OATdb Archive

2006 - 2007

Psychology BS

Provide High Quality, Challenging Academic Experience
Faculty will provide a high quality, challenging academic experience for students in the BS program in Psychology

Provide high quality, challenging academic experience
Students who complete the BS program in Psychology will have an academic experience that is challenging and of high quality.

Academic challenge and experience assessed.
Department administers an exit survey to graduating seniors that employs a 1-5 system of assessing student perception related to their academic experience and a 1-4 system to assess their involvement in the academic experience.

Acceptable level of academic experience
75% of graduating senior should rate their psychology classes as 4 or higher in academic challenge. 75% of graduating seniors should rate the quality of their experience as a psychology major as a 4 or higher.

Quality of academic experience
75% of Spring, 2007, graduating psychology majors rated the level of academic challenge of this psychology program with a 4 or higher. 81% rated their experience as a psychology major with a 4 or higher.

Providing a challenging academic experience
According to data gathered from student surveys, no action is deemed necessary at this time.

Understand Core Concepts in Psychology
The BS program in Psychology provides students with a broad base of basic knowledge in the various fields of psychology.

Students demonstrate broad knowledge base
Students who complete the BS program in Psychology will demonstrate knowledge of core concepts in the various subdisciplines of Psychology.

Broad base knowledge assessed
Course grades in four core courses, as well as grades in the three course blocks will be assessed.

Acceptable level of broad based knowledge in psychology
75% of graduating seniors will receive a grade of C or better in their core courses and in their required block course.

Level of broad based knowledge
Spring, 2007, graduating seniors in psychology: 96% made C's or better in their core courses, 92% made C's or better in their experimental block courses, 98% made C's or better in their Personality/Social/Developmental blocks courses, and 97% made C's or better in their Clinical/Adjustment block courses.

understanding core concepts
No action is deemed necessary at this time.

Generate Scientific Knowledge of Psychology
The BS program in Psychology provides students with the ability to understand and interpret scientific knowledge.

Students generate scientific knowledge
Students who complete the BS program in Psychology will demonstrate knowledge of the scientific tools necessary for conducting and interpreting research.

Ability to generate scientific knowledge assessed
The ability of students to conduct and understand research is assessed by means of the research rubric developed in the department which serves as a final lab exam for Psychology 317--Statistics lab. This instrument asses student ability to choose research designs, compute statistic and interpret outcomes. Objectives 1 and 2 are the relevant items for this assessment.

Aceptable level of ability to generate scientific knowledge
80% of psychology majors will receive a score that is at least acceptable (25 or higher) according to the departmental rubric, which was developed by a faculty committee.

Generating scientific knowledge
Embedded assessment of the sample of the lab final in statistics according to the departmental rubric indicated that 100% of the sample reached at least acceptable levels of the ability to generate scientific knowledge.

Generating scientific knowledge
Based on analysis of the final exam in Psy. 317, no changes are deemed necessary at this time.

Apply and Communicate Scientific Knowledge
The BS program in Psychology prodvides students with the ability to apply and communicate the scientific knowledge of their discipline.

Students apply and communicate scientific knowledge
Students who complete the BS program in Psychology will be able to apply the results of scientific investigations and communicate their implications.

Assessment Of Ability To Apply And Communicate Scientific Knowledge
The ability of students to apply and communicate research is assessed by means of an instrument which is a portion of the final exam for Psychology 317--Statistics lab. Objective 3 and 4 are the relevant items for this assessment.

Acceptable level of ability to apply and communicate scientific knowledge.
80% of psychology majors will receive a score that is at least acceptable (27 or above), according to a departmental rubric.

Applying and communicating scientific knowledge
Based on the embedded assessment of the Psy. 317 lab final according to the departmental rubric, 95% of the sample attained at least adequate mastery of the ability to apply and communicate scientific knowledge.

Applying and communicating scientific knowledge
Based on data collected from the sample of final exams in Psy. 317, no action is deemed necessary at this time.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement