Goal I Enhance Quality And Effectiveness Of Field Experiences
Enhance quality and effectiveness of Field Experiences
AA. Field Experience
All students will successfully complete the field experiences in the middle school courses
Field Experience
EED 374 and EED 385 students will successfully complete 10 hours of field experience in each course
Field Experience
EED 374 Profiles in the Office of Field Experience and EED 385 logs submitted to professors and professors of EED 374 and EED 385 will continue to stress the importance of the experience and monitor progress and attendance.
Field Experience Finding
100% of EED 374 and EED 385 students submitted logs to professors.
Field Experience II
4-8 methods students will successfully complete the required 120 hours of field experience
A. Completion of Field Experience
Completion of 120 hours of field experiences as noted by campus sign-in sheets and have a conference on the first absence from field experience and monitor progress and attendance.
A. Completion of Field Experience Finding
100% of students completed 120 hours of field experience as noted by campus sign-in sheets. Less than 10% missed a day of field experience.
B. Completion of Field Experience
Mentor teacher evaluations of students at end of the field experience and professors continue to build relationships with mentor teachers and develop standard expectations for student performance.
B. Completion of Field Experience Finding
Mentor teacher evaluations were positive. Still a deviation in expectations for student performance between faculty and mentor teachers - mentor teachers typically gave higher evaluations
C. Completion of Field Experience
Formal and informal observations by methods professors and write job descriptions to standardize the quality of informal and formal observations by the methods professors.
C. Completion of Field Experience
Quality of informal and formal observations by methods professors was not equal
Field Experience
Continue to stress the importance of the experience and monitor progress and attendance
A. Completion of Field Experience
Continue to use campus sign-in sheets to monitor progress and attendance and meet with students after first absence.
B. Completion of Field Experience
Develop more comprehensive training with mentor teachers to develop standard expectations
C. Completion of Field Experience
Revise job descriptions to better standardize the quality of observations by professors.
AB. Analyze Experience
All EED 374 and EED 385 students will successfully analyze thier filed experience based on specific course requirements.
Completion Of Field Assignments
Completion of field experience related assignments as assigned by professors
Successful Field Experience
Scores indicate all students were successful receiving at least a "B" on the field experience papers. Professors will continue to improve the quality of assignment guidelines and rubrics.
Successful Field Experience Finding
Professors worked to improve the quality of assignment guidelines and rubrics, and though all students received at least a "B" on their field experience papers, there was still some initial confusion on the part of the students.
Competency Relationships
Correctly relate the field experiences to the Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR) state competencies
Relating Competencies
Scores indicate all students were successful in relating the assignment to the appropriate competencies. Guidelines will be created to assist new faculty members and adjuncts in the explanations of assignments.
Relating Competencies
Guidelines were helpful but not all new faulty members and adjuncts felt they were accurate in their explanations of assignments.
Relating Competencies
Faculty mentors spend more time with new faculty and adjuncts going over guidelines to check for understanding.
Successful Field Experience
Continue working to improve the quality of assignment guidelines and rubrics.
AC. 4-8 Completion Of Field Assignments
4-8 students will successfully complete the field related assignments and relate them to the state PPR competencies
Taught Lessons
Successfully taught 3 formal lessons that were observed and evaluated
Teaching Experience
Scores on PDAS indicate successful teaching experiences. Continue concentration on the components of the PDAS and how they relate to the lesson plan.
Teaching Experience Finding
Concentrating on the components of the PDAS and their relation to the lesson plan was continued. Scores on PDAS continue to indicate a successful teaching experience.
Completed Assignments
Completed all field experience assignments for each of the methods classes
A. Completion of Assignments
Scores in EED 434 indicate successful completion of field related assignments. Improve written directions for all assignments.
A. Completion of Assignments Finding
Written directions for all field related assignments were improved, but there was still some confusion on the part of some students.
B. Completion of Assignments
Scores in EED 435 indicates successful completion of field related assignments. Develop improved directions and samples.
B. Completion of Assignments Finding
Directions and samples for assignments were worked on for improvement, but there was still confusion on the part of some students.
C. Completion of Assignments
Scores in EED 436 indicate successful completion of field related assignments. Develop a more precise set of directions and rubrics.
C. Completion of Assignments Finding
A more precise set of directions and rubrics was developed, but thee was still some confusion on the part of some students.
D. Completion of Assignments
Scores in EED 467 indicate successful completion of field related assignments. Work to improve clarity for assignments.
D. Completion of Field Experience Finding
Written directions for assignments were worked on to improve clarity, but there was still some confusion on the part of some students.
A. Completion of Assignments
Continue to work on improving written directions for all assignments.
B. Completion of Assignments
Continue to work on developing clear directions and samples.
C. Completion of Assignments
Continue to develop a more precise and clear set of directions and rubrics.
Teaching Experience
Continue emphasizing the components of PDAS and their relationship to the lesson plan.
D. Completion of Assignments
Continue to work on clarity in directions for written assignments.
Goal II Student Achievement
Increase level of student achievement on Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Exam
BA. Portfolio Procedure
In each class, students will place selected evidence with justification for the PPR competencies taught in that class into the programmatic portfolio
Common Assignments
Completion of the common assignments for each course related to specific competencies for which that course is responsible
Common Assignments
Reports from each course on scores on the common assignments. Develop strategy for developing and applying a standardized rubric.
Common Assignment Finding
Though a standardized rubric was developed for common assignments, scoring was not necessarily uniform.
Competencies Related To Assignments
Completion of competency relationships for each assignment
Competency Relationships
With each assignment in methods block, students will provide a rationale and reflection of why each assignment addresses the chosen competency. Provide assistance to MLE instructors to include competency rationale and reflection for each assignment.
Competency Relationships Finding
Assistance for MLE instructors was provided regarding scoring competency rationale and reflection for each assignment, but scoring was not uniform.
Common Assignments
Continue to utilize the standardized rubric, but spend more time in training or agreement on its usage.
Competency Relationships
Provide training in scoring competency rationale and reflection for assignments.
BB. Demonstrate PPR Mastery
In an interview with 4-8 methods professors, students will demonstrate mastery of the PPR competencies
Completed PPR Portfolio
Record of Scores on Completed Portfolios
Implement seminar during the Methods semester to assist Methods students in their understanding of the requirements for the PPR Portfolio.
Record of Scores on Completed Portfolios Finding
Seminar to assist students in their understanding of requirements for the PPR Portfolio was successful, as there was no confusion on the part of the students, as indicated by the POrtfolio scores.
Record of Scores on Completed Portfolios
Continue with seminar during the Methods semester to assist students in their understanding of the requirements for the PPR Portfolio.
Goal III Unit And SPA Assessments
Increase student achievement on Unit and SPA Assessments
CA. Lesson Plan Writing
All students in the 4-8 program will demonstrate mastery in writing effective lesson plans using the departmental lesson plan format
Lesson Plans
Completion of lesson plan components in each course in the program
Lesson Plans
Scores from completed lesson plans in each applicable course. Implement seminar during Methods semester to assist Methods students in their understanding of the requirements for lesson plans.
Lesson Plan Finding
A seminar was instituted during Methods semester to assist students in their understanding of the requirements for lesson plans and was helpful to students as indicated by their lesson plan scores (100% successful)
Lesson Plan Methods
Records of successfully completed lesson plans in applicable methods classes
Submission of Scores on Lesson Plans
Submission of lesson plan scores into TK-20. Provide assistance to and designate time for MLE Methods instructors to assess lesson plans and input scores into TK-20
Submission of Scores on Lesson Plans Finding
Though time and assistance was designated for instructors to assess lesson plan scores and input them into Tk20, not all scores were submitted in a timely manner.
Lesson Plan Components
Records indicating successful lesson plan assessments of each of the four major components at a target of "3"
Record of Scores on Completed Lesson Plans
Provide assistance and designate time for MLE Methods instructors to assess lesson plans and input scores into TK-20.
Record of Scores on Completed Lesson Plans Finding
Though assistance was offered to instructors to assess lesson plans and input scores into Tk20, not all scores were put into Tk20 in a timely manner.
Record of Scores on Completed Lesson Plans
Provide mandatory time for all instructors to input scores into Tk20, with directions.
Submission of Scores on Lesson Plans
Designate a mandatory time for submission of lesson plan, with assistance as needed.
Lesson Plans
Continue seminar during Methods semester to assist students in their understanding of requirements for lesson plans.
CB. Teacher Work Sample (TWS)
All students will successfully complete the Teacher Work Sample (TWS) during the student teaching semester
TWS Scores
Targeted scores of "2" or "3" on all TWS
Record of number of students meeting "Met Expectation" on each of the seven components of the TWS. Student teachers will receive more individual assistance during student teaching.
TWS Finding
Student teachers receiving individual assistance on the components of TWS was helpful as almost 100% received a targeted score of a "2" or "3".
Continue giving individual assistance on the components of TWS during student teaching.
CC. Disposition Growth
Students maintain scores of "3" or improve scores from a "1" to a "2" or "3" on their dispositions
Disposition Growth
Targeted scores of "2" or higher on student completion of Disposition Summary Chart
Disposition Growth
Students' completion of Dispositions Summary Chart. Implement seminar during the Methods semester to assist Methods students in their understanding of the requirement for the Dispositions Summary Chart.
Disposition Growth Finding
Seminar during Methods semester was helpful as almost 100% received a targeted score of "2" or higher on the Disposition Summary Chart.
Disposition Growth
Continue seminar during Methods semester to aid students in their understanding of the requirements for the Disposition Summary Chart.