Academic Instructional Technology And Distance Learning
Strategy And Technology In Distance Learning
Provide technical advise, expertise, and consultation to administration and faculty in support of distance learning initiatives
Increase Awareness
Increase awareness, use, and quality of technical and information support services.
Increase visability of activities and technology applications.
Add Distance Learning Activities
The Office will seek to continue the promotion and development of distance learning activities across campus.
Distance Learning Programs
Added two distance learning programs to degree inventory: MLS, Library Science; M.Ed School Counseling (hybrid).
Increased certification of faculty members to teach online and certification of distance courses.
Faculty Certification
83 faculty members certified to teach online. Working towards an easier, technology-based solution.
Increased Distance Enrollments
While the Office does not think that distance learners should be counted as separate from on-campus students, as time progresses and the economy changes, there will be an even greater demand for distance learning types of activities.
Distance Learning Enrollments
235 graduate sections and 71 undergraduate sections with a total of 306 online sections with enrollments of 2694 graduate, 2770 undergraduate, for a total enrollment of 5464. 22 graduate sections and 6 undergraduate sections of ITV with enrollments of 120 graduate and 44 undergraduate for a total of 164 ITV enrollments. 8 current online programs.
Communicate office activities and technology trends.
Increased Communications
The Office will seek to provide a short technology column in the Academic Affairs newsletter produced by the Provost''''''''s Office once per academic month. Increase of multimedia example across the university''''s web presence.
Met with Techheads Group 9 times and have created Techheads Wiki as a documentation library for group documents, agendas, meetings, and correspondence beginning Spring 2008.
Will continue the current format and re-implement faculty version of the group. Offer joint meetings once per semester. Meet with ITRC Committee once per year.
Multimedia Circus
Will find better way to offer the Circus utilizing multimedia technologies and increase faculty participation.
Technology Utilization
Assist in the design, purchase, and utilization of hardware and software in classroom-based and online technologies.
Collaboration with academic and non-academic entities across campus.
Techheads Group
Increasingly substantial meetings and collaborations with key campus technology participants.
Multimedia Production
Produced 4 multimedia programs for campus use. Produced website for common reader program.
AB5 Building Technology
Continued efforts relating to the outline provided to the President detailing the list of current distance learning capabilities and offerings, and costs associated with technology as well as work with UCS in providing a comprehensive list of planned technology and utilization (available on the Techheads Wiki). Offered show and tell meetings to key building committee members.
Multimedia Circus
While we had planned to offer a Circus show and tell of current and emerging technologies and their applications, we have not found a good time to do so and need to re-evaluate the way this information is disseminated.
Multimedia Production
Work closely with new PACE Center to increase the awareness and utilization of campus resources towards creating media library of content for use in courses and other venues.
Classroom Technology
Work with UCS, Techheads, and new Faculty Techheads groups to design an implement a matrix of room-based designed solutions to update/upgrade classroom instructional technology based on classroom type using AB5 technology as a model for this type of implementation.
Technology Evaluation
Identify and evaluate equipment and software for potential utilization within the University.
Creativity And Pedagogy In Technology Utilization
Provide encouragement to administration and faculty in the creative utilization of current and emerging technologies within the mission of the University
Technology Utilization
Assist in the design, purchase, and utilization of hardware and software in classroom-based and online technologies.
Collaboration with academic and non-academic entities across campus.
Techheads Group
Increasingly substantial meetings and collaborations with key campus technology participants.
Multimedia Production
Produced 4 multimedia programs for campus use. Produced website for common reader program.
AB5 Building Technology
Continued efforts relating to the outline provided to the President detailing the list of current distance learning capabilities and offerings, and costs associated with technology as well as work with UCS in providing a comprehensive list of planned technology and utilization (available on the Techheads Wiki). Offered show and tell meetings to key building committee members.
Multimedia Circus
While we had planned to offer a Circus show and tell of current and emerging technologies and their applications, we have not found a good time to do so and need to re-evaluate the way this information is disseminated.
Multimedia Production
Work closely with new PACE Center to increase the awareness and utilization of campus resources towards creating media library of content for use in courses and other venues.
Classroom Technology
Work with UCS, Techheads, and new Faculty Techheads groups to design an implement a matrix of room-based designed solutions to update/upgrade classroom instructional technology based on classroom type using AB5 technology as a model for this type of implementation.
Increase the awareness of technology trends.
Distance Learning Offerings
Continue to converse and plan with academic partied towards the increase of offerings and faculty certification. This will lead to increases in distance learning enrollments.