OATdb Archive

2007 - 2008

Dance MFA

Implement 60 Hour Curriculum
New candidates for the MFA program will complete the 60 hour program

Provide Course Offerings To Support Enriched Program
Determine courses that can be offered within the means of the dance program

Dance Program Can Support Additional Courses
It was determined that with current resources, students would undertake additional guided independent studies in choreography as well as appropriate courses in supporting academic areas

Program can support new curriculum
With existing courses in dance, courses outside the major, and independent studies, program will be able to complete a 60 hour MFA degree

Students are progressing on schedule
Students pursuing the degree are on schedule to complete their degrees with appropriate coursework

Additional faculty are needed
The dance program has limited faculty available to teach courses, and consequently faculty have limited additional time to mentor independent studies. Doing so this year was a considerable strain. Whether additional courses can be proposed, or independent studies will be offered in profusion, at least one more faculty position, and ideally more, are vital to the success of this ambitious plan

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement