2006 - 2007
Library Science MLS
To prepare competent professional personnel for public schools.
Students will achieve a 90% pass rate on TExES test.
Results of the student scores will show the pass rate for each testing period.
Students taking the test must have a 90% pass rate to indicate successful mastery of the field.
For the tests during this academic year, we had a 95% pass rate for all students taking the TExES School Librarian test.
Work with students to try to obtain a 100% pass rate.
To align all syllabi to meet NCATE's standards.
To review each syllabi to meet standards set forth in the new NCATE standards.
Syllabi are approved by the NCATE spa as meeting acceptable standards.
Most syllabi met the requirements set forth by NCATE; however a few needed to be reworded to meet outcome based objectives required by NCATE.
Continuous review and updating of syllabi to reflect changes necessary for NCATE accreditation.
To Prepare students for completing the final presentation for the MLS.
To achieve either acceptable or target on the final assessment portfolio for all students
The student must meet acceptable or target evaluations of their final assessment portfolio.
All students will obtain acceptable or target on the final assessment portfolio.
All students, except one, presenting their final assessment portfolio had either acceptable or target.
An assessment and rubric were added to the portfolio guidelines to make clearer to students what was expected.