OATdb Archive

2006 - 2007

Educator Preparation Services

Quality Educator Preparation Services
Provide services to students pursuing initial teacher certfication.

Practice Examination
Facilitate student preparation and administer practice examination that help prepare students for state certification exams.

Candidate Satisfaction With Service Area Of Practice Examination Administration
Candidate satisfaction expressed as mean score using a 5 point scale from survey of student teachers.

Candidate satisfaction with practice examinations
Target of a mean score of 4.0 as expressed in survey of 2006-2007 cohort of student teachers.

Practice Test Evaluation results
Satisfaction with service in Practice Test facilitation rated at a mean score of 3.51 on a five point Likert scale.

Modify to improve practice exam facilitation
Discuss practice test -related data, determine strategies and implement plan for improvement in 2007-08. Improve procedures for administration of practice examinations.

Provide initial academic advisement as students prepare to and enter the educator preparation program.

Candidate Satisfaction With Service Area Of Advisement
Candidate satisfaction expressed as mean score using a 5 point scale from survey of student teachers

Candidate satisfaction with Advisement
Target of a mean score of 4.0 as expressed in survey of 2006-2007 cohort of student teachers.

Advisement Evaluation Results
Satisfaction with service in advisement rated at a mean score of 3.51 on a five point Likert scale.

Modify to improve advisement service
Discuss advisement-related data, determine strategies and implement plan for improvement in 2007-08. Increase connection and communication with other educator preparation service areas to share information and improve service to students.

Educator Preparation Program
Facilitate student's application and admittance in the educator preparation program.

Candidate Satisfaction With Service Area Of Educator Preparation Program Admission
Candidate satisfaction expressed as mean score using a 5 point scale from survey of student teachers.

Candidate satisfaction with Educator Preparation Program Admission
Target of a mean score of 4.0 as expressed in survey of 2006-2007 cohort of student teachers.

Educator Prep Program Admission Evaluation results
Satisfaction with service in Educator Preparation Program Admission rated at a mean score of 3.77 on a five point Likert scale.

Modify to improve program admission service
Discuss program admission-related data, determine strategies and implement plan for improvement in 2007-08. To improve communication, develop on-line orientation to program application and make available on website. Improve assessment and communication of student status in the Educator Preparation Program.

Field Experiences
Facilitate sequential field experiences (Levels I, II, and III) for teacher candidates in public school settings

Candidate Satisfaction With Service Area Of Field Experiences
Candidate satisfaction expressed as mean score using a 5 point scale from survey of student teachers.

Candidate satisfaction with field experiences
Target of a mean score of 4.0 as expressed in survey of 2006-2007 cohort of student teachers.

Field Experience Evaluation Results
Satisfaction with service in Field Experiences rated at a mean score of 3.69 on a five point Likert scale.

Modify to improve field experience facilitation
Discuss field experience-related data, determine strategies and implement plan for improvement in 2007-08. Develop features and navigation of new website to facilitate communication with students and faculty. Determine, implement, and effectively communicate new procedures for field experience.

TExES Examination
Support teacher candidates by providing resources, practice examinations, and recommendation for required state educator certification examinations.

Candidate Satisfaction With Service Area Of Practice Examination Administration
Candidate satisfaction expressed as mean score using a 5 point scale from survey of student teachers.

Candidate satisfaction with practice examinations
Target of a mean score of 4.0 as expressed in survey of 2006-2007 cohort of student teachers.

Practice Test Evaluation results
Satisfaction with service in Practice Test facilitation rated at a mean score of 3.51 on a five point Likert scale.

Candidate Satisfaction With Service Areas Of TExES Facilitation
Candidate satisfaction expressed as mean score using a 5 point scale from survey of student teachers.

Candidate satifaction with TExES facilitation
Target of a mean score of 4.0 as expressed in survey of 2006-2007 cohort of student teachers.

TExES Faciliation Evaluation results
Satisfaction with service in TExES facilitation rated at a mean score of 3.38 on a five point Likert scale.

Modify to improve TExES facilitation
Discuss TExES-related data, determine strategies and implement plan for improvement in 2007-08. Incorporate TExES approval service into new Educator Preparation Services area.

Teacher Certification
Monitor and facilitate candidates completion of program requirements and resultant recommendation for certififcation to the State Board for Educator Certification.

Candidate Satisfaction With Service Area Of Certification Facilitation
Candidate satisfaction expressed as mean score using a 5 point scale from survey of student teachers.

Candidate satisfaction with certification facilitation
Target of a mean score of 4.0 as expressed in survey of 2006-2007 cohort of student teachers.

Certification Evaluation results
Satisfaction with service in Certification rated at a mean score of 3.09 on a five point Likert scale.

Modify to improve certification facilitation
Discuss certification-related data, determine strategies and implement plan for improvement in 2007-08. Incorporate certification recommendation service into new Educator Preparation Services area.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement