2007 - 2008
Mathematics BS
Fundamental Knowledge
Students in mathematics and statistics classes will aquire the fundament knowledge in the various disciplines of mathematics.
TExES Certification
BS students who have completed the prescribed certification program in mathematics at SHSU will pass the mathematics component of the TExES exam.
TExES Pass Rate
Pass rate for perspective secondary math teachers on the TExES exam.
100% of students who take the TExES test must pass.
This data is not yet available. Students still have one more opportunity this summer.
Students will master knowledge of fundamental concepts in core courses
Pass Rate In Calculus Sequence
A-B-C rate of math majors in Calculus I,II,III, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations.
Pass rate in calculus sequence
The pass rate for math majors in the calculus sequence will exceed 75%.
Pass rate in calculus sequence
The pass rate this year was 65%.
Pass rate in calculus sequence
The department will continue to monitor prerequisite courses.
The TASP cut-off score to take any mathematics class has been raise from 250 to 270. This should help.
Integration Of Technology
Technology will be integrated into the BS curriculum, including proficiency with graphing calculators and at least one mathematical software package.
Technology And Syllabi
Information on technology use will be taken from course syllabi.
Examination of syllabi
100% of non proof-based courses will use technology.
Technology & Syllabi
67% of the syllabi contained information about the technology required for the course.
Technology & Syllabi
Ask faculty to include use of technology information in syllabi.
Students will demonstrate abstract mathematical reasoning by learning to construct proofs.
Increase Majors
Increase the number of students seeking a BS in mathematics.
Number Of Majors
Number of students with a BS degree plan in mathematics.
Increase math majors
There will be a 5% increase in students who declare BS in mathematics
Increased math majors
The number of students declaring a BS in mathematics rose from 32 to 46, an increase of 30%.
Increase mathematics majors
The department needs to work on getting more undeclared math majors to file a degree plan.
Students will be able to construct mathematical proofs.
Pass Rate In Higher Math
A-B-C rate of math majors in higher algebra and analysis classes.
Pass rate in higher math
The pass rate in proof based classes will exceed 75%.
Pass rate in higher math
The pass rate this year was 74%
Pass rate in higher math
Continue to enforce Mth364 prerequisite and offer the class both long semesters.