To appropriately serve the stakeholders of this department, including students, parents of students, alumni, administrators, and the community.
Mission, Stakeholders
To re-write the mission of the department and to re-assess its stakeholders.
Mission And Stakeholders
The indicator for this objective is whether or not the faculty met and accomplished this task.
Mission, Stakeholders
A re-written mission statement (100% completion).
Mission, Stakeholders
The faculty of the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences met and re-wrote the department mission statement and re-assessed and determined its stakeholders, both primary and secondary; thus, this objective was met.
Mission, Stakeholders
Now that this process is complete, the faculty will begin writing a five-year plan.
Program Offerings
To offer programs in keeping with the mission and resources of the department.
Program Assessment And Improvement
To assess all of the programs in the department and construct plans for program improvement.
Program Assessments
Each program director/leader shall conduct an assessment of the program or programs for which that director/leader has assumed leadership. These assessments shall lead to directions for improvement which shall then be implemented.
Program Assessment
This criterion is met when programs have been assessed for the 2006-2007 AY during the 2007-2008 AY. Accredited programs will use accreditation standards; all assessments will be reported in the OATdb.
Program Offerings
Each program director/leader conducted an assessment of each program under that director/leader's responsibility. Thus, this criterion was met.
Program Assessments
Implement suggestions for improvement from the assessment.
Program In Hospitality Administration
To broaden the current Food Service Management Program to include the entire hospitality industry without eliminating the current focus on food service.
Program In Hospitality Administration
To broaden the focus and change the name of the current program in Food Service Management to Hospitality Administration.
Hospitality Administration Program
Whether or not progress has been made toward broadening the current Food Service Management program into a program in Hospitality Administration.
Program in Hospitality Administration
Curriculum proposal for course name changes and descriptions submitted.
Program in Hospitality Administration
Progress was made toward broadening the focus of the Food Service Management to Hospitality Administration. Course names and descriptions were approved by the curriculum committee. Thus, this objective was met.
Program in Hospitality Administration
Continue with two part-time faculty at the current time; focus on the addition of two more courses to round out the offerings required for the change in focus and name.