

Alumni Board
An active alumni board is essential for both the development of connections between alumni and the college and the success of endeavors between the college and alumni and the community. In order to develop the relationship between the college and the alumni, the college will schedule regular meetings of the alumni board and involve alumni in campus activities.

Meetings and campus involvement for Alumni Board
The College will schedule regular meetings for the Alumni Board and involve alumni in activities on campus.

Alumni Board
Three meetings of the Alumni Board were scheduled. The Alumni Board worked with the Dean's Office to organize an Opening Ceremony and Open House for the College's new building. In addition, they were involved in speaker's series on campus, the college convocation, and the presentation of the Warner Chair to the university community. The Alumni Board was also asked to identify what they would like to work on for the next year.

Alumni Board
On the suggestion of the Alumni Board, projects concerning students that need financial and other support are being collected from the departments. The Alumni Board is currently being asked what projects they see as most important to the college. A capital campaign plan for the college is being planned as well.

Increase College Diversity
Increase the number of diverse (ethnically diverse and women) faculty and students in the College.

Nominate Student For The Grow Your Own Program
Nominate a student for the TSUS Grow Your Own Program to increase minority faculty on campus.

Grow Your Own
The Texas State University System has a program called Grow Your Own, which allows universities to identify outstanding minority students who will then be supported through their Ph.D. programs by the system. At the end of the Ph.D. program, these students will be given first shot at faculty positions. Only a few students are chosen throughout the system each year. In this way, the university system can improve the diversity of the faculty. Thus, we will nominate a Student for the Grow Your Own Program in the TSUS System to increase minority faculty in the college.

Student nominated for Grow Your Own
The College will nominate a student from the college for the Grow Your Own Program.

Grow Your Own
Two students were nominated for the TSUS Grow Your Own Program. Both students, one in Sociology and one in Family and Consumer Sciences, were selected by the systems office for the program.

Grow Your Own
Next year we will again nominate exceptional minority students for the Grow Your Own Program. We will attempt to nominate students in departments that have few or no minority faculty. In addition, we will increase our efforts to reach minority candidates during the search process by using minority listserves, contacting universities and encouraging them to have their quality minority students apply for our open positions.

Support CHSS Women's Caucus
Support CHSS Women's Caucus in exploring and making recommendations regarding family and gender issues in the college.

Provide Support For The Women's Caucus
Provide financial support and follow up on recommendations made by CHSS Women's Caucus.

Women's Caucus Support
Recommendations from Women's Caucus will be acted on and financial support given.

CHSS Women's Caucus
Funding was supplied for Women's History Month, including printing of faculty and student research on women, speakers, refreshments, films for the film series. Family leave proposal is still being worked on with the Faculty Senate and Women's Caucus, so no proposal is complete yet. Gender equity in salaries was studied and any inequities were addressed.

CHSS Women's Caucus
Financial support will be continued. Gender equity will continue to be considered when filling leadership positions and looking at salaries.

Improve Facilities
Improve the facilities (offices, classrooms, clinics, and laboratories) of the College.

Psychological Services Clinic
In order to better serve clientele, the College will determine the needs of the Psychological Services Center.

Psychological Services Center
The Director of the Clinic will provide an oral report of the needs of the clinic, including space, equipment, staff.

Space And Equipment Needs Met For The Psychological Services Center
Utilizing the needs assessment completed by the Director of the center, the Dean's Office will acquire the space and equipment needed to ensure quality service to the clientele.

Psychological Services Center
The Director noted that the Center has out grown its specific space and that it is in need of therapy chairs, updated computer equipment, and video equipment. Thus, the College has moved the Psychological Services Center to a space almost double the space it had before. In addition, furniture has been ordered, including therapy chairs, and computer equipment ordered.

Psychological Services Center
New therapy chairs will be installed in the fall, new computer equipment will be installed in the fall, and video equipment will be installed in the spring. An assessment of the needs of the Center will be created by the Director and reviewed by the Dean every year.

Renovate And Move Foreign Languages Department
Renovate and move Foreign Language Department and the Language Lab.

Renovate And Move Foreign Languages Department
Renovate and move Foreign Language Department and Language Lab.

New Space for Foreign Languages Department
Foreign Language Department will move into new building and space will be renovated. Language Lab will be moved.

Foreign Language Department
The Department of Foreign Languages was moved into ABIV successfully after the space was renovated. The Language Lab has been moved, but in the process it became clear that more equipment is necessary to accommodate the growing American Sign Language program.

Foreign Language Lab
Lab time is being reorganized to accommodate the exams for the American Sign Language classes that utilize a webcam. More equipment is being purchased and installed. Other options, including having students bring their own webcams and laptops for the course, are being explored.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement The data found four specific areas where improvements were needed: undergraduate research, external funding, enrollments and new faculty orientation. In order to increase undergraduate student research, which had dropped by 32% for presentations and 36% for publications, the College will help sponsor an undergraduate research conference. In response to the survey of new faculty which found that new faculty needed more contact with colleagues from other colleges and more ongoing orientation, the College has revamped the New Faculty Orientation to include a university-wide orientation addressing specific areas of concern expressed in the survey and has set up ongoing orientation sessions through the PACE center. In order to address dropping enrollments, the College has requested recruitment plans from the select departments and is providing funds to help market the programs. Finally, to address the large decrease in external grant submissions and grant awards, the College is working with the Office of Research and Special Programs to provide access and training on a Foundation grant database and is sending a staff member to work with each department to identify faculty interests and available grants.