OATdb Archive

2006 - 2007

Counseling MED (School Counselor)

Mission Statement
Create a mission statement unique to the school counseling program.

Mission Statement
Create a mission statement unique to the school counseling program and post it in a public area in the Counselor Education Center and on school counseling course syllabi.

Mission Statement
Mission statement developed by the Counseling Program faculty will be posted in a public area of the Counselor Education Center and on course syllabi of school counseling courses.

Mission Statement
Mission Statement can be viewed in the Counselor Educaiton Center and on course syllabi of school counseling courses

Mission Statement
The mission statement for the School Counseling program can be seen in a public area of the Counselor Education Center and on school counseling course syllabi (CNE 533 and CNE 636).

Mission Statement
Mission Statement for the School Counseling program has been posted in a public area of the Counselor Education Center and on couser syllabi for school counseling courses (CNE 533 and CNE 635).

University And School District Partnerships
Create partnerships with local school districts for the mutual benefit of pre-service training and professional development.

School District Partnerships
Create school partnerships for school counseling program.

School District Partnerships
An agreement signed by the school district and the counseling program at the university.

School District Partnerships
The school district agrees to support the university''''s counseling program in the transformation of the program, and the faculty in the program agree to provide staff development to the school district''s school counselors.

School District Partnerships
The school district has supported the transformation of the school counseling program by attending a focus group, participating in the annual Advisory Board Meeting, and providing feedback when asked. The university has provided staff development and support for the school counselors in the district.

School District Partnership
The agreement between the school district and the university counseling program was signed. The school district provided input to the transformation of the school counseling program. The university school counseling program provided support and staff development to the school district.

Develop A Quality School Counseling Program
100% of the students will pass the state examination for school counselor (TExES).

Maintain The Pass Rate For School Counselor Certification Examination
100% of the students will pass the TExES state examination for school counselors.

TExES Scores
Maintain 100% pass rate on the TExES state examination for school counselor.

TExES Examination Content
Course content will be aligned with TExES competencies and CACREP standards in order to maintain 100% pass rate.

Pass Rate for Certificaton Exams
Pass rate for TExES school counselor examination was 100%.

Pass Rate for Certification Exam
Continue to monitor course content to prepare students for the TExES examination.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement